I found (for me) the best way to handle people of the oposite sex is to treat them like any other person. Im not sure how to describe it, but just go on with life and dont give it much thought. After all, you dont want to be looking for them, then you may think you have found them when you havent. God will just pop them into your life, often times unexpectedly.
Besides, your One should, idealy, be your best friend, some one you can be your complete self with, share anything with, who love you Bcause of all those weird things you do (not inspite of them).
I think conciousely persuing either the path (avoidance or clinging) is the wrong one. But when you dont worry about it (I dont mean not care) and just go about your life, then God really does lead you the right way.
Note: Girls are Evil
Note: Guys are Jerks
Im sure you will get it.
Oh, I wanted to know about KD because my wife always raves how it is the best Rollacoaster ThemePark in the world. (Well, atleast her fave).
Hey, I wanted to ask you, who is your Avitar? Is that an orriganal work?