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Lack of sleep, midterms, final projects, essays, and stress.

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Lack of sleep, midterms, final projects, essays, and stress.

Postby sonichiro » Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:26 pm

At the moment, I'm exhausted -- and I know it's only going to get worse. Already this week I've pulled three all-nighters in a row to finish an assignment; and next week is going to be even more hectic. I'm a Theatre major at York University in Canada. I'm actually still amazed that I'm even here. Not only am I the first person in my family to go to university, but I am one of the few 130 who were accepted out of 3000 who auditioned for arguabley the best Theatre program in the country (aside from the National Theatre School of Canada). So I feel incredibly blessed to have made it this far -- God has done so much for me this year, it's indescribable how blessed I am. However, my work load is a little heavy and I'm being stretched to my limit. After a week of virtually no sleep, I have my Origins of Theatre midterm on wednesday afternoon immediately following my final Acting performance worth around fifteen per cent of my final grade. Futhermore, my performance group is counting on me to create African masks in like..two days. So on top of studying, rehearsing/memorizing, and working on five african masks, I also have to pull an eight page philosophy paper out of thin air by either tuesday or thursday (i still don't know which). Furthermore, my program expects all first year theatre students to work on productions outside of class time and my production managers have me scheduled to work two four hour shifts on Wednesday and Thursday. I can't call my parents and talk to them about all of this because my dad is in the far north and my mom is going out west, and I can't talk to my sister and ask for prayer because she flew out to Jamaica this morning. Also, I'm almost completely out of groceries and have little to no money left on my meal plan. Honestly, I'm just at the end of my rope here. I'm already running on like zero hours of sleep and I know that I won't be sleeping in the next few days. Please pray for God to make a way for me this week -- that I wouldn't just be able to finish all the work that needs to be done but that my work would be done well. Being able to stand up for the effort I've put into something is more important to me than simply having something ready and handed in on time. Anyways, please pray for me this week.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:55 am

I'll be praying. I know how you feel. My first sememster I took 17 credit hours and felt like my head was going to explode. Not to mention I was homesick. I'd like to tell you the work load gets lighter as it goes, but I'd be lying to you if I did. It is true, however, that there are points throughout the semester where its not as busy/hard as others. Just hang in there. Do your work well and keep praying. God will pull you through it.

But, have a vertual hug and know that I sympathize! :) :hug:
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Postby sonichiro » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:38 pm

Thanks for the prayers and support, Fanatasy Dreamer.
Praise Report:
GOD IS AMAZING! So I was finally able to finish my final assignment and hand it in (the one that I stayed up three nights in a row to work on). I just recently got my mark back; I got 90%! There were only two other students in the entire program who aslo got a mark in the ninety's! Also, I was able to finish making the African masks for my ensemble group and our performance was awesome -- it was such a relief. AND I wrote my Origins of Theatre exam, and God totally brought to mind everything I needed to remember! I found it to be really straight foward and simple, I wasn't stressed or pressed for time at all. Also, my philosophy paper turned out to be significantly shorter than I had originally anticipated, and when I handed it in, I got my midterm back. I got 97%!!! Also, remember how I was complaining that I had too many crew hours? Well, I went to my first shift, and my production manager sent me home because of a scheduling mistake! God completely worked EVERYTHING out for me. And now, I'm back at home with my family for two weeks because it's exam period...and I've written all of my exams already! Just goes to show you how God totally comes through for even the smallest things in life.
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