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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:14 am

Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1221287) wrote:You were disappointed with Aslan?
Maybe I can understand that a little - not his looks but his 'majesty'.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I would've thought Liam Neeson could have given Aslan a more regal sort of voice. I am spoiled by my obscure animated version, in which Aslan has this glorious, powerful voice that echoes even when they're in places where it wouldn't normally echo.

But the White Witch was brilliant - no crazy, ranting, over-acting woman here (my only complaint is she wasn't seductively beautiful (but she's an amazing actress).

Hmm. Differing opinions on what the Witch should be, I guess. I thought this new Witch was incredibly boring. She never seemed to have any emotion! She should get angry sometimes, at the very least. All she ever does is sit or stand and just stare blankly. And I'd always imagined (though, to be perfectly honest, it never said it in the books) that the Witch had black (or at least dark) hair. I rather like the old BBC Witch - a lot more "seductively beautiful," as well as being quite frightening when she gets angry.
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Postby ich1990 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:50 am

the_wolfs_howl (post: 1221295) wrote:And I'd always imagined (though, to be perfectly honest, it never said it in the books) that the Witch had black (or at least dark) hair.

Me too. The most surprising thing about the whole movie was the light colored hair. Are you sure it doesn't say that somewere in the books? Cause I could a swore that I read it somewere......
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:55 pm

I'm looking forward to seeing Prince Caspian. ^^ I saw the teaser trailer last year or earlier this year on Yahoo.

I hope this time the editors actually CHECK the movie before releasing it.

Did anyone besides me notice this?:
In the part where Susan and Lucy ride Aslan (with him going at a decent speed) their hair is as stiff as ice?
Um, elementary physics, guys? Where's the breeze--the wind?

I bet they still haven't noticed that.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:12 am

Yes, I've heard people mention that when Susan and Lucy ride Aslan there is no wind in their hair. Funny thing is they filmed that scene with fans in the room! (I don't know how they could have missed it?)

ich1990, the White Witch is never described as having black hair but most people have assumed that colour because of Pauline Bayne's illustrations.
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Postby Amzi Live » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:29 am

I read that if the movies don't have much success they're only gonna make it a trilogy ending with the Dawn Treader.I really wanted to see the Last Battle,but guess we'll have to see.
It would have been better if Peter Jackson directed Narnia.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:39 am

Stop it! Look further. It was announced not long after that Walden Media plan on making all 7 books into movies.
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:22 am

If Peter Jackson had directed the movies, Aslan would probably be twice the size he is now :lol:
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon May 12, 2008 12:36 am

Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1220886) wrote:Um, what? They plan on doing ALL of the Narnia movies as long as they're successful. What they've been doing is making the movies in the correct (published) order, which isn't all that chronological but it's more interesting and mysterious.


Those who were upset by the anti-climactic nature of the first movie need not worry... Those worried about the integrity of the books, keep worrying.

Bah, I'll wait until I see it. I knew they were going to create more tension where none existed... I have to say, I sort of felt the book was too peaceful for its premise, the aftermath of a sort of racial cleansing... So MAYBE the movie will deliver on that better than the book did, but I'll wait until I see it. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nate » Mon May 12, 2008 1:09 am

I can't see all 7 books being made into movies.

A Horse and His Boy is awesome, but it's so far removed from the rest of the series that I can't see it working well. I think The Magician's Nephew (my favorite of the books by the way) would make a fantastic movie, but again, it's so different from the rest of the series that I don't see how it could work.

And doing The Last Battle is a terrible idea. The entire last half of the book is just a bunch of standing around and talking. Unless they play up the battle (which was only a few pages in the actual book if I recall correctly, I might not be though) and downplay the standing around and talking at the end, it might work, but otherwise, not so much.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon May 12, 2008 1:59 pm

Nate wrote:And doing The Last Battle is a terrible idea. The entire last half of the book is just a bunch of standing around and talking. Unless they play up the battle (which was only a few pages in the actual book if I recall correctly, I might not be though) and downplay the standing around and talking at the end, it might work, but otherwise, not so much.

I could see this happening, actually, if not for how dark that book is. They've been downplaying most of the conversations and stretching the battles into major parts of the movie, so The Last Battle wouldn't be all that impossible. But overall I agree with you that we're not going to see some of the more unusual books.
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Postby ich1990 » Tue May 13, 2008 8:53 am

Nate (post: 1225550) wrote:I can't see all 7 books being made into movies.

A Horse and His Boy is awesome, but it's so far removed from the rest of the series that I can't see it working well.

Actually, I think that The Horse and His Boy has a lot going for it. I am not neccessarily saying that they will ever make it, but I do think it has a better chance then the other spin off, The Magician's Nephew.

First, it is nearly everybody's (including me) favorite book. Maybe we should do an online vote to make sure, but with all of the people that I have talked to, THaHB and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader stand out as favorites.

Second, it is politically correct. Personally, I despise political correctness (see my sig), but those making the movie may see this as a benefit. Several people have made allegations that C.S. Lewis' series is sexist and racist. This book flies in the face of both with a strong, female, Telmarine, character.

Third, the book has a unique flavor. I mean, with most of the other books set in Narnia or Earth, it is nice to see one in a unique landscape. Then again, this could count for or against it depending on whether the movie makers want to stick to the alreadly well established "Narnian country" or not.

Fourth, the book has a fairly different cast than the rest. In other words, if they could not get the Pevensie children actors to participate in the movie, it would not be totally crippling.

Finally, between the snappy dialogue and talking horses being major characters, the book was awesomely funny.

In conclusion, I guess what I am saying is that, if they decide to stop with the so-called "main quest" storyline at the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, it would still be possible for them to do The Horse and His Boy. It is different enough for them to do in a seperate timeframe (that is, they don't have to hurry up and do it before people forget about the Narnia story), yet similar enough that it can play off of the success of previous films.
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Postby Scarecrow » Tue May 13, 2008 2:58 pm

I don't see why so many people think Horse and His Boy wouldn't work. So what if its removed from the other stories? These are the Chronicles of Narnia not the Chronicles of the Pevinsies. HHB could easily be made into an excellent movie. I would just market it differently. Maybe drop "The Chronicles of Narnia" from the title with a tagline that gives you the idea it takes place in Narnia but isn't really a continuation from any movies made at the time.

The only one I really see having a hard time being done on film would be the Magicians Nephew cause there is really no climax.
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Postby Sheenar » Thu May 15, 2008 8:34 pm

I'm going to see Prince Caspian tomorrow! *is excited*

Anyone else going to see it?
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Fri May 16, 2008 1:37 am

Just saw it. It was fantastic. Althought I could totally hear Caspian in his previous role from Stardust screaming, "Look, look over there. Do you see another world? No. No you don't. Why? Because it's just a field!" Also, Eddie Izzard as Reepicheep ftw.
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Postby Souba » Fri May 16, 2008 2:45 pm

[color="RoyalBlue"]I saw the midnight showing, and really enjoyed the movie! :thumb:
I love all the action scenes, and the funny tidbits in between. The
massage is wonderful, and gives such to hope to those who feel lost.
It was just outstanding, I hope I can see it again soon!
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Postby USSRGirl » Fri May 16, 2008 5:58 pm

Just got back, so here's my two cents:

The good:

10 stars for rodent lovers everywhere! Reepicheep was a positive voice for rodents in the media! What next - will audiences be treated to heroic pit bulls cast in a remake of Rin Tin Tin? (Okay, okay... personal preferrence there... XD but seriously, I liked what they did with Reep. Far from being the cutesy comic relief character, he was funny in a "whoa-that-mouse-can-slash-people's-throats" way funny. Him and Miraz probably get my vote for best characterizations).

Miraz - kicked up from run-of-the-mill-and-so-NOT-Jadis-usurper to respectable totalitarian. The liberties they took with his character were a huge improvement, as I really thought he was a weak villain in the book. In particular, a certain scene where he's trying to rally the people against the Narnians and uses a little "anti-Narnia" propaganda manuever to make it look as though they killed off some of his men was nice.

Battle scenes were amped up, overall story was excellent, and the ending song was pretty touching.

And finally... Jadis' comeback (since it's all over the trailers, this isn't really a spoiler is it?) was welcomed as always.

The bad:

I thought the acting seemed really weak in this one - Caspian's accent was too thick and obviously faked (Inigo Montoya anyone? ^__^). The Pevensie kids, with the exception of Peter, were rather flat. Trumpkin's character I didn't particularly care for - too far removed from the book and a little *too* unlikeable.

[spoiler] Susan and Caspian's romance or lack thereof made no sense in either the context of the book (where it didn't exist) or the movie (where it uh... still didn't exist... with the exception of that obnoxiously Hollywood "look it's a love interest to make us more money!!" kiss at the end... the fact that the end song had to come on just then reaaaally killed the mood)[/spoiler]

[spoiler] Susan's character definitely suffered the most in this. She wasn't the same materialistic cynic she is in either the book or the first movie. Seeing as they gave most of her lines to Peter this time around, I'm wondering how (or if) they're going to explain why she never returned to Narnia. It's not at all apparent that Narnia is becoming "less real" to her at this point. [/spoiler]

I guess my final word is good story, bad characterizations. Lewis geek that I am, I loved it but a feel slightly cheated by the fact that the characters didn't really match up to either the book or the last movie.

So... impressions?
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Postby USSRGirl » Fri May 16, 2008 6:00 pm

Souba (post: 1226810) wrote:[color="RoyalBlue"]I saw the midnight showing, and really enjoyed the movie! :thumb:
I love all the action scenes, and the funny tidbits in between. The
massage is wonderful, and gives such to hope to those who feel lost.
It was just outstanding, I hope I can see it again soon!
Beloved in Grace,

Oh yeah, I did think they packed in a good message this time around. Aslan was good as always.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri May 16, 2008 6:48 pm

I just saw it, and enjoyed it much more than LWW. Reepicheep was epic win - EXACTLY as I pictured him and better. I loved the scene where the soldier says, "You're a mouse!" and Reep replies disgustedly, "You people have NO imagination." It was wonderful. I also really enjoyed Edmund in this film, especially since he is my favorite of the four Pevensies. "Pretend you're talking to me." "We ARE talking to you." They got my two favorite characters right, so I'm a happy camper. Some of our group wore capes to see it (I wished I had my own cape); the downside was that some uncultured individual (^_~) mistook us for Harry Potter fans at a restaurant afterward. Seriously!

[spoiler]The whole bit with Susan and Caspian irritated me to no end, however.[/spoiler] The most important thing for anyone to remember when they are adapting someone's book into a movie is this: IT IS NOT YOUR STORY. IT IS THE AUTHOR'S STORY. Therefore, they are obligated to be as faithful to the story as possible.

Also, blood plz.

I don't have LWW on DVD, but I will be acquiring this film.

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Postby USSRGirl » Fri May 16, 2008 7:01 pm

raiden no kishi wrote:The most important thing for anyone to remember when they are adapting someone's book into a movie is this: IT IS NOT YOUR STORY. IT IS THE AUTHOR'S STORY.

Annnnd when the author is dead and buried you have nothing to fear from money-grubbing heirs who will gladly co-produce your faithless adaptations. ^___-

I kid - I really did like this movie and the changes they made were for the best. My only problem was the characters in some parts, though I agree that both Reep and Edmund were great. I enjoyed Edmund's scene with the Jadis.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri May 16, 2008 7:31 pm

USSRGirl (post: 1226861) wrote:Annnnd when the author is dead and buried you have nothing to fear from money-grubbing heirs who will gladly co-produce your faithless adaptations. ^___-

Aye, it happens, but it's still wrong.

USSRGirl (post: 1226861) wrote:I kid - I really did like this movie and the changes they made were for the best. My only problem was the characters in some parts, though I agree that both Reep and Edmund were great. I enjoyed Edmund's scene with Jadis.

Heck YES. Edmund was perfect in that scene.

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Postby ich1990 » Fri May 16, 2008 7:46 pm

Just saw it an hour ago. Overall, I think that it was much better than the first movie. Whereas the first movie was your typical kid-like family fantasy, this movie seemed much more serious and, well, real. The special effects were amazing, and greatly contributed to the sense of wonder in the movie. I loved when the archers fired a volley of arrows up into the air and the camera slowed down to track them midflight.

As far as characters are concerned, two out of my three favorite characters of the series, Edmund and Reepicheep, were done superbly (my third favorite is Puddleglum, from the later book, The Silver Chair). I was very happy with the way that Reepicheep turned out, he was just how I imagined him to be in the books; +50 coolpoints for that one.

My only annoyance was Prince Caspian, he was way too emo there in Trufflehunter's cave; *heavy spanish accent* "Mine Uncle, he try to kill me, I soooo sad". As far as the Susan/Caspian romance, I thought that I would be utterly repulsed by it, but, to my pleasant surprise, the movie didn't waste enough time on it to be truly annoying.

As far as book continuity goes, I am fine with the way they changed it. They added one giant fight scene that wasn't in the books at all, but it added to the story, rather than take away from it. However, like our local dictator mentioned above, I am curious as to how they are going to explain Susan's absence in heaven, given that they have changed her part so much.

Also, I don't cry at movie deaths. I laugh at movie deaths. Nonetheless, I nearly cried:

[spoiler] During the part were the Narnian soldiers got trapped in Miraz's castle. They were stuck, with no way to fight back or escape. They just turned around and charged at the enemy. I couldn't help but think "Man, I wish I was trapped there getting shot full of arrows. It would be the best moment of my life to be able to charge to my death like that." It is hard to explain in words, but I am sure you would understand if you saw it. [/spoiler]

Overall, it was awesome. Despite being based off of my least favorite book in the series, I enjoyed it much more then the first movie which had stronger source material. GO SEE IT SO THAT THEY WILL GET LOTS OF MONEY AND MAKE MORE NARNIA MOVIES! I cant wait until the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, that movie will flat out rock.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Fri May 16, 2008 10:30 pm

Just saw it today, and I thought it was great. Great action and special effects, and I liked the new expansions on the story and the character developments, yes even the thing between Susan and Caspain. I've always though the character development for the kids in the books was a little lacking, especially for Peter and Susan. Or maybe I'm just more used to the "modern" quick bantery dialogue we have in these newer adaptions ^^. I do wonder what they'll do about Susan if they ever make the last movie though.

And I guess I'm the only person in the universe who doesn't like Reepicheep *hides*. I think he's annoying, and I thought his CGI design looked really odd in the face. random trivia fact: Warwick Davis, who played Nikabrik in this movie, played Reepicheep in the old UK adaption of Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
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Postby Scarecrow » Sat May 17, 2008 6:12 am

So... what went wrong? Apparently Narnia is under performing greatly =/ Sure I didn't care for the first one but I'm a little sad to see the estimates for this one. Kind of surprised given all the hype and all.
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Postby Sheenar » Sat May 17, 2008 6:53 am

I saw it last night and I loved it! Sure, it's not completely true to the book, but it's still good.
Reepicheep was done really well--he was just like I imagined him when I read the book. Aslan was amazing as always. :)

[spoiler] Yes, the "love interest" between Susan and Caspian was annoying...totally not in the book. Just added for Hollywood. [/spoiler]
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sat May 17, 2008 4:58 pm

Saw it today! It was good. ^ ^
There seemed to be a lot of sarcasm in this movie XD.

And Oh Me Dear--a fantasy movie with some diversity in it! *cough cough*

USSRGirl wrote:I thought the acting seemed really weak in this one - Caspian's accent was too thick and obviously faked (Inigo Montoya anyone? ^__^). The Pevensie kids, with the exception of Peter, were rather flat. Trumpkin's character I didn't particularly care for - too far removed from the book and a little *too* unlikeable.

Bam! You got it. His accent strongly reminded me of Montoya. It was pretty distracting for a short while.

The major problem I had with this movie was the acting. There were some parts that didn't seem . . . natural. Kinda overdone. And the 'sad/contemplative staring' was overdone too. I was like, "As much as I love gazing at Caspian and Peter's face, can we move along here?"

OH. They didn't fix the 'hair problem'. Watch the gryphon part. :shake:
I think I'll contact those people. You need wind, guys!!

Overall, I liked the movie. ^__^
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Postby jon_jinn » Sat May 17, 2008 11:04 pm

i just got back from watching the movie. it was better than i thought but it wasn't incredibly great.
Peter's character went through a notable deal of development but most of the others didn't really develop as much. however, i found Edmund's character to be more likable in this film than the first. i was disappointed that Aslan didn't make much of an appearance until the last like 15 minutes of the movie. and the romance was pretty lame. i think the movie should've been rated PG-13. it was rather violent for a PG movie...
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Postby Nate » Sun May 18, 2008 1:10 am

USSRGirl wrote:the ending song was pretty touching.

Seriously? Well to each their own I suppose. I thought the ending song was pretty terrible. I was actually sitting there going "Man I hope the credits start soon so I can leave and not have to listen to this."

Okay, one question.

The scene where Caspian is saddling up the horse and Lucy and Susan are on it. And Caspian says something like, "Your fate is in her hands now." And then Lucy says "Or hooves!"

No one in the audience laughed. No one in the movie laughed. There was kind of an awkward silence after the line was said. I don't get it? Did they add that in to show that Lucy is just not funny? Or what? It almost seems like an ad-lib that Lucy's actress made that they didn't cut out for some reason.

I also feel like I've watched too much Freakazoid because when the horn was shown and they said "Do you know what this is?" I went "It's the Horn of Urgency!"

And uh...yep. That's all I have to say about that.

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Postby yukoxholic » Sun May 18, 2008 6:01 am

I frequent for all of my Narnia movie news since they are avid with whatever Walden Media states and very up to date with questions answered regarding the movies. So, that's where I get my information.

Walden Media announced that it is confirmed for the movie Voyage of The Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair they do not have the "green light" yet for but hope to make. After Silver Chair they do not know if they will continue. They would like to continue but it's all about sales. They also stated if the sales are good they will make Horse And His Boy with the original children from Prince Caspian and The Lion, Witch, and The Wardrobe because at that stage they will all be grown up and fit the roles.

They also state they would love to make The Magician's Nephew.

Taken From

They are definitely planning on producing The Silver Chair next in the series. After that, it's still up in the air. Cary Granat of Walden Media has mentioned twice that they're considering The Magician's Nephew next instead of The Horse and His Boy, probably to give the Pevensie actors time to age a bit more before filming.

I'm a Regina Spektor fan myself but I thought the song: The Call, fit perfectly for this movie. If you read over the lyrics it was complete perfection for how it ended (i.e.: Susan and Peter leaving and everyone returning back to their lives in England.) It blew Switchfoot's "This Is Home" out of the water (IMHO and I love the band Switchfoot as well.)

I really liked Prince Caspian and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. It didn't have as much story as Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe because it was about the war between the Narnians and the Telmarines but it was still on par with the books (staying relatively true with some changes).

Also, I know with the first movie they had a little extra added after the credits. I didn't stay after the credits because I had to be some place else but was there anything after (or while) the credits rolled?

Eep, Reepicheep! ^__^ That is exactly how I imagined him to be in the books! Although, we didn't really see a lot of his troops. I believe they only showed four, plus him.

I think as far as the Narnia movies go if you read the books of course you'll be a purist to the series because you'll notice the changes (which weren't that many) but I went with 4 other people who have never read the series and they loved Lion, Witch, and The Wardrobe as well as Prince Caspian.

Alittle off track:

It was like when I went to see The Golden Compass I was like.. "WHAT?! They didn't finish the first book! How on earth will they do the second?" I mean what shall they name it, The Golden Subtle Knife Compass? o__o
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun May 18, 2008 9:22 am

~darkelfgirl~ wrote:And Oh Me Dear--a fantasy movie with some diversity in it! *cough cough*

Besides orcs... >.>]Seriously? Well to each their own I suppose. I thought the ending song was pretty terrible. I was actually sitting there going "Man I hope the credits start soon so I can leave and not have to listen to this."[/quote]

I think pairing it with the rather forced kiss scene made it sappier than it should have been - the song along would have been good if the kiss didn't kill it/cheapen it.

BTW, were there any Easter eggs after the credits this time around? I didn't have time to watch through them and see.
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Postby Nate » Sun May 18, 2008 10:47 am

yukoxholic wrote:They are definitely planning on producing The Silver Chair next in the series.

Wait, I read that Voyage of the Dawn Treader is starting filming in October of this year. So...I'm confused. Does that mean that they're making that one right now, but they're going to sit on it until after The Silver Chair is made?
If you read over the lyrics it was complete perfection for how it ended

I thought the lyrics were pretty cheesy and bad... >.>
Temmy wrote:I think pairing it with the rather forced kiss scene made it sappier than it should have been - the song along would have been good if the kiss didn't kill it/cheapen it.

I agree that pairing it with the kiss made it especially bad, but I think it was pretty bad just on its own. :\ But again, personal taste I guess.

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