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Bible Quiz Team 2008-2009

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Bible Quiz Team 2008-2009

Postby ADXC » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:00 pm

Im in the Bible Quiz team again this year. Last year we did Romans and James. This year we're doing Mark, First, Second, Third John, and Jude.
The section I have is Mark chapters 6-9. Im asking for all of y'alls help. Please pray for me and the rest of the team so that we may be prepared for the Bible Quiz Bowl in March. We came in third last year, and we're hoping to do better this year. We could go for first but I doubt that. Im studying extra hard this year. Please everyone pray for us!:stressed:
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Postby Midori » Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:05 am

I'll definitely pray for you. I'm quizzing on Luke this year, so I know how you feel. I'd also like some prayer for my team, as we're mostly novices, but we have lots of potential. And I myself am hoping to get onto the regional team (because this is my last year), but to do that I'll have to study really hard the whole year.
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Postby ADXC » Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:26 am

Dude, Im praying for you. Yeah BQT members unite! Yeah my school just started doing this like in 9th grade and now we're in 12th grade. This is my second year. We have potential too, if we study that is. So yeah Im praying for you.
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Postby ADXC » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:05 pm

So far Ive done the questions for chapter 6. Just 3 more chapters to go. But they will reword the questions so I'll have to review them and see how they might reword it. Like for example they'll just replace the question with the answer. Ex. According to Mark 6:21, "to what three did Herod make a supper"? The answer is "to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee." But they could reword it as, According to Mark 6:21, what did Herod make for his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee. And then the answer would be "a supper".

So it's going to be difficult.
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Postby Midori » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:22 pm

Yeah, I'm studying Luke 4 this week, and by the time April rolls around, I'll have to have a close knowledge of all 24 chapters.

Wait, did you say school? Our quizzing is church-based, so my team is my church team. Its great that your school is doing it, because then nobody can say "I didn't study because I had too much homework"! :lol:

I have a question: How does your Bible Quizzing work? Do you use jump-seats? What kind of questions do they ask? (Sorry, I guess it's really three questions I have.)
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Postby ADXC » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:29 pm

The way it works is the quiz master will ask a question and the first to stand up gets to answer. There are seat buzzers to let the judges know who stood up first. They ask a variety of questions, like quote the verse given a specific reference, say the reference given the verse read to you, quote the verse given a key word, regular questions like "Accoriding to Mark 6, what..." given with just the chapter #, and regular questions with the whole reference given. Those are the ones I remember.
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Postby Midori » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:53 pm

So, all the regular questions say "according to" at least a chapter? That's interesting.
In Nazarene quizzing, there are the following questions:
General (They just ask the question without any reference or other info)
According-to (They give a chapter and verse and the question)
Verse ("Finish this verse..." or "Finish this verse and quote the reference" or "Quote Luke chapter X verse Y". There's a set of memory verses, which seems to expand as the years go by. This year there are about 60 singles and 30 multiples. Blech.)
Context (Sort of more general than Generals--they can be any question whatsoever, even questions on the footnotes.)
and for story books (the gospels and Acts) they have Situation questions, which are weird, and are about things people said. For the Epistles they have "In what book and chapter" questions instead.

Are you allowed to jump on a question before the quizmaster finishes? Over here, at the top levels, nobody hardly ever lets a question finish, they'll jump in the middle, finish the question and give the answer. There are even some quizzers who jump on "According to Luke chapter X verse Y--" and then list all the possible questions and answers out of that verse. They're scary.
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Postby ADXC » Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:12 pm

No, not all of the regular questions start with according to, I was just giving an example of a regular question.

Yes you are allowed to do it as long as you give the correct response. That's because they memorize the scripture straight(All the verses of their chapters.) so it's easy for them to jump before the question is finished. And yes if there's only one According to BOOK CHAPTER VERSE question, then you can stand up and answer it with a good chance of being right.

But if they jump up after only like 2-3 words, then it will be considered as an error. Meaning there's no way they would know, and they may have just done that because of nerves.
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