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Weirdest/scariest dreams?

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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:16 pm

I still continue to have dreams at "The Haunted Mansion", but part of it is no my niece's and nephew's old house they were renting a while back o.o For the last two or so dreams there. I've been really afraid to use the bathroom on the first florr.. For some resaon O__O

Then again, that's kinda a good thing.. right XDD?

I still get that creepy ominous feeling when there ~(O_O)~
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:51 am

I just had a pretty cool dream.. It was only a couple seconds though lol. There were these Dragon Warriors, and they were all fleeing, not wanting to take on the evil. I remember three of them. One was really weak, he had to be trained. He had the potential of being the best of all of them though. He looked like a scrawny farm boy. The second was really big and muscley. I never saw his weapon though. I think it was a sword. And the third was so cool! He was Italian, and he had a freaking awesome chain mace! The handle was red, the chain was pretty short, and the spike ball was silver with black tips, and pretty big. In the dream, it looked really cool XD
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:18 pm

Boy... I can't believe i haven't posted the time rooms yet... Ah well! I'll do the first one i had first. The time rooms are a series of nightmare i had that share the same idea. Me and my friends are inside of a room where something terrible is going to happen after the time runs out and only i know it. I tell my friends but they never leave and i barely make it out while they get doomed. There are three: The camera room, The game/gravity room, The haunted castle. I'm going to post the camera room first: I was standing inside of a red building where every five minutes you would hear a click and everything inside would get frozen in time and turn black and white like an old photo. I knew that and i knew my friends were in there somewhere. I found them after 2 minutes 30 seconds and started dragging them out but they wouldn't come with me. I tried hard for a while but finally i didn't have any more time so i just ran out the door and CLICK, they're frozen forever. That's my first time room. More later.
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Postby Aletheia » Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:16 am

Well, I almost never remember my dreams, unless they're really scary or weird, and I've had less than five actual nightmares in my whole life, at least that I can remember. The funny thing is, I had one of those nightmares yesterday afternoon when I was taking a nap, and another really weird dream last night that, even though it wasn't scary, still disturbed me, because it felt so real, and it kept feeling real for a while after I woke up.

Yesterday, I was napping in my room, and I had woken up and the room was kinda hot, but I went back to sleep anyway. I dreamed that I was about to give some sort of congratulations speech for Obama and McCain (yes, both of them). I was in another room, waiting to give the speech, and practicing a little bit, although I didn't know what I was actually going to say - someone else had written the speech for me, and I would get the notes when I went up. So anyway, I was standing in this room, waiting, and there were a few other people sitting, but I didn't know any of them, and suddenly I heard gunshots. They weren't loud - they were more like a fast series of popping noises. I knew the shooter was probably going to come here, looking for me, so I closed the door and tried to huddle in a corner of the room, but there was nothing good to hide behind. I waited, and heard a few more gunshots, then suddenly I was being shot at. One of the shots hit right above my head, and I was thinking, "This is my time to die. I'm sorry, God, for everything I've ever done wrong. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." And then I woke up, and the room was insanely hot, but I wasn't sweating. I was all dehydrated, and the back of my neck felt really hot. I just lay there, panting and not moving for a while, and then when I finally moved, it felt as if my arms were actually peeling away from each other. It really freaked me out. I was thirsty, so I went downstairs to get a drink, and when I came back up, the temperature in my room felt normal. It was so weird.

Then the dream I had last night was a really good dream, at least while I was in it. It started out like my other dreams, weird as usual. I don't remember as much about it, except that I was driving, or maybe walking, down a dirt road at first, and I pulled over to the side to do something, and Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist was watching me. As soon as I got there, he started leaving. After I finished whatever I was doing, I walked down the dirt road toward my house, which has a strange way of completely changing in structure and location in my dreams, but anyway. My two friends who live in Kansas were there, and my one friend had her license and was driving, even though she only has her permit in real life. I talked to them for a while. There were a bunch of kittens around their car, and I was trying to buy one from her. And then I don't remember how, but then I was inside, and we were getting ready to have our family Christmas tradition, which somehow involved sitting by a lake shore while in our garage - the lake went right up to the edge of the garage, and pouring oatmeal into a giant mold of a hand and arm, then taking the mold off. It was just me and my dad, and then he left, and I was rearranging chairs while waiting for everyone to come back. I was extremely happy, and this whole tradition felt extremely natural. It was like, we hadn't done this tradition in a long time, but we had done it a lot when I was little. And then my alarm went off, and I had a very hard time pulling myself back to reality, and realizing that there was no such tradition. I ended up staying home from school, mostly cuz I was so disturbed by the dream.

And now, part of me is wondering what I'm going to dream about tonight. >_>
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Postby ashfire » Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:24 pm

Ever have a dream where you jump off something and just float down to the ground instead of a hard landing?
I had one one night. I jump off a loading dock and just float down. I think I was chasing someone.
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:30 pm

The scariest dream I have ever had is blocked out of my memory. I kid you not.

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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:54 pm

I had a really realistic dream once. I was brushing my teeth.. And when I went to spit, I actually spit in real life. I woke up pretty grossed out, with a very wet sleeve/arm. XP
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Postby animeantics » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:03 pm

I dreamed I met Miyavi, and he was treating me like his sister. :D
It was a cool dream, although I'm not that familer with Meevers. I've only heard 2 songs...
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Postby bakura_fan » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:22 pm

I just woke up from a nap and I had a really weird dream. The scary part of the dream was when I was riding in a car with two other people. I was in the front passenger seat and the driver was trying to turn around, but he overcompensated and turned off the road into a shallow resevoir (we were on a dam or something for the military). And when he went in their his partner told him to floor it before the current could carry us over, we almost made it but we ended up going over anyway. We went down into the lower reserve and then over completely, like at the bottom were some rocks. I was crying and praying to God to spare my life and protect us (I end up doing that alot in my dreams.) We hit the rocks, but miraculously our car and ourselves were unharmed. Creepy looking at rocks right outside your windshield when you're petty much upside down. Then some how the water flipped us right side up and carried the car to shore. We all just kinda sat there, really shook up. We almost didn't hear the radio transmission alerting the base to whatever was going on. A little bit later we drove off, back to where we were supposed to go.

I don't know why, but I never (that I can recall) wake up when disaster is comming for me. The closest I came to that was when I was little, and a bear caught me, my dream like paused. I was like...ok...I'm gonna wake up now.

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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:59 pm

Well, I had this one rather scary dream two days ago:

I was at a countryside garden party and I was casually sitting under a large oak tree, reading a book or drawing.
I felt bothered for some odd reason and got up from under the tree.
Low and behold, when I walked away and looked towards the tree, there was a gigantic, flaming red snake dangling from the branches, with a long black line down its back. Its mouth was WIDE open, fangs drawn, facing the spot I previously sat in.

I started hyperventilating at this sight. Apparently, I was dreaming that I had a dream of this, so I woke up in this dream, hyperventilating and shrieking, only to wake up in real life, rather dizzy (I think I stopped breathing).

Hope that made sense xD.

I also had a dream last night about a group of people and I taking a tour in an abandoned yet beautiful mansion somewhere in the Midwest (abandoned because of strange occurrences). In the parking area (just a grassy spot), some rusty cars had dead bodies or skeletons in them.

Inside, we explored all sorts of rooms and floors. While doing so, I glimpsed a huge tornado outside. I tried to tell everyone that it was coming, but no one seemed interested. In the end we ducked on the spiral staircase next to the stainglass windows (go figure).

Before the exciting part, my roommate woke me up because we had to get ready for church, hehe.
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Postby Garjzla » Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:02 pm

i had a lucid dream (a dream when i knew i was dreaming)

and in the dream i was on a coast by the sea oviously...and then i was just walking around and as i was doing telekenisis, 5 people come up to me and start bothering me. (they were talking with me and stuff) then i get really mad and tell them to go away and that they dont exist and such. They just look at me stupidly and say "we know that this is a dream, but you need to save the world with us" Then we flew away and it changed from night to day in the dream as we were flying, then i fought against the villan and before i could finish him i woke up.....
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Postby MangArtist » Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:58 am

I have a lot of weird dreams... O_o

Two nights ago I had a dream that there was some kind of explosion in my front yard and a peace of an orange hit me in the head and knocked me out. XD Then I woke up in my bed and was getting ready for the morning when I noticed my hair was really long.(my hair is only an inch long, atm) So I was kinda weirded out by that. Then I walked down stairs and my little sister having a birthday.(which already passed) So then I found out I had been knocked out for 8 months. O_o So through the remainder of my dream I was all depressed 'cause I missed Christmas and my brother told me I had to wait for the next Christmas to give me my presents from the year before. O_o
So I woke out and felt my hair to see how long it was. XD

I also had a dream that my little brother and sister and I were walking in this palace sort of place that had a toilet in the middle of the room with pillars around it. We walked up to it just to look at it. Then it flushed and sucked my little sister up. O_o And I was like, "NOOOOOOO!" XD

I also have weird and annoying dreams where I have a really hard time openning my eyes, dreams where I'm driving around in cars,(I probably get those dreams 'cause people keep telling me to get my licences) and dreams where my teeth get loose or knocked out. O_o

The scary dreams that I get are usually weird. o_o
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:24 pm

Every once in a while, I get "screaming dreams." In these dreams, I'm just belting out a big, loud, primal, top-of-my-lungs scream. Not out of fear or even rage, just out of . . . I don't know . . . an irrepressible urge to scream. I do this a few times, then I wake up feeling great. I've learned not to ask anyone else if they get "screaming dreams," because they just give me wierd looks.

And no, I don't think I'm actually screaming in my sleep. If I was, I'd wake up with a very sore throat.
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:05 pm

I had an incredibly scary dream last night 0_0 I was just walking through my house and heard something invisible whispering almost inside my ear. For some reason or other i knew it was a demon and that it wanted to kill me so i woke myself up but i couldn't move for like 15 seconds afterwards e_e

Luckily my next dream was so hilarious i almost forgot about the bad one! I was looking at a huge assembly of just about every lord of the rings character (Besides Sauron) there were and suddenly they all stopped what they were doing and sang the Spongebob theme song over and over XD
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Postby ashfire » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:25 pm

I had a dream before I was to get up this morning where I was confronted by a woman who kept kissing me. I could taste the lipstick she was wearing. I then woke up.
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Postby KumaruRockz » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:57 pm

My worst dreams are dreams where I'm spinning. Idk on what, I just know I'm spinning. And I can't stop... Seriously, I'll try to stop in the dream and I just can't. It's torture. I'm not kidding it is the most horrible feeling in the world. The helplessness :/
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Postby F.M Disciple » Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:36 am

The scareist dream I had so far. Was the dream where there's a pile of dirty clothes in my garage. and the pile becomes a women, she starts walking toward me and is trying to murder me. She succeeds and i wake up. :wow!:
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Postby bakura_fan » Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:04 pm

oh...I dreamed I was chasing a cricket/beetle thing and it flew in my ear...I could feel it in there as I woke up...I didn't want to move cause it creeped me out so much. *shudders*

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Postby Robin Firedrake » Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:02 am

time for time room number TWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Here's a quick recap: The time rooms are a series of nightmares i had that share the same idea. Me and my friends are inside of a room where something terrible is going to happen after the time runs out and only i know it. I tell my friends but they never leave and i barely make it out while they get doomed. There are three: The camera room, The game/gravity room, The haunted castle.

Here's the game/gravity room now: At first it seems like I'm looking at a video game trailer, it says "Why should a game have to end? The worlds only never ending video game: Flight through the universe" Yeah i know, terrible name. But it fits because what happens is you float through zillions of cities in outer space. Suddenly I'm in a room with my friends and one big pillar in it and I start floating. I tell them they have to get out of this room to survive but they don't do a thing. I grab onto the pillar to try to stop myself from floating but finally a break the the ceiling and i see in big flashing letters: "[font="Arial Black"][color="Red"]GAME OVER[/color][/font]" and i watch as my friend fall to the floor dead... then I wake up.
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Postby KumaruRockz » Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:35 pm

I had the worst dream of my life about a month ago. My parents an I were driving past a park when suddenly this white van drives into the park. The back door of the van bursts open, and a maniacal guy is sitting at the door with a mingun. He starts firing and mass-murdering hundreds of people. We kept driving but suddenly we were on the sidewalk running for our lives with hundreds of other people. The guys in the van drove past the sidewalk firing at everyone there. It was horrible.You see it on video games and the news and stuff and it doesn't seem so bad, but when you experience, It is so bad, I kid you not. I seriously felt worse than I ever had in my life :(

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Postby Lilac#18 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:55 pm

I remember a few years ago, I was dreaming about my cat purring, but when I woke up, my mom was snoring.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:24 pm

It doesn't count as gravedigging, it's not quite old enough. Anyway, I kinda wanted to share this.

I had this really . . . well, this dream last night . . .

Let me clear something up first:
See, there's a young woman I met at work a year or so ago, she's in all aspects amazing (a Christian, too). We've become pretty good friends, but due to work-related circumstances and my own inferiority complex in regards to pretty much any woman, I haven't seen her in a while, and (though I know she thinks somewhat well of me; better than I deserve, I think) I doubt she thinks of me as I really do of her anyway.

So, now for the dream.
She and I were on some sort of trip or something together, and one night the two of us ended up sleeping together. But here's the thing, it was just because there was only one bed in our room. Furthermore, there was no physical contact whatsoever. We were just two friends, perfectly comfortable with sharing a bed out of necessity.
The next morning we got up and went to a worship service at a church, happy to be in each other's company, but not necessarily feeling pressured to make a relationship out of it.

So I guess the message is, even though I'm cetainly blessed to know her, I should accept the fact that she and I will never be anything more than friends.

Even if only because that never happens to me anyway.
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Postby K. Ayato » Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:52 pm

Couple weeks ago I dreamed I was a married woman pregnant with twins. O_o
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:57 pm

Alright, so here I am in a house with a friend and we're SURROUNDED by angry *****ners! We're trying to make it, dying to survive, when the dream shifts and suddenly they're zombies. Buuuut they're still *****ners. Like, stoned *****ners. But zombies.
So my friend and I are trying to make it out alive when we're cornered by one stoned *****ner/zombie girl. Suddenly a female friend of ours comes out of nowhere, cooing in a soft consoling voice to the zombie "Oh, you poor dear! You must be having difficulty breathing." This confuses the zombie...
She walks forward out of the darkness towards the zombie, offering her a hug. "Poor thing. here, I've got just the thing to help you." The zombie is hesitant, but my friend is JUST TOO SWEET! Finally, the zombie lets my friend hug her head. "Aww... there there... shhh... there there..."


And my friend snaps her neck with a twist. "Well, let's bury the body."
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:23 pm

I've had the same dream every year sence I was 5
lol that a niddle is going through my belly button and I explode lol
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Postby ashfire » Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:24 pm

Latest dream I had was looking out the window and see a helicopter trying to land without a rotor tail. It keeps moving until it changes into the the front end of a 747 trying to land in my front yard. Well it lands and I try to go out the door but my legs won't move. Next thing everyone that was in the helicopter is laying in beds in my house and I am talking to them to see if they are OK.
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Postby Dante » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:39 pm

It doesn't count as gravedigging, it's not quite old enough.

:P, I forgot I even posted here. IT'S NEARLY 1 YEAR OLD!

I once dreamt of an epicly gravedug thread. I have really long complex dreams most of the time when I can remember them though.
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:49 pm

Pascal (post: 1340156) wrote::P, I forgot I even posted here. IT'S NEARLY 1 YEAR OLD!

I once dreamt of an epicly gravedug thread. I have really long complex dreams most of the time when I can remember them though.

hm..I've never had a realistic dream, they are usually weird and creepy O_O
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:27 pm

Slater (post: 1271829) wrote:In terms of actual dreams though, the ones I hate the most are where I'm at work and it seems like I can't do anything right. It seems like the harder I try, the more I screw up and everyone gets all mad at me. Grr... I hate those!

Yes... That happens, um, in dreams, uh, all the time to me... in... dreams...


I'm all about dreams. I'm shocked I haven't had a say in this. Of course, my dreams are crazy. Quite a large number of them wouldn't be CAA appropriate, and a good number of them are so non-sensical I can't quite even figure out what happened when I wake up.

Common things to happen in dreams will be that numerous people who are different will be named the same thing; there will be one person with many clones, each with different names; and when I have a pet, there will usually be 2 of them, one large and one small.

I dreamed a while back that I was being hunted by the "joker" who I never saw, which meant there was a drive-by shooting at the house I was in (a house I've never seen, I think) After the drive-by (or maybe before), I looked outside, and there were giant foxes, the size of german shepherds, and they were attacking other things outside, and I was freaked out they were going to kill me. I tried to lock the door, but the door wouldn't even close properly. There was something weird about the bolt, and it wouldn't stay closed.

In another dream, I was on a motorcycle, going really fast on a highway. When I needed to slow down, I tried to use the hand brake, and it didn't work... I ended up yanking on the brake, and it came off and was connected to cables, which didn't actually do anything. I ended up stopping by sliding, and then I realized I needed to get on the freeway to go home, and I was afraid of going because my brakes didn't work, but I needed to get home...

I've had a number of video game dreams where the "game" was real life, but still a game. Like, I'd feel pain and people would "die" but it wasn't entirely permanent... I don't know how else to explain it. I've done this with Metal Gear Solid 4, with super mario 3, with Zelda, but none more often than Silent Hill... I've had more Silent Hill dreams than any other work of fiction.

I often dream of flying. It's always precarious, and always involves running really fast to take off. If the escamoles tastes good, I don't see a problem with it, except that it's dangerous to harvest, and I wouldn't want them to HATCH, if you know what I mean...

And that's another aspect of my dreams... The topic or location or people can change in an instant, and it all makes sense in the dream... Ok, so I actually just forgot which window I was in and meant that last bit as a response to another thread... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Squeakmaster » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:03 pm

Oh snap. DOZENS UPON DOZENS of my dreams fit this description.

For instance - A few weeks or os ago, I had this dream that we (the marching band I'm in) were on a band trip to a football game, and a trumpet player I had had a crush on for like three years in RL just kissed me, out of the blue. Even in the dream, I was thinking, "What the heck just happened? Dear God, what is going on?" only I was acting rather calm...though now I've been convinced for three weeks that it's gonna happen.

A lot of my dreams are extremely realistic, and in quite a few cases actually show what's gonna happen in real life...I remember one from right after graduation that was mostly a blur (which included a flute player dressed as Christopher Columbus XD) except for one part where I was talking to a friend of mine (another trumpet player XD) who had graduated...we talked for a while, and then eventually, I had to I asked him, "Well...I'll see you at Homecoming, right? But then, after that...well, I guess that's it, huh?" To which he responded, "Yeah...guess so." And then suddenly his hand was on my shoulder, only I can't remember him putting it there. And we hugged and said good-bye...and I woke up crying. And now I am again. XD
[color="Lime"]To ten million fireflies,
I'm wierd cause I hate good byes,
I got misty eyes as they said farewell...
Fireflies - Owl City
Everyone complains about how mainstream they are, but...they're still amazing.
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