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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:19 pm

How well do you know the ladies at your church?

If you don't know them too well, perhaps you can engage yourself in activities that they also do, so that you may get to know them. If you make a number of friends, then who knows! Maybe one of them will be a special person. =)
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Postby xblack_x_rosesx » Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:55 pm

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1274460) wrote:How well do you know the ladies at your church?

If you don't know them too well, perhaps you can engage yourself in activities that they also do, so that you may get to know them. If you make a number of friends, then who knows! Maybe one of them will be a special person. =)

That's what I was getting at, but I really suck with words I get?
Regardless, I second this. =]

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Postby Prince Asbel » Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:01 pm

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1274460) wrote:How well do you know the ladies at your church?

If you don't know them too well, perhaps you can engage yourself in activities that they also do, so that you may get to know them. If you make a number of friends, then who knows! Maybe one of them will be a special person. =)

Only a little less than casually. It's difficult to get to know them very personally since I live so far away from all of them. Don't get me wrong, there are two girls at my church that, while they don't have supermodel figures, are so attractive I think they are special. Hmmm... Maybe it isn't the theological differences so much. Maybe it's because of- Oh, I can't mention that.

Hm. That's something to think about. Oh, and I am, in fact, involved in two activities at church. One of which I participated in just this morning at church.
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Postby Gabriel 9.0 » Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:13 pm

I understand how you feel man, I myself never had a Girlfriend . However I feel God keep telling me that I will find the right woman and get married to her one day and spend the rest of my life with her and I feel and believe it will happen.

The Lord will send you the right lady too, man. Hang in there and remember anything is possible with the Lord, even marrying the right person:thumbsup:
Some of my favorite scriptures.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Hebrews 4-4
1Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
2For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
3For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
4For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

James 4
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
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Postby Prince Asbel » Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:21 am

Thanks! I appreciate it. I wish I could know who it was right away though. That would be awesome, to know who it was you were going to marry in the future, but nobody else would know.
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Postby ADXC » Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:40 pm

But I dunno if that would be a good thing. Say you end up marrying the one you hate because of false assumptions about the person. Once you figured out that she was the one you were to marry you might be completely turned off and never even date her.

Id like to know that too, but Id prefer to let God surprise me.
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Postby ich1990 » Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:31 pm

In response to the OP:

“Short of Daybreak” by Underoath

Another year has gone by
Time just took it away
Friends have changed
Clear skies watched over us
But we've had our share of rain
Romance still sits untouched
By the water she waits patiently
Hoping I'll take her home someday
To think I lost her
That my dreams were her only place
But for her I've learned to wait
A smile remains on my face knowing
God hold her at night
Letting her know I'm on my way
So I'll hold my head high
For love may be a day
I can't say
But tomorrow awaits
Bringing me closer to you

You have my prayers.
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Postby Prince Asbel » Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:32 pm

ADXC (post: 1275122) wrote:But I dunno if that would be a good thing. Say you end up marrying the one you hate because of false assumptions about the person. Once you figured out that she was the one you were to marry you might be completely turned off and never even date her.

Id like to know that too, but Id prefer to let God surprise me.

Well... I didn't think about that.

But, as a guy who regularly tells people what kind of presents he wants, I'd rather I lose the surprise element as long as I could know for sure who it was.
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Postby ADXC » Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:50 pm

I guess, but it's posssible that you wouldn't even know the girl though anyway. And you may even just meet her in a way you wouldn't expect.
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Postby Prince Asbel » Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:42 am

[quote="ich1990 (post: 1275131)"]In response to the OP:

“Short of Daybreakâ€
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Postby Prince Asbel » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:03 pm

[I apologize in advance for double posting.]

I think I got an answer from God about my prayer request. I know Kunoichi told me about God wanting me to go through certain experiences before I get a girlfriend or wife. I dwelt on that thought quite a bit this morning, and it made me feel better. I know when I was like almost seventeen when I finally realized what the facts of life were. I was- And you girls may or may not understand it, but because of physical reasons, I was wishing so hard that I was married. (Yes, it is painful for guys to go without sex. Believe it or not, it's true.)

And yet, looking back on just the past year of my life, I saw how much I've grown. Not physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have a very full grasp of what it means to enter into a marriage relationship and how to live up to its potential. I didn't have that before. I knew I wasn't ready when I was seventeen, but even now I'm not ready. While I might daydream 24/7 that I could marry right now, I remember the dribblings I've written about how happy I want to make my future wife. I'm feeling more content with waiting and gaining that extra experience first, because I'm going to make sure my marriage is a happy one.

Thanks Kunoichi and everybody! I'm starting to feel even better now. ;)
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Postby Roz » Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:50 pm

You've got it. :)

Keep it up!
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Postby ADXC » Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:53 pm

Good for you! That's great that God revealed this to you and it does make sense. God wants you to be perfectly ready before you meet that girl(Hopefully He is readying her as well.), and then once you guys do meet you both will be mature christians and then after some dating for a while(I can't say how long dating goes on before marriage. I think it varies.) you both will already be ready for marriage and won't have to find these experiences(Experiences that makes you ready for marriage.) within the marriage. He's bettering you each and every day whether you realize it or not, and wants you to be happy and ready to do His will. Im not saying the first girl you go out with will be the one because more than likely it doesn't happen that often(But it actually did happen to my friend's brother. The first girl he went out with was the one. So Im not saying it's impossible.). Just think of that girl(The one that you may go out with, but not really spark a true relationship. And Im saying if that does happen to you.) as a stepping stone in God bettering you.

The keys are time, submission to God, and maturity. Well there are probably more keys, I was just giving the general ones.

Age is not really a factor in deciding when you are ready to date, but maturity is. You could be 30 years old, be immature and not be ready.

Well I actually was just restating what we've said here, so Im sorry for not really adding anything new.
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