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please pray for my family and myself

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please pray for my family and myself

Postby mysngoeshere56 » Thu May 08, 2008 6:12 pm

All right, there's a really long story here, so I'll just list the main points. I'm feeling a tad shy, mainly because I don't know 99% of you yet, but... Yeah...

1. My mom and I are struggling financially. We're thinking about getting more child support from my biological father. Please pray that we'll be able to get something.... Because really, he's been paying a whole lot less than what he's suppossed to have been paying all these years because they never reviewed it (he cheated them (the child support people) out when I was younger so he could pay as little as possible for selfish purposes).

2. Personal.

3. I've been struggling with depression for years now. I've gotten better on and off over the years, but now I'm getting a whole lot worse and have put lots of thought into suicide and running away lately.

4. School is stressing me out, especially since we're getting toward the end. Please pray with me for strength to endure it....

5. My grandma passed away about a year and a half ago. I really miss her and she was like a second mom to me almost my entire life.
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Postby animewarrior » Thu May 08, 2008 6:35 pm

I'm guessing that you are new here by your opening comment.
In regards to your comment about your family life, honestly its not a thing to be ashamed of. Bad things happen to good people. In addition to praying for your finacial situation I think I'll pray for healing in your family situation as well.
As to the whole depression issue believe me I've been there. I hope you can see the light in the shadows and may God give you strength as you fight this battle. Oh yeah here's some ammo:

The LORD is our REFUGE and STRENGTH, an EVER-PRESENT HELP in times of TROUBLE - Psalm 46:1
*I hope this encourages you.*salute*

School is tough. enough said. I hope you can have some good friends to support you through this time in your life and I'm going to pray in advance for some good people to enter your life.

I don't know how to console you with the passing of your Grandma but you will be in my prayers.

Your Sister in Christ,
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Postby Prince Asbel » Fri May 09, 2008 10:03 am

You're in my prayers.
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