Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
minakichan (post: 1242774) wrote:
*By the way, is female masturbation unbiblical? The only thing I've seen in the Bible about masturbation is Onan, but... I don't even know how to interpret that...
from article wrote:Masturbation is wrong because it goes against what the sexual powers were designed for, because it is inseparable from illicit fantasies, because these fantasies take on a life of their own, and because it draws the erotic longing backward into Self instead of outward. It doesn't "release" lust, but reinforces it, so that next time the temptation is stronger yet.
EricTheFred (post: 1242797) wrote:We talk a lot about labels in this society. We call sexual preferences "sexual identities" and tell people to "accept themselves" as if the chemistry of their bodies defines who they are.
Our bodies do not define us. Our Lord defined us when he molded our souls. Don't let your body dictate what you choose. Find your answer in your heart and your communion with God. Then seek your answers from there, depending upon what you find.
Sweetie, there isn't alot of advice I can offer to you in this area... this is something I have never personally had to deal with...
I won't say anything more on the subject, because, just like Neko, I never dealt with this. I wouldn't know what I was talking about.
Female masturbation is still sex --it is near impossible to engage in that without some sort of mental imagery or fantasy.
Self-gratification cannot get rid of any sexual desires that you have, it only intensifies them.
To me, it looks like you can't find your identity. You can only find that in the Lord. Seek Him first and you'll soon discover yourself in the way that God made you to be.
Awww, you know you have my prayers and you do know you can talk to me right
I think you're feeding yourself not love, but some perversion of it. You had a close relationship with someone you hate, and want a relationship with someone who you know full well is bad news.
You would have to be more specific as why you didn't feel like a girl.
Marriage is no sham. My Mom and Dad have been married for almost thirty years now and have raised us very well.
I don't think marriage is a sham, I just think humans are stupid and selfish and don't know how to make a marriage work. XD Marriage is biblical, so I don't think it's a load of crap.
minakichan (post: 1242941) wrote:Being a girl SUCKS. Having a period SUCKS. Having tons of boundaries and expectations set on you just because you were born with and without certain body parts SUCKS. (It doesn't help that I'm also Asian.) There's a reason that Mulan is my favorite Disney movie of all time. I think one of the reasons I hate being female and don't ever want to get married is really because of the Bible-- women must obey their husbands as slaves obey their masters, and while I know people will point out that husbands must be loving and humans are born equal, heck, there is NO WAY I'll willingly go into a relationship as the submissive and obedient role. Some will call it pride and selfishness, and I agree, but why is it essentially OK for guys to have these traits while girls can't? I'm sorry. I've met tons of girls in church who believe that they are intrinsically inferior beings because they were created that way, from a body part, as a weak copy of a superior original, because of Christian teachings. That just as Man is inferior to God, Woman is proportionately inferior to Man.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really human, or if I have some strange brain disease.
NekoChan_C wrote:When you are masturbating, you are giving nothing... you are simply taking pleasure in yourself. There's nothing to uplift or honor God in that.
Nate (post: 1242987) wrote:I don't know if I buy that. By that logic when I enjoy the feeling I get from swishing a Q-Tip around in my ear, that would be sinful.
minakichan wrote:This also gets a bit touchy and graphic, sorry if it's too bad, mods.
minakichan wrote:Is it still sexual desire if I don't ever want to have sex, have no interest in it, and think it's disgusting though?
minakichan wrote:So, considering that I posted this on a Christian board in a Prayer Request forum, I think you can safely assume that I've thought about this and have tried praying about it.
minakichan wrote:I think one of the reasons I hate being female and don't ever want to get married is really because of the Bible-- women must obey their husbands as slaves obey their masters, and while I know people will point out that husbands must be loving and humans are born equal, heck, there is NO WAY I'll willingly go into a relationship as the submissive and obedient role. Some will call it pride and selfishness, and I agree, but why is it essentially OK for guys to have these traits while girls can't? I'm sorry. I've met tons of girls in church who believe that they are intrinsically inferior beings because they were created that way, from a body part, as a weak copy of a superior original, because of Christian teachings. That just as Man is inferior to God, Woman is proportionately inferior to Man. All because some stupid, stupid woman thousands of years ago wanted a piece of FRUIT.
minakichan wrote:I'm sorry, I'm ranting, I'm hysterical. That's because I'm a woman]
Yes, you suck.minakichan wrote:So I don't think marriage is worth it]
To play devil's advocate here, marriage isn't randomized. In my opinion, most people marry spouses that they barely know and really aren't compatible with, so the divorce rate doesn't surprise me. But when I think about the couples I know who are smart people that didn't marry too early and for good (coughnonsexualcough) reasons, I actually can't think of any divorces.
Also note that divorcees have an unfair advantage. They can keep getting married and divorced, whereas the happy marriages can only add one to the statistic. The only way to even the odds would be some kind of systematic killing.minakichan wrote:Sometimes I wonder if I'm really human, or if I have some strange brain disease.
you are simply taking pleasure in yourself. There's nothing to uplift or honor God in that.
As for the "gender roles" that are widely accepted... well, let's put it like this: I have very specific notions of gender... They don't usually line up with what society believes these days though. Suffice to say, I will gladly and joyfully be submissive to my husband.
Imagine a guy trying to breastfeed a child. If you're curious, check out Family Guy. XD
I don't know if I buy that. By that logic when I enjoy the feeling I get from swishing a Q-Tip around in my ear, that would be sinful.
You are not helping out very much Nate... You should never have posted here unless you came to help Minaki.
uc pseudonym (post: 1243022) wrote:Unhelpful advice is indeed unhelpful
At this point and a number of other times, you sound a lot like myself.
<can of worms>
Yes, you suck.
To play devil's advocate here, marriage isn't randomized. In my opinion, most people marry spouses that they barely know and really aren't compatible with, so the divorce rate doesn't surprise me. But when I think about the couples I know who are smart people that didn't marry too early and for good (coughnonsexualcough) reasons, I actually can't think of any divorces.
Also note that divorcees have an unfair advantage. They can keep getting married and divorced, whereas the happy marriages can only add one to the statistic. The only way to even the odds would be some kind of systematic killing.
Nothing you said sounds stranger than myself, so we're either normal or we should see about getting a disease name.
So, considering that I posted this on a Christian board in a Prayer Request forum, I think you can safely assume that I've thought about this and have tried praying about it. I'm not good at praying, and it's hard to hear someone say "well, just pray HARDER" and "you just need to have the right mindset while praying. So have the right mindset. DO IT NOW" and immediately get results. In other words, I suck at praying, please pray for me. <3
" wrote:I'm not good at praying, and it's hard to hear someone say "well, just pray HARDER" and "you just need to have the right mindset while praying. So have the right mindset. DO IT NOW" and immediately get results. In other words, I suck at praying, please pray for me. <3
I hope I didn't hurt you in any way by what I posted.
On a side note, have you ever tried just sitting down and having a casual conversation with your Creator?
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1243100) wrote:Sheenar, what the crap? Masturbation isn't sex, it's sexual though (don't know what Sex Ed classes you had)
I didn't mean sex as in sexual intercourse, I meant sex as in sexual activity --it still involves the arousal of sexual response --whether you're doing it to yourself or with another person. That's what I meant.
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