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Motivation issues.

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Motivation issues.

Postby Bap » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:08 pm

I dunno if that's what you'd really call it... But I feel that lately, as time goes by, I get less and less excited about stuff and during the past few months, I've been in slumps where I don't really feel like doing much of anything. Like, no homework, no drawing, writing, thinking stuff up... playing anything. I just kinda wanna sit here and do... nothing. :/

Like I'm bored with life or something. >_o

It's just kinda... depressing. @__@; And that leads to more uh... not wanting to do stuff? xD;

Yeah. @_@; Prayer / advice / anything would be wonderful. <3
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Postby Danderson » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:31 pm

Know exactly what ur talkin about....I've been told it's called senioritous or something like that....I'm actually kind've feelin that way right now, so ur not the only one.....
....You have my prayers.....
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Postby Bap » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:21 pm

Yeah. ;~; I have pre-mature senioritis fo' sho'. Maybe even premature senior... ...citizen-itis.

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Butyeah. Not really actual jokes aside, thanks. <3 I really do appreciate it.
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Postby Sheenar » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:55 pm

I understand how you feel. this is my 4th year in college and I just want it to be over sometimes.
I've found that the best cure for not wanting to do anything is to suck it up and do something. Sometimes I just have to make myself stop doing nothing and do something.
Like doing the dishes or homework. It has to be done, I don't really want to do it, but I do it anyway --then I feel good after I'm done --like I've accomplished something. Then that feeling motivates me to get more stuff done.

I don't know if this helps, but this is what helps me when I'm in slumps like this.

Keep us updated. I pray that God gives you a sense of direction and purpose to motivate you.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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Postby Bap » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:22 pm

I'll try that. :D Maybe actually start on my art project. >_> <_<

Thanks. <3 I'll try and keep it updated.
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Postby 12praiseGOD » Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:04 pm

I'll pray for you to get your motivation back.
GOD bless you!!!
[color="Red"]If GOD brings you to it, He will bring you through it.- unknown.[SIZE="3"][color="Magenta"][color="Red"][/color][/color][/SIZE]:angel:[/color]

[color="Lime"][color="Lime"]"GOD isn't sitting far away with a magnifying glass, but HE is an ever present GOD" -unknown :thumb:

-meaning he is with us all the time.[/color][/color]

[color="Magenta"]"If you don't trust your wings, you'll be caught in the mountain."-myself:angel:

meaning- "If you don't trust GOD, you'll be caught in the problem."- myself[/color]


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Postby Bap » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:54 pm

Thanks. <3

Dunno if this would be an update or anything, but I dunno... has anyone ever been through a kinda. Sorta emotionally taxing time, and eventually something kinda... Maybe not breaks, but you're eventually just like, "Ah, screw it," and you're kinda. Mellow? Anyone know that? xD;

I guess that was kinda me today. xD; I was sorta mellow and I dunno, even though I don't really know what I'm suppose to be doing and I'm still like before, I was in line for lunch and this thought just floated through my head about even if my situation isn't y'know. Great. God's still in control, so I shouldn't worry too much... xD; Not sure if it's because the thought actually helps or because I'm emotionally drained at the moment. But uh...

Just my ramble for the day. :D;
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Postby animewarrior » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:20 pm

lol.. I know how you feel... I'm kind of a smarty pants but right now I just got my report card back and I got a 59 in Foods a subject that should be a average is 76 so it's still OK but for me 80s is teh norm (not bragging just truth sorry ppl if it seems like I'm bragging or whatever... >.< ) ...and I don't even really care ... AT ALL...errr...going crazy one day at a time....and I just DON'T CARE about anything...except maybe anime....and even then I don't care sometimes....gah so confuseeedddd but btw im ranting so I'll be quiet now... sorry ppl...
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Postby Bap » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:08 pm

I totally know what you mean. D: I prolly have Ds and Fs all over my report card right now but I don't really care. @_@;;
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Postby SnEptUne » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:17 pm

I used to care a lot about grade, to the point of working myself out to exhaustion just to be perfect. But ever since university, I stopped interacting with people and it is the first time I know what failure meant. I started questioning myself why am I in school to begin with, and realized that I am in school for education, not grades or a piece of paper. I have given my all, even though I didn't got over 70. I don't care about grade, but I care whether I could have maximized my learning before I lose the chance to learn. I tried to live as if tomorrow is the last day of my life, so that I will have no regrets.
[SIZE="1"]Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)[/SIZE]
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Postby Bap » Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:19 am

I agree, it is good to focus on learning, as opposed to stressing over grades... But I think that in order to stay in the education system / advance to the next grade, one has to give some importance to grades, right? D:

Um... Maybe... another "update," I guess? D: Along with my slumps and stuff like that I've also been kinda... getting a lotta. ..."rage spasms" I guess you could call it? >_>; Like... something happens, and I kinda get this random surge of. Angry-ness. It passes over in a moment, but in that... MOMENT. I kinda get ideas of. ..acting on it.

Like uh... I've kinda been having some. Problems with my friend, and one day, we passed by each other in the hallway, and I looked up at her, y'know, I didn't wave, but I just wanted to show she had my attention... but she didn't even look at me. u_u And I sorta. Cracked. Had that angry spasm moment, and I had the urge to throw my sketchbook and textbook at a wall. >_> Whilst I didn't, it did linger in my head for a few more moments.. u_u;;

That kinda sounded more crazy than I wanted it to. ._.; But... yeah. Just. update, I guess. :D; Comments and prayer is really helpful. ._.;
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Postby jaems-kun » Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:09 pm

Bap (post: 1195922) wrote:I just kinda wanna sit here and do... nothing. :/

Nothin' wrong with that. Humans go through a variety of ... stages. If that's what you'd call it. Learn to enjoy your feelings whatever they are, you're bound to go through a lot of them. If you don't feel like anything, enjoy the break!

As for angry spasms.... err... don't hurt anyone, plz.
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Postby Bap » Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:27 pm

xD; Yeah, I guess I should try.

:D; Yeah... Luckily, I haven't really had any thoughts towards hurting anyone. They're all just against walls and stuff. xD;

Darn walls! D:
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Postby SnEptUne » Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:18 am

[quote="Bap (post: 1198283)"]I agree, it is good to focus on learning, as opposed to stressing over grades... But I think that in order to stay in the education system / advance to the next grade, one has to give some importance to grades, right? D:

Um... Maybe... another "update," I guess? D: Along with my slumps and stuff like that I've also been kinda... getting a lotta. ..."rage spasms" I guess you could call it? >_>]

Or perhaps she is too shy to make eye contact with you. I used to have minor angry spasm too, but I got over it after listening to or playing some nice classical music. Reading bible helps too, of course. I don't know what my life will be without them :D.
[SIZE="1"]Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)[/SIZE]
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Postby Bap » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:57 am

Well, I would usually assume that... xD; But we've known each other for three years, and I don't remember her ever doing that. D:
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Postby Bap » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:04 pm

...okay, really late bump. add on thing. ...but yeah. ._.;

...I think. part of the reason. I've been feeling unmotivated is 'cause... I dunno. I've always seen myself doing.. a certain thing in life. Like. That's the only thing I've ever really been "good" at? And I think. I might feel a little. Not. ...encouraged, 'cause like... I'm not really that good at it. Dx

So it's kinda depressing 'cause the one thing I'm best at isn't really that good. xD; Like... I dunno. I feel like there's no point in going to school anymore. D:

...yeah. ._.;

Thanks. For.. whoever reads and prays and stuff. <3
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Postby Danderson » Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:00 am

You have my prayers on this.....
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Postby 12praiseGOD » Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:44 pm

YOu have my prayers. I know how you feel, sometimes homework seems borring, but then I look at the future and realize that is the best for me and do it! I recomend that you try hard to force yourself to do it because sometimes the hardest thing to do to get out of the slump is to actually force yourself out of it by putting in some effort into the things that you don't want to do, and maybe you will then find something else that you love doing! Don't be disencouraged that you are not very good at something because someone is always going to be better or worse than you, but what you put into it is what counts, and remember GOD is always there to help you out in time of need to love you and for you to love HIM back! May GOD BLESS YOU AND MAY YOU GET OUT OF THIS SLUMP!!!!
[color="Red"]If GOD brings you to it, He will bring you through it.- unknown.[SIZE="3"][color="Magenta"][color="Red"][/color][/color][/SIZE]:angel:[/color]

[color="Lime"][color="Lime"]"GOD isn't sitting far away with a magnifying glass, but HE is an ever present GOD" -unknown :thumb:

-meaning he is with us all the time.[/color][/color]

[color="Magenta"]"If you don't trust your wings, you'll be caught in the mountain."-myself:angel:

meaning- "If you don't trust GOD, you'll be caught in the problem."- myself[/color]


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Postby Bap » Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:20 am

Thanks guys. <3 I'll try.
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