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Insecurity in friendship

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Insecurity in friendship

Postby Gala » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:05 pm

I guess I'll just start at the beginning:
I have two friends mentioned in this: my best friend from home (we'll call her Sue) and my best friend here on campus (We'll call her Jess)
Now I've been enrolled in the school a while and I'm pretty settled in all my friendships here. They all trust me (as far as I thought up until this time) and we love each other like a big family.

Well now I decided to go out with two friends from off campus (not students) and the car broke down that night when we were getting ready to come back. We were about an hour away from the campus and we didn't know how I would get back. Well, numbskull me forgot my cell phone and so needless to say, people freaked out and thought I was dead or something (very shortened version of story). I had forgotten to tell a few friends I was going out that night too. Well, I stayed the night over at the friend's (they are brother and sister) house. Sue was involved in making the freaking out worse.

Now the actual reason for the request:
My friends decided they don't believe the story and think I was out doing other stuff than what I said.(movie, walmart, staying at the house). Needless to say they are assuming something happened between me and the guy that was in our group for some reason (I don't usually go out with guys nor do I do anything of the sort that they are thinking of). I found out just recently that the girl I call my best friend here (actually both of them) never trusted me in the first place. I'll admit that I had given Sue a reason last year not to trust me and I thought we had that worked out, but Jess never had a reason to doubt me. I had made sure that with all my friends here and with all the ones from home (from that one time on) that I told the truth to the best of my knowledge in every situation and made sure that I gave them no reasons to distrust me. This afternoon, Jess came in and told me that she didn't believe me on my story and that there has to be more to it that I'm not telling her. She then said that she would take me at my word, but that she didn't believe me. I was then talking to Sue on IM and she slipped up and said "I skrew everything up for you... I"m sorry" and when I asked her what she meant by that, she said to just forget she said anything.

Can you guys please pray that whatever is making Jess mistrust me, that it will stop or that I can figure it out and work this whole thing out before I lose a really good friend. This is my first time to have so many good Christian friends and I don't want to lose them on some false thoughts about me.

Also can you pray that I can deal with stress better? I was just recently having pains in my left side and migraines due to stress and they are starting to come back again today. All the doc tells me when I go is to get more sleep, but that's really hard for an insomniac to do when they are overly stressed. It's a cycle that is really hard to stop. I've been praying for help in this and I trust God that He will take care of all of these problems in due time.

Thanks for the prayers guys!
(sorry about the length)
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Postby Kunoichi » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:12 pm


Will be praying!

Also, if possible if you don't want to do a sleeping aid, have you tried a couple "coping methods?" (I'm an insomniac too)

For me, if i'm having a really hard night, I will put myself in a fairy tale. Sounds silly but I make up an adventure in my head and usually it helps me fall asleep. (call it an overactive imagination) lol or sometimes you can focus on tensing your muscles one at a time from toes up, that too can help.

Will be praying
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Postby Prince Asbel » Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:49 am

That's too bad that this had to happen. I'll be praying for you and your friends.
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