Rewind Rpg

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Rewind Rpg

Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:44 pm

Okay so i have never really made an RP before so

Rewind story

The year 2150 nuclear war broke loose 20 years ago. Mass alien invaders came to earth destroying all that walked upon it so we fought back the only way we knew how. Who ever has the biggest gun wins. So the attack began all the nations joined to mass a army and lanched 50 nukes over the skies fire rained down along with the ashes of our alien invaders and also our city. The alien fleet retreated from our world scaried or maybe just to reload. The cost of this great war was great the aliens weapons destroyed all of most technology. The great cities turned to dust and ash, nothing was left but a few cities avoided this destruction and our now the location of our rich and powerful. Many were pushed out of the cities and turned into outlanders they were banished or some killed. The rich, upworlders are disgusted with us they look at us wanting to kill us all. There were also side affects of the radiation, mutants some less drastic maybe only granting some special abilitys some wear transformed into large monstrosities. They have names but only a few outlanders dare speak it. What follows is our story, the way humans decide to fight against some odds that would destroy they weak. We have to learn to fight in a world thats been rewound. Will the aliens come back and will there ever be a peace between Outlanders or Upworlders only time will tell.

Rewind: characters
Outlander, or Upworlder?:

My character
Name: Jason Shepard
Age: 22
Powers: none he was not effected by radiation
backstory: Jason and his family were kicked out of the city of New york once the Upworlder law was in affect. His family died 10 years ago because of mysterious circumstances. Jason left his small outlander camp and went looking for more Outlander camps he can call home.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:34 pm

Name: Keith Warden
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 214lbs
Blood type: B
Age: 24
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Clothing: Tan short sleeved button-up shirt with dark red vest, ripped blue jeans, old tennis shoes.
Accessories: Single silver earring, Small silver cross necklace, Gun Belt holding *AC-23 Lazer Pistol as well as an assortment of small useful gadgets, some lethal.
Markings: Series of scars on torso and arms, crescent tattoo on left bicep.
Powers: Unknown, as they lie dormant until he needs them, and he hasn't yet.
Status: Outlander
Occupation: Mercenary
Personality: Determined, Smart Alec, Jerk, Flirt, Easily Annoyed.
Details: Keith's parents were killed in the attack some 20 years ago. In the aftermath, he took to the streets, where he learned how to fend for himself. Now, 20 years later, Keith is a rough street savvy punk. In order to survive, he became a mercenary and carries out orders from the Upworlders. As Keith is not a very good steward with money, he's always short on cash and will take any opportunity to make some.

*If the Lazer Pistol goes against the storyline, I can downgrade to an older, more plot friendly weapon.
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Postby christianfriend » Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:13 am

Okay, I'm going to give this rpg a shot! I just hope it doesn't go too fast for me! :3 Here's my characters!! (I might decide to only play one, but posted both since I hadn't made up my mind)

Name: Jerith Leo (Jackal)
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Outlander/upworlder: Outlander

Eyes: Green
Hair color: Dark brown, almost to the point of black.
Hairstyle: Medium length, slightly wavy.
Skin: A bit tan.
Markings: Black Lion tattoo on his back.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 230Lbs
Bodybuild: A little above average.
Other: None.

Top: Black dress shirt, grey pinstriped Vest over and a classic long jacket with a silver lion on the back.
Bottom: Black leather pants. Not too tight, not too baggy.
Shoes: Heavy Black boots that go to the middle of his shins.
Accessories: Belt with a lion belt buckle, black gloves, custom made holster for a mini crossbow and a cowboy hat.

Personality: Kind, Funny, helpful, and serious when he needs to be. He's like an uncle to everyone he meets.
Likes: Wilderness, animals, adventure.
Dislikes: Violence that is not needed, cowards that claim different.

History: Jackal was once a member of the upperworld, but chose to leave his wealthy home and neighbors to go out into the world of outlanders, to see what their way of living was like, since he found no enjoyment out of living like a pampered poodle. Once he discovered the way of an outlander's life...he knew this was meant for him. He knew he was more of a wild jackal than a poodle. So therefor he began to call himself Jackel, instead of Jerith--his real name.
Other: Besides calling himself Jackal, he personally owns one. A side-stripedone to be exact. Who he named General Copper.

Name: Nivia Noel
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Powers: has a slight control of fire and illusions.
Outlander/upworlder: Upworlder

Eyes: Sparkling blue
Hair color: dark brown with red/purple streaks.
Hairstyle: A tad wavy and lands just past her shoulders, but is usually pulled back into a messy bun with a few mini braids hanging down.
Skin: Pale
Markings: none
Height: 5'1.5"
Weight: 110 Lbs
Bodybuild: Slim, curvy.

Top: Black tanktop.
Bottom: Shorts that go to the middle of her thigh, and a belt that has a half skirt type article of clothing attatched.
Shoes: Ankle high boots.
Accessories: Red choker.
Other: She usually has to wear victorian style dresses, but wears her own clothes when she sneaks out.

Personality: She is nice, determined, adventurous and somewhat fiesty.
Likes: Sweet things, plants. Mysteries.
Dislikes: Living as an uppworlder .
Hobbies?: Sneaking out, reading, finding new and fun things to do.

History: Nivia is an only child of a rich family, who all of course live has upperworlders. Her parents despise Outlanders like most of the rich people, but she has always been attracted to them and likes to see what their lives are like.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:25 am

Your all accepted very cool characters everyone.

*If the Lazer Pistol goes against the storyline, I can downgrade to an older, more plot friendly weapon.
Yeah if you could downgrade that would help the story be more accurate. Specially with some of the twists i have in mind.

Okay, I'm going to give this rpg a shot! I just hope it doesn't go too fast for me! :3 Here's my characters!! (I might decide to only play one, but posted both since I hadn't made up my mind)
Yeah don't worry about the plot moving too fast it take me a little while to get the hang of being the lead XD. And if you want use both characters either at the same time or work one into the story later on

Ok so hopefully we can get some more people to join *crosses figures*
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Postby christianfriend » Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:36 pm

Thanks for approving my characters! And I probably will end up throwing one of my characters in later rather than use them both right away.

Oh, and I was wondering, how many people do we exactly need to start a roleplay??? Isn't it around 6 or 7??
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:54 pm

christianfriend wrote:Thanks for approving my characters! And I probably will throwing one of my characters in later rather than use them both right away.

Oh, and I was wondering, how many people do we exactly need to start a roleplay??? Isn't it around 6 or 7??

I beleave so thats seems about the right amount of people. Yeah i myself am gonna use another upworlder character later on
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:01 pm


Name: Kalesen Styre
Age: 19
Results from the Radtion: She has small wing-like appendages on her back that are completely useless. And on one hand her fingers are slightly webbed.

Outlander, or Upworlder?: Outlander
Eyes: A deep bluish green. Slightly impish
Hair color: medium lenghth and red with yellow highlights
Skin: Slightly tan.

Height: 5'4''
Weight: 132 lbs
Bodybuild: skinny but fit.

Backstory: Kalesen is a recent ran away from an upholder family that had taken her in. She was mistreated and treated as a servant. One day at a risk to his life, an older servant helped her run away. The servant was like a father to her.

Ever since that day she has been traveling with a 3 legged dog she found as she ran away.

(I will defiantely draw these guys!)

Name: Treye' Sheld
Age: 22
Powers? Just the weaponry of the day. His eyes are a little sharper than a normal person's though.
Outlander, or Upworlder?: upworlder
Backstory: Treye' is the son of a highly famous Upworlder General. He has been trained since the day he entered Kindergarten to fight and if necassary, to kill. However, on a recent trip he saw a Pair of Outlanders and their children being slaughtered right before his eyes. He hadn't seen the death of the young before. After this, he has become to doubt his existence and the honor of the world that his father loves.

Eyes: His eyes were slightly affected by the radiation: One eye is a deep brown while the other is a bright green.
Hair color: Short black hair, except for a little that is tied in a small pony tail.
Skin: Dark Tan
Markings: He has the tatoo of an a soaring eagle on his back. And a great deal of scars.
Height: 6'7''
Weight: 220
Bodybuild: Muscular, but not overly so. He is in the military...^^;
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Postby Taran » Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:12 am

Age: 15
He dresses in a more modern style
Powers?:Wings grow out of his back
Outlander, or Upworlder?:outlander
Backstory:He can't remember anything before the alien attack, but every so often he'll get a flash of something that might be a part of his past.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:10 pm

GrubbTheFragger wrote:Yeah if you could downgrade that would help the story be more accurate. Specially with some of the twists i have in mind.

Okay. I'm sorry about that.:sweat: I just wasn't sure how far back technology had been taken. I can't edit the post (for some reason... I don't know why:stressed:), so I'll just change that laser pistol to a handgun.

Um, BTW... Just how far back has tech been taken? If you could elaborate a little, I think it'd help get a few things straight.:eyebrow:
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:19 pm

RidleyofZebes wrote:Okay. I'm sorry about that.:sweat: I just wasn't sure how far back technology had been taken. I can't edit the post (for some reason... I don't know why:stressed:), so I'll just change that laser pistol to a handgun.

Um, BTW... Just how far back has tech been taken? If you could elaborate a little, I think it'd help get a few things straight.:eyebrow:

Tech has been taken back to most electronic devices are useless unless you have batteries. And after the attack batteries have become a very expensive item. Only higher class up worlders have the use of TVs and such. Guns and cars (for the most part) are still working. Hopefully that helps

and Btw ChristianKitsune awesome character very cool backstorys very detailed and again everyone is approved.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:56 pm

Thanks a mil, Grubb! ^_^
I think I have a pretty firm grasp on the scenario now.

I can't wait for this thing to get started! This is my 1st time RPing, and I hope it goes well.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:29 pm

RidleyofZebes wrote:Thanks a mil, Grubb! ^_^
I think I have a pretty firm grasp on the scenario now.

I can't wait for this thing to get started! This is my 1st time RPing, and I hope it goes well.

Yeah i am gonna try to wait for one more person. But if no one else joins i think we still might have enough to start.
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Postby Sakura15 » Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:37 am

I think I'll join..if thats ok.

Name: Bella Lombardi
Age: 20
Powers? She is able to control water and teleport
Outlander, or Upworlder?: Outlander
Backstory: Bella's parents were killed by the Upworlders and she had just barely escaped with her life, forced to live as an Outlander at the age of 10. She has seen the monstrosities that were transformed by radiation and learned to live by running and hiding. Soon after she turned 16 she became a Mercenary to make a living for herself since there is little to no honest work in the Outlands and those that do honest work get robbed.
Occupation: Mercenary

Eyes: Her eyes are a icy blue affected by the radiation.
Hair color: Long brown hair that is usually pulled back into a French braid.
Skin: pale
Markings: A few scars she received from learning to fight on her back. And a small kanji tattoo on her shoulder that means "Fire"
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
Bodybuild: Slim and slightly muscular.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:06 am

Sakura15 wrote:I think I'll join..if thats ok.

Name: Bella Lombardi
Age: 20
Powers? She is able to control water and teleport
Outlander, or Upworlder?: Outlander
Backstory: Bella's parents were killed by the Upworlders and she had just barely escaped with her life, forced to live as an Outlander at the age of 10. She has seen the monstrosities that were transformed by radiation and learned to live by running and hiding. Soon after she turned 16 she became a Mercenary to make a living for herself since there is little to no honest work in the Outlands and those that do honest work get robbed.
Occupation: Mercenary

Eyes: Her eyes are a icy blue affected by the radiation.
Hair color: Long brown hair that is usually pulled back into a French braid.
Skin: pale
Markings: A few scars she received from learning to fight on her back. And a small kanji tattoo on her shoulder that means "Fire"
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
Bodybuild: Slim and slightly muscular.

You are certianly welcome to join

and with that i think we have enough people to start. I will PM on of the mods and get this going hopefully when i return from work tonight.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:44 am

YAY *throws confetti*
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:39 pm

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:16 pm

Hey guys since there seems to be a decent understand between us storywise i would like to recruit a second co. GM since i will be here constantly. If anyone wants to PM me and they can also PM ideas of story parts (I am very open for suggestions XD)
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Postby christianfriend » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:21 pm

Hey, I was wondering what the Mutants or monsters actually look like? That would be nice to know :D
Oh, and is there a city/ town close to the camp everyone is currently at?
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:52 pm

christianfriend wrote:Hey, I was wondering what the Mutants or monsters actually look like? That would be nice to know :D
Oh, and is there a city/ town close to the camp everyone is currently at?

The monsters some are mechanical and some are humans mutated so you can describe as you see fit. They were all gonna look different so feel free to descibe the ones your character sees anyway you want. And New York is close to the camp.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:12 pm

OK I think I'll try this out

Name: Danny Mcbeth
Height: 5'9"
Race: Human(and maybe something more)
Weight: 203 lbs
Blood type: O positive
Age: 19
Body: Slightly muscular but very masculine
Hair: Red
Eyes: Left:Green Right:Blue
Clothing:Wandering swordsmen style straw hat, blue short sleeved t-shirt, cargo shorts withpatched up holes, thin short sleeved jacket with a dragon on the back, tan socks that were once white, old tennis shoes, and open finger gloves on each hand
Accessories: silver heart locket with a cross on it, a small belt pack with water and food items, and belt holding a bladeless sword
Markings: Scars in random places and Japanese dragon on his right arm with the tail on his shoulder and the head under his glove
Powers: None
Weapons: A magicial sword called the Blade Master; A bladeless sword that can change into different swords each with special powers. The sword has been passed down generations of his family
Status: Outlander
Occupation: Wandering swordsman
Personality: Silent unless he wants to say something, Brave, good with kids, liked by many, and sometimes acts goofy but is plagued by painful memories
Backstory: Raised in a Outlander village as a swordsmiths son, danny was taught how to sword fight at a young age. One night when he was ten the mutants attacked his village. His father locked him in a saferoom with the Blade Master to keep both safe. He watched his family be killed by the beasts. For three days he was locked in the room until a wandering man freed him and raised him as his own and soon learned to control the Blade Master though he has yet to master all it's forms.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:53 pm

OK I'm going to try

Name: Danny Mcbeth
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Race: Human (and maybe something more)
Weight: around 203 lbs
Blood type: O positve
Age: 19
Body: slightly muscular
Hair: Red, short and spiky
Eyes: Left: Green, Right: Blue
Clothing: Wandering swordsman style straw hat, blue short sleeved t-shirt, cargo shorts, thin short sleeved jacket, tan socks that were once white, old tennis shoes, and open finger gloves on each hand
Accessories: silver heart locket with a cross on it, a small belt pack with water and food items inside, and a belt holding a bladeless sword
Markings: Scars in random places and a japanese dragon on his right arm with it's tail on his shoulder and head under his glove
Powers: none
Weapons: A magicial sword named the Blade Master: A bladeless sword that can nhange into different swords each with special powers. This sword has been passed down generations of his family
Status: Outlander
Occupation: Wandering swordsman helping where he can for only food and a place to sleep
Personality: Silent unless he wants to talk, Brave, good with kids, liked by everyone he meets, and sometimes acts goofy but plagued by painful memories
Background: Raised in a outlander village as a swordsmiths son, danny was taught sword fighting at a young age. One night when he was ten the mutants attacked his village.
His father locked him in a saferoom with the Blade Master. He watched his family be killed by the beasts. For three dayshe was locked in the room until a wandering man freed him and raised him as his own. He soon learned to control the Blade Master though he yet to master all it's forms.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:26 pm

my try

Name: Danny Mcbeth
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Race: Human
Wieght: 203 lbs
Blood Type: O positve
Age: 19
Body: slightly musclar
Hair: Red, short, and spiky
Eyes:Left: Green Right:Blue
Clothing: Wandering swordsman style straw hat, blue short sleeved t-shirt, cargo shorts, thin short sleeved jacket, white socks, old tennis shoes, and open finger gloves
Accessories: silver heart locket with a cross on it, a belt pack with water and food items, and a belt holding a bladeless sword
Markings: Scars in radom places, and a Japanese dragon on his right armwith it's tail on his shoulderand head under his glove
Powers: none
Weapon: A magicial sword named the Blade Master; a bladeless sword that can change into other sword each with special powers. The sword has been passed down generations of Danny's family
Status: Outlander
Occupation: Wandering swordsman that helps where he can
Personality: Silent unless he wants to talk, Brave, good with kids, liked by everyone he meets, and sometimes acts goofy but is plagued by painful memories
Backstory: Raised in a outlander village as a swordsmith's son danny learned how to sword fight at a young age. One night when he was ten some mutants attacked his village. His father locked him in a saferoom with the Blade Master. He watched his family be killed infront of him. For three days he was locked in the room, even though the mutants had left, until a wandering man freed him and raised him as his own. He soon learned to control the Blade Master though he has yet to master all it's forms
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:04 am

This is the fourth time I've tryed to post this but here I go again

Name: Danny Mcbeth Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Race: Human Weight: around 203 lbs
Blood type: O positive Age: 19 Body: slightly muscular Hair: Red, short, and spiky
Eyes:Left: Green, Right: Blue
Clothing: Wandering swordsman style straw hat, blue short sleeved shirt, cargo shorts, thin short sleeved jacket, white socks, old tennis shoes, and open finger gloves
Accessories: silver heart locket with a cross on it, a belt pack with water and food, and a belt holding a bladeless sword
Markings: Scars in random places, and a Japanese dragon tattoo on his right arm
Powers: none Weapons: A magicial sword named the Blade Master; it can change into different sword designs each with special powers. The sword has been passed down generations of Danny's family
Status: Outlander Occupation: Wandering swordsman that helps where he can
Personality: Silent unless he wants to talk, good with kids, liked by everyone he meets, and sometimes acts goofy but is plagued by painful memories
Backstory: Raised in a Outlander village as a swordsmith's son danny learned sword fighting at a young age. One night when he was ten mutants attacked his village. His father locked him and the Blade Master in a saferoom. He watched his family bekilled by the beasts but they couldn't get to him. For three days he was traped in the room after the mutants left until a wandering man checking for survivers freed him and raised as his own. He soon learned to control the Blade Master but has yet to master all it's forms.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:04 pm

New guy

Name: Danny Mcbeth / Gender:Male / Height:5'9" / Race: Human(and maybe something more) / Weight: 203 lbs / Blood type:O positive / Age: 19 / Body: slightly muscular / Hair: Red, short, and spiky / Eyes: Left: Green, Right:Blue
Clothing: Wandering swordsman style straw hat, blue short sleeved t-shirt, desert camo. cargo shorts, thin grey short sleeved jacket, white socks, old black tennis shoes, and open finger gloves
Accessories: silver heart locket with a cross on it, small belt pack, and a belt holding a bladeless sword
Markings: Scars in random places, and a japanese dragon tattoo on his right arm
Powers: Can see peoples auras
Weapon: A magicial sword named the Blade Master; a bladeless sword that can change into other swords each with special powers. He has learned to control it but there are still forms he has yet to know about. The sword is also a family relic.
Status: outlander
Occupation: Wandering swordsman
Personality: Silent unless he wants to talk, good with kids, Brave, liked by everyone he meets, and at times is completely goofy but he is plagued by painful memories
Backstory: Unknown until need be
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:30 am


My second char
Name: ?? his real name is unknown but he uses the name Slade
Appearance: He wheres a mask to cover his face. Whether there is scaring under it no one knows.He also wheres a bullet proof vest under his standard outworlder clothing(old clothes)
Mutation effects: He can harness the powers of nature. Lightning, fire, rain, and even snow
Occupations: He is a merchant in Southern New york
Outworlder/upworlder: He actually as a merchant has passes that alllow him to travel to upworlder cities once a month.
Personality: Rather quiet, and almost always serious
Backstory: Slade has been to alot of camps and cities. He is one of the richest outworlers and because of his face and powers he is not allowed to live in the major cities. Every camp he has visited has been attacked. He thinks he may be the one causing. He once tried to take his own life but could not do it he know just travels the world bringing supplies and blackmarket items.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:18 pm

(Gah!!! I posted in the wrong thread! @_@;;; Sorry!)
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Postby Sanji07 » Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:23 pm

May I join?

Name: Sanji07 (Kat Mama)
Age: 12 (looks older, like 17)
Powers: average vampire skills, can control water
Outlander, or Upworlder?: Outlander
Personality: Random, Quiet, Mysterious,
Results of Radiation: Kat now randomly transforms into Sanji07; when she's her regular self, she has cat ears and a tail
Backstory: Kat Mama is a Christian outcast who used to have random adventures with her random anime friends. She is known to live in the Black House in the Black Woods with her friends. Her alter-ego (Sanji07) is a mysterious Christian water vampire (meaining that Kat lives off water instead of blood). Sanji07 looks exactly like Sanji (hence the name), only with some vampire features (black wings, unhuman height, etc.) and a chain with a black crystal on the end. Kat in her regular state has long black hair with aquagreen eyes and baggy black clothes.

I can make Kat's profile smaller if you want
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:39 pm

Accepted ! good more players people are falling out so it seems. And the profile is fine no worries
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Postby Sanji07 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:05 pm

Thanks a lot. ^0^
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Postby Sanji07 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:28 pm

[quote="Sanji07 (post: 1191451)"]May I join?

Name: Sanji07 (Kat Mama)
Age: 12 (looks older as Sanji07, 17 perhaps?)
Powers: average vampire skills, can control water
Outlander, or Upworlder?: Outlander
Height: 5'2, 5'7 as Sanji07
Weight:108 lbs. (120 lbs. as Sanji)
Body Built: (Kat) slim, but thinks self is fat]

I added Kat/Sanji's height and weight to profile.
[color="SeaGreen"]@)}[/color][color="black"]~`,~[/color] Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature
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