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Ergo Proxy

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Postby Esoteric » Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:24 pm

Radical Dreamer (post: 1297036) wrote:[Spoiler]Hmmm...yeah, that makes a lot of sense! I wondered at a few points if Re-L was a proxy as well, or if she was something similar, but I'll need to watch it again to catch it, I think. XD Another point I was confused on: I couldn't quite figure out Raul's motives. Destruction, obviously, but what for? Was that simply his version of "awakening?" Yet another reason to re-watch it! XD[/Spoiler]

[spoiler]Destruction? Hmmm, I didn't get the impression Raul necessarily wanted destruction. Yes, he launched the Rapture, but that was in a bid to destroy Vincent, whom he knew was going to Mosk. It was revenge--he hoped it would hit while Vincent was there, but it didn't. But in a grander scheme it was also an act of rebellion. Proxies were 'gods' whom humans were dependent upon. Raul wanted to be free of dependance on 'god', no matter the cost. That's why he authorized Daedalus to experiment with human engineering and desperately sought to kill Vincent--Romdo's god. But of course, it all backfired. Daedalus fanatically worshipped a proxy and Raul fanatically hated one. Both were driven insane by their respective obsessions. The destruction of Romdo set in motion by the 'Awakening' was unstoppable by human effort. Again, that's my take.[/spoiler]

I didn't make the Ophelia connection right away either since it had been ages since I'd read Hamlet. However, I did realize it later on while watching Hamlet on TV. But I've never seen that illustration before though...that's kinda creepy.
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Postby FukuokaGirl » Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:15 pm

haha It IS great!

P.S. Corrie: haha guess who told Jamieface about that art reference!


*raises hand*

Ergo Proxy makes more and more sense the more you watch it. XD
I was reading some reviews and other's ideas about the ending after my THIRD viewing of it. And this blog sums it up very nicely.

*don't read this guy's blog unless you want uber spoilage* Okay? ^^
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:29 pm

Oh my gosh Jenn, that blog cleared up SO MANY THINGS. XD I really want to go back and watch it a second/third time now to see all of this myself. XD But it REALLY makes episode 15 not only stand out as very important, but it also makes so much more sense! And so much of this series, according to this guy, is's really fascinating and complex! I can't wait to start it again. XD
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Postby FukuokaGirl » Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:38 pm

haha I know!

I had just finished watching it (like within minutes of the ending), and I found this blog... and I just had one of those "AHHH!" moments. haha

I haven't gotten around to watching it for the fourth time yet... though as Otakon draws nearer, I shall. But now it's sort of like a scavenger hunt to find all those hidden clues.
It just goes to show how brilliantly layered and complex this anime is... and the philosophies behind it!
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:16 pm

Does the blog cover the whole series or just the last half or so? (I can't find any entries for episodes before episode 10).

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