The Theory of Wave Ambiance

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The Theory of Wave Ambiance

Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:50 pm

CO GMs: USSRGirl and Jaden Mental


Millenia ago, five beings called the Seed, appeared on the face of the Realm (this period is known to historians as the Era of Manifest) amongst them, one named Lyric. While exploring this new environment, something strong and strange—something in the air, made them mysteriously ill. The only one able to move, Lyric journeyed to find a cure. He stumbled across a cavern in the earth; inside this was a giant crystal rock. As he drew nearer, he became more ill, but when he touched the rock, he was immediately cured and felt strangely energetic. The rock seemed to have waves of energy flowing from it, so he named it the “Wave Core”. Eventually, the Seed became well again, now accustomed to the flow of energy.

Eventually, a citadel was built over the Wave Core, and the five grew into a vast population. Lyric named the rock “Calypso”, and guarded its secret. He gradually learned how to harvest energy from the Wave Core, developing abilities and inventing items which used this energy as fuel; through the years, he slowly ceased aging due to his close exposure and being the first to touch the Core.

However, due to the consequences of his meddling, an evil was awakened from the Core—a dark force, which seemed to have a mind of its own. It grew out of control; while trying to stop the plague, Lyric was brutally attacked with a blast that knocked him unconscious. When he awoke, the figure of a man stood before him (due to being in direct contact with Lyric, the evil from the Wave Core gained human form). A devastating duel occurs between them—Lyric ultimately wins, and the dark force is contained.

The Calypso Citadel falls in this duel. Lyric vanishes.

Eventually, the people of the Realm discover and learn how manipulate the energy of the Wave Core. Insurrections and terror rises due to this discovery. A firm ruling power is set over the people, and the use of the energy of the Core is used only for the welfare of the city (like electricity); fighting with this power is outlawed.

Modern Day:

A reactor has been built over the Wave Core—now called the Reactor Calypso. A city, named New Ithaca, thrives around it, different races living in its shadow. All seems well…

But for the past few days, the reactor—the source of energy for the city—has had constant surges.


You are a citizen of New Ithaca.
You have a choice between these races:

--Anthro (any creature of your choice, including nekojin); powers such as fire-breathing--not included
--or any other requested race (except shapeshifter)
--Halves between races are permitted (such as half-human, half-anthro); only halves, please, not conglomerates (such as part this, part that, part other).



You may provide a picture of you character. Multiple characters (no more than 3) are permitted.
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby USSRGirl » Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:55 pm

Yay! Tis up!

Name: Jelly
Occupation: Janitor at the city's main reactor plant.
Age: 19
Race: Panda Anthro
Bio: Jelly's a bit of an introvert. He doesn't like getting involved in other people's problems, and usually keeps to himself. His parents were killed in an accident when he was just a kid. Jelly has done odd jobs to scrape by ever since - the latest being his career as a janitor at Reactor Calypso. Fun as cleaning up toxic spills is, lately Jelly has been sensing some tension from the higher ups and fears his natural curiosity might get him into trouble one of these day. He dislikes his name, and hates it when people poke fun at it. u___u;;



Name: Fan Ku'ai
Occupation: Lieutenant of the Calypso Guard charged with the task of watching over the reactor (if this is okay, Darkelf. :sweat: )
Age: 25
Race: Human
Bio: Fan is garnered a reputation as a competent but steel-hearted commander long ago, and various rumors and tales of her bravery and merciless nature run wild around the city. Few of them are pleasant stories. Her nickname is "The Emerald Witch" due to the green army fatigues of her rank... and her ruthlessness.
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:21 am

I'm gonna join!
Name: Lance
Race: Dolphin Anthro
Age: 30
Bio: Lance is a scientist at the reactor. He keeps to himself, but he's got a bad feeling about what's going on. Despite being a scientist, he's a creationist, and knows there's a balance between good and evil. He knows evil cannot be contained for long. He doesn't trust Fan at all.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby silver_wolf454 » Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:41 am

I'll join I'll make my bio later ^-^

[SIZE="3"][color="Green"]Banner art by: Shao-Feng-Li[/color][/SIZE]

"I am but mad north-north west. When the wind is southerly....I know a hawk from a handsaw."- Hamlet, Shakespeare's Hamlet

[color="DarkOrchid"] "There's rosemary - that's for remembrance. And there is pansies - that's for thoughts." [/color] -Ophelia, Shakespeare's Hamlet
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:00 pm

Cool bios so far! Wow, this'll be interesting.

To Temmy: Yeh, that's ok ^^

Good or bad guys can be made, and any occupation, even government and military positions--except president, of course (well, you know, postable occupations--no drug dealers or those "types" of ladies, thank-you). There will be an "evil organization" set up for the bad guys very soon, if they wish to join.

If you are unsure if you're character's occupation is "postable", PM me your idea.
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:24 pm

>.> Villan approaching.

Name: Zandor Zyrith.
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair - Shoulder lenght silver/cyanish
Weight - 250 pounds.
Height - 6,3
Apperance: Is often hidden behind a silver mask wearing a black robe with golden egdes. His eyes are said to be pale like and he has a fairly dark voice. Fairly white skin. The robe covers his entire body lenght, however a pair of fine tuned silver greaves are often seen underneath.

History: At the age of 16 he became a law enforcement officer. He quickly learned nearly every location that could be found inside the citadel. He made friends, both legal and illegal, high standing on both ends. His sucess rate in deminishing crimes where unavoidable, but so was the high annoumts of dead bodies found, killed in terrible ways. He quickly became rich by buying property in areas that his squad did not superwise, then when rotation time came and he was assigned another place he had bought property, their value would dramaticly increase as there was no crime present. He later retired from police duty and works now as a freelancer. His building is one of the most impressive ones to be found. Dead Eye corp as they call themselves. They deal with real estate, lawyers, protection and bounty hunters and have an incredible high rate of sucess. Noticeably it could also be said that their opponents useualy don't end up gaining anything if lucky. He spends most of his time in the city unprotected, he has proved in the past that he can handle himself.

Personality: Not always a man of many words. Zandor has shown inntrest in anything regarding legal activities. He has never once had a sucessful charge hit him as well as he has gained an impressive sum of money on doing what he is doing. He is said to have a distaste for what he decribes as non human, this is easy to identify as long as one have access to the files of every person he has 'protected himself against' and killed in the process. Once one of his containers sections where raided finding many unlisenced guns, the one fileing the charges who where under witness protection changed what they decribed as *A massive annoumt of weapons crates* to *A single firearm along with some posters* a week later. Much of the following steps of the case dropped quickly and the guns disappeared from the evidence locker. This person is considered a high standing and important person in general. This obviusly has something else to the story, but no legal files to even back up the slightest of errors.
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:42 pm

Awesomeness! Welcome abroad RL and Silver!

Bwahahahaha!!! The return of Zandor!!! :grin: Geez... Jelly is staying far away from him.
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:47 pm

Well, maybe he and Lance can be pals. (hint hint)
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:11 pm

Sure, though Jelly's a bit reserved. Mawhahaha! Anthros unite (take that Zandor). :p
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:45 pm

Yay! Nice character, JM ^^
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Althaia » Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:07 pm

Name:Noir Rose
Occupation: Botanist/DNA specialist
Race:plant anthro (is this possible?)
Bio:Noir was created by combining plant and human dna thus creating a person who can eat but also do photosynthesis. she is the botanist that researches ways of helping and harm people with plants and can restructure dna of plants to suit her needs
Side: is in the middle she is both good and evil
Hair : Black
Eyes : Purple
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 140
Skin tone: Pale almost see thourgh

Personality: sweet and calm is a sorta recluse
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

[color=palegreen]~When you Believe from Prince of Egypt

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Postby silver_wolf454 » Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:31 pm

Uwwahhhhhhhh JellllllllYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyy! *steals jelly in a huggle* MINES!!!!


Name: Victor

Occupation: inventor


Race: human

Bio:Victor is a bit of a recluse. He has a small shop where he sells his inventions

Name: Sammy

Occupation: (can he help jelly? >..>)


Race:human/ black cat anthro

Name: Lady Natalia

Occupation: noble

Age: 18

Eyes: Black, angular

Clothes: A large vitorian style dress, feathery fan

Hair: long white and soft

Extra: She has large white wings on her back like a swans

Race: human/ swan anthro

Bio:A young woman from a noble family.

[SIZE="3"][color="Green"]Banner art by: Shao-Feng-Li[/color][/SIZE]

"I am but mad north-north west. When the wind is southerly....I know a hawk from a handsaw."- Hamlet, Shakespeare's Hamlet

[color="DarkOrchid"] "There's rosemary - that's for remembrance. And there is pansies - that's for thoughts." [/color] -Ophelia, Shakespeare's Hamlet
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:51 pm

To Raven: That's ok ^^

Nice characters Raven and Silver!

I'm still working on my character....
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Dante » Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:55 pm

OOC: Ack! I feel compelled to join, but people are staring at me to go do more GRE studying as it is... hmm... I might make a nerdy character anyways though. Well, I guess I could try something random and deviant. It probobly deserves to get rejected but I'll drop him on anyways.

Name: Xyrith Xandor (Xyrith: "I thought of the worst possible name to give myself and decided upon the above, changing a Z to an X because I wanted to be one above my vision of the worst possible name in history!")


Age:"My energy has existed in various forms since the dawn of the universe, increasing enthropy where-ever it goes!"

Eyes:Who can see past his goggles!

Daylight worthy: No

Hair: Yes, theres still a little of it left, mostly white, or dyed odd colors... when he feels festive.

Extra: Lives in an indestructable van down by the river, complete with its own force field and mad scientist lab. Huge telsa coil for broadcasting messages to the martians optional. He also has a split personality that is completely sane and logical and studies truely important aspects of science in a genius and critical manner, but sadly this bio was not written by the latter half... it was written by the well... you see.

Race:Carbon Bipedal Liform.. although his love of computers suggests this is a lie... and that he is really a amputee silicon based quadrapedal form needing to get a life!

Bio: I attended eclipso university, a secret hidden underground university at the age of two where I was enrolled in peanut-butter and jelly undergraduate research. After achieving my crowning achievement of toasting bread, I was outcast by the powers that be because they didn't like me and have been out to get me ever since... but I have something comming for them that they don't know! Since I left their research facility I went on to live with sadly normal parents who didn't have a clue about the greater pleasures in life. I promptly abandoned them in cryogenic freezers at the age of ten and rapidly used their resources to build a massive mega water cannon to bring my cranial power to achieve the rulership over the world that it was destined to have. Sadly though, I was caught and arrested, my would-be parents traumatized and the powers that be managed to survive the day by thwarting my plans once again... but they failed to kill me, taking the crazy fool next door in the assylum instead. After masterminding a way to use my mind to create the budget cuts of last decade I forced the assylum to release me onto the world and began my research in number theory once again... I now have four walls covered in nothing but newspaper articles and cheezy tabloids in order to conclude the secret... the secret underground plot by the powers that be to hide the secret purpose of the so-called "Wave-core" to the underground union of lawn gnomes!
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:42 am


Wait--that name......Ohhh....

Pascal, are you serious? I don't know whether to laugh till I cough up a lung or sack you with the DESPO.
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Dante » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:21 pm

XD I'm serious... he'll probobly die faster then a speeding bullet once HE finds out but I want to create him anyways! Just as an interesting speed bump along the way.
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Postby USSRGirl » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:42 pm

XDDD This RPG is gonna interesting... judging by the plant anthro (which is actually a pretty unique idea O.O), Zandor's nobody, and the fact that my character was just kidnapped. XP

Aww Sammy's such a cute chibi too.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:03 pm

Yeh I know! You guys are so creative.

Hopefully, more people'll join. If not, I hope this can still go on ^^. There's a lot of interesting things and twists about to happen (and disasters *ehem*).

I still have yet to submit Silas and Genevieve's character info (they're both half-human, half-wolf--Silas has the eyes and the hair (only on his head, hehe) and Gini has the ears and tail). Genevieve is Silas' younger sister.
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby USSRGirl » Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:19 pm

Yay! Disasters!

o_____o *gasp* No elves?!!! Have you betrayed elf kind?! I like the name Genevieve though.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:37 pm

XD Well.... I don't know.....probably Lyric?

Thanks! I like that name, too ^^
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:48 pm

Oh--don't overload yourself if you think you're too busy ^^.

A centaur's fine ^^.

Actually, almost any race is fine (except undead and shapeshifters). They can't have powers--yet. Undead is obvious, but I have a plot reason for shapeshifters.
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:27 pm

Do instinctive abilities count as superpowers?
Cause dolphins are super-smart and excellent swimmers.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:48 pm

rocklobster (post: 1194710) wrote:Do instinctive abilities count as superpowers?
Cause dolphins are super-smart and excellent swimmers.

Oh--yeh, they count ^^
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby Dante » Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:20 pm

Kali probobly wants to know why the undead aren't allowed... the union of the undead empire under Kalven Lord Graphic covers majority of the galaxy and they feel as though they are being discriminated against because they died but didn't like BEING dead... because you know not everyone ENJOYS being dead! Thus because of this, there will be a strike on all ceasar salads within the RP until the undead are given their rights :P.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:27 pm

Gotcha, Mask (sorry, just rushing through) ^^. Nice character!

pascal wrote:Kali probobly wants to know why the undead aren't allowed... the union of the undead empire under Kalven Lord Graphic covers majority of the galaxy and they feel as though they are being discriminated against because they died but didn't like BEING dead... because you know not everyone ENJOYS being dead! Thus because of this, there will be a strike on all ceasar salads within the RP until the undead are given their rights :P.

XD Sorry! I didn't mean to discriminate against His Undeadness and his fellow minions! Aw, I like caesar salads!
I don't know if the admins will allow know, undead = necromancy= very bad magic...
Well, if Kal IS going to join, I can ask when I submit the request next week....
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:52 pm

Ok, I'm going to PM an administrator as soon as Temulin comes back. And I have yet to make Silas and Genie's profiles.
[color=purple][font=Tahoma][color=royalblue]"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."--[/color]Isaiah 40:31
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:01 pm

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Postby silver_wolf454 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:16 pm

Umm Does UC know he put it in the new Rps?

[SIZE="3"][color="Green"]Banner art by: Shao-Feng-Li[/color][/SIZE]

"I am but mad north-north west. When the wind is southerly....I know a hawk from a handsaw."- Hamlet, Shakespeare's Hamlet

[color="DarkOrchid"] "There's rosemary - that's for remembrance. And there is pansies - that's for thoughts." [/color] -Ophelia, Shakespeare's Hamlet
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:10 pm

HUmbly awaiting USSRGirl's first post.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:39 pm

Darkelf's first post actually. XD She tis the plot writer/evil genius mastermind behind the whole thing.
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