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Answered prayer

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Answered prayer

Postby GeneD » Thu May 29, 2008 4:31 am

My aunt got divorced a while back, basically due to unfaithfulness on the part of her husband. One good thing about the divorce is that my aunt really got closer to the Lord. She has also wanted to move back to our city, her family is here, since the divorce was finalised, but she stayed in her city for this year, since her son had a very good chance of becoming head boy of his primary school, which he did eventually.

So now she wants to move back at the end of this year, but she was really worried about what her kids would say. She has custody of the kids; I think they go to their dad every second weekend or something. My mom and the family have been praying for them a lot and last week a lot of prayers got answered.

Firstly she heard news that her ex-husband has given his life to the Lord and he called her and apologized for all the stress and the things he did and he also asked if she knew of any Christian councillors he could go to, to help him sort out some stuff in his life.

Then in the same week, her son came to her and asked her when she wants to move and he told her he was fine with them moving. Her daughter was still a bit upset about it though.

So a lot of people were stressing and praying and worrying, and the Lord answered the prayers just like that! :)

Praise God!
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Postby Prince Asbel » Thu May 29, 2008 1:32 pm

Praise the Lord! I'm real glad something like this worked out. So often I hear of these problems occuring, but rarely do I hear about them being fixed!
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Postby NekoChan_C » Thu May 29, 2008 1:41 pm

that's really encouraging! There is so much strife and sadness to spare in this world... It is so good to hear that things have turned around for your family. God is always in control! ^_^
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Postby MBlight » Fri May 30, 2008 12:09 pm

WOW!!! I'm sooo glad to hear about your uncle... that WAS a miracle if ever there's been one! It'll be good if they move closer to family as well! Will be praying for you and your family! love ya!
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