Lengai (post: 1263096) wrote:If I may quote John Eldredge, "..Nightmares. I think really horrible nightmares are demonic. I think they come from the enemy. I don't know how they get into our sleep but I do know it to be true, because you shall know them by their fruit. And because if a Christian will pray against it, the nightmares will go away."
I believe that Satan, his demons, are assaulting you with these bad memories and nightmares. He's always seeking a way to kill and steal and destroy us, and what better way than to prey upon this terror of yours? Pray not only for God to release you from this vice - for this is not from God - but I suggest addressing the demons that may be preying upon you verbally. "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, stay away from me and my dreams." You have authority as a believer against the dark forces with Christ living within and through you. I've had needlessly frightening nightmares, the kind that wake you up in the middle of the night with your heart pounding and a great, fearful dread in my heart. Those are not products of our mind and memories alone.
sstohru (post: 1263749) wrote:Thank you for your prayers. This may very well be an attack by Satan, a psychological thing, or both. I don't know, and it happens during the day as well. It takes some will power for me to realize I'm not in that place anymore. It's like living in a nightmare, and I can't wake up.
Counselor helps a little, but I get the most rest going to church. Perhaps this may be more of a spiritual thing after all. I don't know, but I hate fighting these nightmares, and sometimes I can't tell if I'm awake or not. Gotta keep trying.
Kunoichi (post: 1263268) wrote:Not to start a debate..but Prince, nightmares can certaintly be spiritual. I have had dreams of demons attacking me and praying as actually helped me as well. All psychological things have spiritual attachments, I am in psychology so i understand both view points. If you look at a problem without looking at the spiritual part you could miss something.
If you have PTSD, like I do, it is easy to have nightmares, flash backs, panic attacks. and Satan can be a REAL cause to the problem just as the psyche is also an issue.
I do not wish to debate and i'm merely stating my opinion but I do not want very real spiritual matters to be missed either.
but in the same breathe...not ALL dreams can be demonic related or demonically involved. So going after both angles is always good in my opinion ^_^
Lengai (post: 1263272) wrote:Praying WILL ward off nightmares if they are demonically influenced. A person with Christ in their heart has no reason to be driven to this terrible state if they aren't anything more than nightmares. Denying or ruling out demonic activity is dangerous. You'd be surprised what Satan can do. No, he cannot take away your salvation or scare you from heaven. (Which Mr. Eldredge didn't imply anyway..) But he can hurt your relationship and trust in God and he will do whatever if takes to bring us down. If that means trying to drive Christians to contemplating suicide, he'll do it. He hates us, and we know it.
Lengai (post: 1263272) wrote:I recently dealt with a situation that was pulling me to a very dark, very unhealthy place. I just thank God He answered my prayers and pulled me from it. I was becoming someone I didn't know and had no desire to be, someone ruled by anger, jealousy, sadness, and fear. And I'm sure the whole time demons were whispering in my ear, encouraging my despair. Of course not all frightening things come from Satan or demons. That's why the description 'really horrible' is used. These are nightmares that make you wake up screaming, that absolutely terrify you. Not all nightmares come form demons. But some do. And if it doesn't, demons will try to manipulate it for their own aims.
Lengai (post: 1263272) wrote:If you rule out the possibility of demonic activity, in any situation like this, it's horribly, I say again, dangerous. I'm not saying that I'm sure that it is, but nor can you be sure it isn't. I'm not saying not to get outside help or do whatever it takes on a medical or psychological level. But don't try to say that there is not spiritual warfare going on here. I'm not angry, either. Demons and Satan are always seeking to kill, steal, and destroy. To be living in pain, and constantly reminded of it through nightmares and flashbacks, is not a road to healing. And that's exactly what the devil wants.
Praying for you, sstohru.
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