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I'm broke

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I'm broke

Postby K. Ayato » Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:51 pm

never thought I'd come to this, but I have like no means of getting access to money, even my own at this point. I'm currently in the whole in regards to my checking account, and I can't transfer funds from my savings into my checking due to a hold that hasn't cleared yet (and won't be for another 2-3 weeks). I have a cell phone bill to pay off next week, a humongous debt to pay to the gym I was utilizing (bloody parasites!), and I'm currently looking for work. By the way, did I mention I was broke?

So yeah, please pray for me. I've already entrusted the matter to the Lord but for the time being I'm frustrated. Still, however He chooses to settle this is entirely up to Him.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby Sakaki Onsei » Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:03 am

You're in my prayers, because I am in the same position you are.

I'd like to hook onto this prayer request as well. While I may not necessarily be in as dire of straits, I've been 3 months out on having employment and while I am being hopeful that something comes, something is just being held back. So, prayer that I can find something to pay my monthly bills...and pray that I can be patient on what God wants.
Hiyakawa Sayaka (my character from my writing) wrote:God has given me a gift, that I really don't know what to do with. I guess, all I can do is put it in his hands, keep my hands inside the car, and expect to end up destroying parts of Tokyo with my perfectly good guitar.

Revelation 1:10-11: I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet, saying, [color="Red"]"Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches to Ephesus and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum and to Theyatira, and at Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea."[/color]
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Postby Sheenar » Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:52 am

I understand. Money's really tight here too. Have to save up for my internship when I won't be working (but the bills will still be there).
Will pray for you K. Ayato. God will meet your needs. He always does--and often in surprising ways (and usually at the last possible minute--I guess to teach us to trust Him).
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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Postby Kunoichi » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:51 am

*hugs praying as i type...

been there k. I wasn't paid for my job for six months...had rent and bills to pay and yet miracoulously God provided.
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Postby Danderson » Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:12 am

U have my prayers......
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Postby HiddenWoodchuck » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:07 pm

I will pray for you as well :)
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Postby Lady Arianrod » Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:07 pm

I will be praying for you too!
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Postby Doubleshadow » Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:24 pm

Praying for you, prayer sis!
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:36 pm

I'm praying for you too, fellow money-less person!
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby K. Ayato » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:45 am

Update: Things are not so good. Yes, I got a check from a friend for $250, but it was still a bit too late. Had some overdraft fees and now I'm down to only 51 bucks in checking and still unemployed and I have to start paying folks back for the money they've loaned. That and my cell phone bill and reserve card. Ugh! I'm taking this straight to the Lord. As much as my friends can help and give all they can, it won't be enough. Much prayers appreciated. Thanks.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

Prayer sister of kaji, sticksabuser, Angel37, and Doubleshadow --Love you guys! :)
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:45 pm

You've got it
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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