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Back Pain and past Troubles

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Postby Kunoichi » Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:08 pm

as usual pain..and more i need some meds
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:59 pm

My prayers are still with you, sis. Stay strong, stay true. Godspeed. Enya!
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
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Postby Gabriel 9.0 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:50 am

Praying for you my friend:)
Some of my favorite scriptures.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Hebrews 4-4
1Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
2For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
3For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
4For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

James 4
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
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Postby Sheenar » Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:57 am

But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.

--Isaiah 43:1-2

I pray that this Scripture encourages you! I am still praying for you. Love you my friend.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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Postby Kunoichi » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:21 am

Extreme pain, nausea and fatigue......vomited a few times today as well....sigh*
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:21 pm

"I'm so sick" -Flyleaf

Seriously, though, keep trusting in Him who gives you strength, sister.

Oh, Father in Heaven, look down from your glorious throne above, see our sister in pain and sickness. You've made her someone beautifull, someone special, in your own image. Father, do not abandon her in this hour of great pain and suffering. Heel her, Father, relieve the pain that has overtaken her, that she may continue to work your will on this earth in this life. Bring her peace, dearest Jesus, that the pain and stress may not overcome her. Take from her, the suffering, that she may rejoice and praise your name. Protect her, Lord, from the firey arrows of sickness, infirmity and depression that she may walk in a spirit of joy and peace and glorify your name forever more. It is you we adore and exhault in the highest. May your name be praised, whatever the outcome may be. Let your will be done, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Godspeed with your recovery, Kelly. Keep praying.
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
[color="Red"]Farewell to false pretention
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Postby Kunoichi » Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:59 pm

again vomiting...and a lot of pain..thanks for all the prayers and support..

also finances are getting low
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:01 pm

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulder
You raise me up to more than I can be

Peace be with you, dear sister. Continue to lean on Jesus, The Rock of ages is your strength. May His heeling rain fall upon you even now. Enya, Amen.
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
[color="Red"]Farewell to false pretention
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Postby Prince Asbel » Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:56 am

Dear God, help Kunoichi get better. She's been through so much... If it's your will, please take her pain away, and give her some relief from the many trials she's enduring. Bless her with some relief from the pressure Father.

God bless, Kunoichi. My prayers are always with you.
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Postby Kunoichi » Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:11 pm

thanks both of you..

mom is going to help me pay for the bone scan for next week..thank goodness

in a lot of pain today..and nauseas , please pray
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:28 pm

Heavenly Father, we do pray that you would heal our sister, Kelly, of this affliction. Please give her peace about her physical and financial situation. We thank you for leading her mother to help her pay for her medical work. I pray you will continue to show her your will and surround her with your love and joy. I pray this all in you holy name, Amen. Enya!
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
[color="Red"]Farewell to false pretention
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Postby Kunoichi » Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:27 am

still in pain...mostly nauseas above all

Jordan, thankyou for your steadfast prayer...i feel as if i am constantly burdening you brother..
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:13 pm

A true prayer warrior is not worried about such burdens, dear sister. I do not see it as such, but as another opportunity to sew into the lives of others. It is no trouble to me at all. This is what I was meant to do. May God continue to bless you beyond belief and bring others across your path, that you may sew into them as well and vice versa. Amen.
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
[color="Red"]Farewell to false pretention
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Postby Kunoichi » Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:07 pm

May God bless you are a true encourager

Praise report:

bone scan next week
therapy starts sunday

If i have a week full of good days i'm going to apply for work again ^_^ i'm hoping i do ok ^_^
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:36 pm

Hallelujah! I'm still here and I'm still praying. I have not forgotten you. Just haven't had a chance to get to the computer in the last couple of days due to school and the coming of age which allows me to vote in this year's ellection. Anyway, PRAISE GOD! I pray the bone scan and therapy help in diagnosing the real problem and furthering your recovry. May God set the right job before you in his good time. Enya!
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Postby Kunoichi » Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:07 am

Hey Jordan,

I updated this thread and started a new on in Prayer Request...therapy ended being amazing, pain at least is now more localized..
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:54 pm

Praise God! Ask and you shall recieve, no?
I'll be sure to check up on the other one. Thanks.
Godbless you, Kelly. I am still praying.
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
[color="Red"]Farewell to false pretention
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:59 pm

Praying for ya everyday kuno. And hope your back is getting better everyday. And may the lord watch you and heal you with all of his divine power from above.
Sincerely, Derek.

P.S. Heres a hug to make you feel better. :hug: ^^
Derek -The Daring Pokemon - A cool, totally awesome Pokemon that uses his power of song, medical skills and powers of cool to make others see things differently. He is not temperamental, but he likes to pull pranks and grins when you fall into his traps. Usually, he styles a fedora and prances around on all fours, he's all black with a white belly.

"Although I look into infinity. I only see the lords eyes, always shining upon my face and smiling in my heart. He will always be with me, no matter where I may go. Always watch over me lord. For I shall be eternal in your light."-Derek.
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