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Tablet PC: College Requirement: HELP!

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Tablet PC: College Requirement: HELP!

Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:59 pm

Hey everyone I am in need of some help...

I am transferring to another college by next fall (time to move on!) and I found out last week that they are requireing ALL Students to have TABLET PCs.

I am currently researching a few brands, and stuff but I need help...

The brochure I got for the college says BLATANTLY that they are REQUIRED! (although I am going to definately double check to see if I need one or not since I am taking studio art classes and not much else (since I am pretty much done with my gen eds by the end of summer )

taken from my brochure:
(name of college) prides itself on being a "high tech, high touch" university. In keeping with this commitment, we have transitioned into a mobile technology learning environment.

Beginning in the fall of 2007, all new students at (name of university) will need to bring a tablet PC (with the exception of macintosh users) that will meet our mobile computing standards.

Tablets were chosent because they are a better tool for you to use in the classroom than a regular laptop. The ability to write on the screen makes it easy to take notes in class, and even easier to convert them into text. You will be able to use a specific software that helps you intearct with your professors and supports of the rest of the class.

(name of college) has built a wireless network that supports mobile computing across campus. By using this netork you will be able to access (important college email service portal thingy and grades)

Tablet FAQs (just a select few)

"What happens if I don't bring my tablet to school?"

By not having a tablet with you, you will be unprepared for class and won't be able to participate with your classmates in classroom activites. Think of it as being without a textbook. You will be missing out on a major component in the classroom.

"Is the tablet PC required for all incoming freshmen and Transfer students (this is what I will be doing).

Yes, a tablet PC is required. All incoming students will need to have one with them prior to beginning of classes.

._. see my dilemma? I need to find a good brand that isn't too expensive.. as I will most likely be using student loans and stuff for this thing.. >_<'

if you guys know of any brands that are DURABLE and long lasting (although I will still take my desktop with my to my new college, I would like to not waste my money!) please let me know! :D

thanks in advance!

PS so far I have looked at Gateway: and that's what I found...

Here's a hewlitt packard, but it's way more expensive than the gateway...
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Postby goldenspines » Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:18 pm

I have a Toshiba Satellite R20/R25 Tablet PC and it's worked great for the 2 and a half years that I've had it. I've had no major problems with it yet. It was a bit on the pricey side though, I'll admit.
I know that Gateway, Dell, HP, and some smaller companies make Tablet PCs, but it's really up to you to decide which one would work the best for you.
My advice would be to look up reviews for the Tablet PC in itself and see what other people are buying and why. Or you can go to your local computer store and ask the people there about it.
And once you find a few choices you like, then you can research them and see which would be the best.
That's how I decided on mine, at least.
I wish you luck. ^_^
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:39 pm

Talbet screen or laptop neccicary? If you got a stationary pc then a tablet screen might be preferable seeing that most tablet laptops are somewhat pricey.......

You should check some of the reviews out.,1738,2379,00.asp

I hope this helps, there are a few perferances that are important to take into account when getting a tablet laptop seeing that a few do struggle with their specs. Got no personal experiense with these, but I will be happy to do a bit of research if you want me to. :)
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Postby rii namuras » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:00 pm



(Ooooor you could just get a Mac. ::ducks:: )[/color]
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:44 pm

CK, i had a great tablet that lasted me 5 years, and was only $100. it was a graphire3 wacom tablet. i dont know if you can still find it though.

it JUST died, hence my new tablety- (which is super sexaayyy) intuous3 wacom tablet.
it was $240 (tax included) and i'm sure it will last me a while. and plus, it has these nifty buttons at the side. :O

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Postby rii namuras » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:59 pm

[color="Red"](Ehhh, I think they're talking about tablet laptops, meaning the ones you can draw on the screen.)[/color]
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:00 am

rii namuras (post: 1198882) wrote:[color="Red"](<_<)


(Ooooor you could just get a Mac. ::ducks:: )[/color]

*Mac's don't currently have any tablet pc's, which is what she needs*
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Postby rii namuras » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:26 am

Beginning in the fall of 2007, all new students at (name of university) will need to bring a tablet PC (with the exception of macintosh users) that will meet our mobile computing standards.

[color="Red"](I rest my case.)[/color]
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:28 am

Ahhhh okies, I still recommend learning how to use a tablet screen if one is going into 2d digital art :)
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Postby mechana2015 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:04 am

Jaden Mental (post: 1198891) wrote:Ahhhh okies, I still recommend learning how to use a tablet screen if one is going into 2d digital art :)

cheaper than a new computer, and will have better responsiveness and resolution. Possibly might be more durable too.

I think the issue here is having a mobile computer and doesn't revolve around the tablet screen as an artistic tool (except the programs that they use for general class tools), since all students in all majors 'need' one, and aside from carpal tunnel, I can't see a reason for a business student or marketing student to side in favor of a tablet over a standard computer in a normal academic environment, The academic 'interaction' thats tablet specific is the only compelling argument for getting the tablet as most computers are wireless capable, and many people tend to write slower on tablets because they have to alter their handwriting to get it to read and are consciously focusing on how they write, rather than what they write. I attempted to augment a class lecture several years ago by using a wacom tablet to draw notes and write some key phrases out in a program, and ended up spending an inordinate amount of time editing notes that I could have typed, or handwritten on paper at twice the speed and about ten times less errors. ( I find I get more out of hand written notes because I don't have to focus on the method for note taking as much as the content of the notes).

I wouldn't trust a tablet to convert my hand written notes though because, though I can read my own writing, I've had horrible experiences with handwriting recognition software in the past, and had a tough time trying to get the 'shorthand' right so the program recognizes what I said. There's very little I can't do with a touchpad or a mouse that a tablet can do. I would also suspect battery life is less since it has to power a touch detecting screen on top of the standard backlight.

My personal stance is that if it is TRUELY required... get it, and get a computer that matches exactly what you need, with quality and price in mind since you already have a full featured desktop. If the programs for the tablet use in class are wide spread and grade determining then its a necessity. If not (only certain professors REALLY use it... its a scheme to make the campus appear more tech savvy) I would invest in a good sturdy laptop that covers all the requirements and snag a cheap wacom, such as a bamboo if you wish to still have a pen interface on the go.

The gateway you linked has the larger screen by far (though tablets tend to have small screens anyways), but before making a choice I would contact the schools computer sales department if they have one as they may have discounts, especially if the school truly requires tablets.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:04 am

I think you are right, Mech, about asking if its REALLY required...

I talked to a past classmate of mine today, who visited our campus and she said that it's a stupid rule and many may not ACTUALLY need it. She said a laptop should work just fine, if even WANT one. (since I already have my regular computer).

The only advantage I really see (and it's a good advantage too) is that by having a lap top I can take it wherever I want... and be able to access the email and grades and stuff without returning to my apartment.

So yeah..

Thanks for all the advice guys! ^_^ I am going to visit the college next week and I will ask if they are necassary.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:49 am

If it were me, I think I'd go to a different school. O_o That's crazy. Asking students to have a laptop, I can sort of understand, though I don't think it's necessary. But a tablet PC? That seems a little over-the-top to me. >_>;;
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Postby Mithrandir » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:23 pm

My question is: how will they enforce this? Since you can NOT have a tablet if you have a Mac, it doesn't appear they are planning on ACTUALLY enforcing the rule.

Just ignore the rule. If they threaten to kick you out, get a tablet (or better yet, a Mac, lol).
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Postby mechana2015 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:30 pm

ChristianKitsune (post: 1198943) wrote:The only advantage I really see (and it's a good advantage too) is that by having a lap top I can take it wherever I want... and be able to access the email and grades and stuff without returning to my apartment.

So yeah..

Thanks for all the advice guys! ^_^ I am going to visit the college next week and I will ask if they are necassary.

Laptops are close to essential at many schools, so I would encourage looking for one.

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Postby Saj » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:06 am

If you are forced to get a tablet, from my experience, HP would be the best brand for tablets.

But if your going into art seriously, get yourself a mac. The art industry runs on them.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:54 am

Art currently runs on the software which is useualy is available at both platforms in question. *Windows and OSX.* In terms of 2d images Adobe is probably the best company, which can be found in both OSX and Windows flavors. Hardware is the most important aspect in terms of how much art you can make and how quickly the machine completes its tasks. Being one who has used adobe packages on both platforms I found relatively little difference other than speed. *The pc I was useing had better hardware then the mac so this was to be expected.*

In this case, tablet laptops useualy have pretty bad hardware. I see mostly 1 gig of ram and 1,6 ghz dual cores which works, but is not ideal if you are getting into many layers and heavy duty aftereffects assigments ect. Ultraportable tablet laptops useualy have even worse hardware. Both tend to be fairly expensive, but offer tablet screens which are awesome paticulary if you are makeing 2d art. If one is allowed to have stationary computers with tablet screens then it would be an easier call. While if it was up to me I would probably start practiceing on tablet screens seeing that they are likely to become more mainstreem in the art insdustry in 09-10. However seeing that you can use non tablet screens as long as they are mac's, then I would also take into consideration if you are going to do heavy duty rendering or assigments, then a macbook pro would be a nice option. Yes, there are stronger laptops out there, but none which are mac's and I have yet to see a tablet laptop with even close as powerful specs as a macbook pro.

I would defidently speak with one on the school and ask how heavy some of the assigments are. Currently tablet laptops are not ideal in terms of large art assigments that involve much rendering and a great deal of layers. I personaly think tablet screens would be a smart option to get used to if you are going to create 2d art on a professional basis, however strong hardware would also be a welcome bonus depending on what tasks you are going to complete. Most tablet laptops are beetwen 11-13 inches in terms of screensize, this is small. but useable.

Also, if you get the chance, ask the school if they have any recomendations and what level of hardware is required and what level of hardware is preferable. Also ask what the students seem to be most happy with. If a tablet laptop/macbook pro is too pricey, then a macbook would probably be your best bet. Seen nothing, but great reviews of those and they are not too expensive as far as laptops goes. + They are mac's which gives you access to the school. *They are not tablet screen mind you.* *If you do go for a low end macbook, then upgrade to 2 gig of ram. This costs about 150$ more, but in the end its worth it*.

I find the rules slightly strange I must say. XD
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