rocklobster (post: 1205820) wrote:I loved this graphic novel and I hope they do it justice. Any word on cast and director?
jon_jinn wrote:Zack Snyder (300, Dawn of the Dead) will be the director of the movie.
SirThinks2Much (post: 1206069) wrote:I think Ozzie looks great. Wholesome face but his eyes tell you that he's got a screw loose. The costumes look great too.
SirThinks2Much (post: 1206069) wrote:About Zach...he hasn't done anything with this much depth. BUT, he made 300 very true to the source material. It can go either way.
Fish and Chips (post: 1206111) wrote:Don't read me wrong, I'm still looking forward to this film]
Very easily. Part of the wonder of Watchmen is re-reading it, and skipping around through the pages when you pick up on something you didn't notice before. I don't think they will be able to capture everything, but if they stay true to the core of it, I'l be satisfied.SirThinks2Much wrote: I doubt we'll be seeing any Tales of the Black Freighter (dang), but my hopes are still up.
Fish and Chips wrote:Also, I think they cast Ozymandias too young.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1248496) wrote:The song used in the trailer was a promotion for Batman and Robin (though not written FOR that purpose). Are the ad execs trying to tell us this movie will be better? hehe
Fish and Chips wrote:They nailed the Comedian at least. Only briefly in two scenes, but it does a good job establishing his character and downfall.
Fish and Chips wrote:There was an awful lot of Manhatten in the trailer. Hopefully he doesn't dominate the ensamble.
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1248537) wrote:Obviously you can't understand sarcasm and you've obviously never read Watchmen.
GrubbTheFragger wrote:wow finally watched the trailer. Looks to action packed. I have not read the comic but please correct me if i am wrong its not very heavy on action correct?
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