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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:27 pm

Well, I now know why there hasn't been an Adult Swim lineup update.

The 1 am EST: Blood+, 1.5 EST: Trinity Blood and 2 am EST: Inuyasha lineup is for this week only for Halloween.

After this week, starting Monday Nov 5th.

the lineup will be this,

Bleach at 12:30 am, Inuyasha at 1:00 am, Inuyasha at 1:30 am and Voltron at 2:00 am.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:10 am

Roy Mustang wrote:Well, I now know why there hasn't been an Adult Swim lineup update.

The 1 am EST: Blood+, 1.5 EST: Trinity Blood and 2 am EST: Inuyasha lineup is for this week only for Halloween.

After this week, starting Monday Nov 5th.

the lineup will be this,

Bleach at 12:30 am, Inuyasha at 1:00 am, Inuyasha at 1:30 am and Voltron at 2:00 am.

[font="Book Antiqua"]Col. Roy Mustang[/font][/color]

I really hope you are wrong about this... ^^; that would be the stupidest programming move ever.

Oh yes, Let's start the first 5 episodes of these shows and then stop them suddenly and show craptastic things again! :D


I bet you are totally right though XD

EDIT: I don't really see the programming for the Current Blood+ and Trinity Blood though. It says the IY and Voltron for this week anyways.

Maybe they just didn't a chance to change it? ._.
or is CK on a serious wishful thinking kick? XD

I like this block though D:
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Postby Roy Mustang » Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:13 am

[quote="ChristianKitsune"]I really hope you are wrong about this... ^^]

It would been silly to just air these eps for one week. Who knows, Adult swim maybe playing with us, since its Halloween.

Adult Swim is starting to make me hate April fools and Halloween now. :lol:

But look on the bright side, they took Perfect Hair Forever off the Sat lineup at 1:30 am and replace it with FMA.

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Postby ADXC » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:43 pm

AS + AF(April fools day weekend)= Very bad day! I thought the first time they messed with us on the first AF's day was just a once in a time occurence by doing a whole block of Chuck Noris' shows making me just go to bed early. But then the next year they did something a little funny and dishonorable, they put farts over the episodes of FMA and I think GITS as well. And then the year after that they put a PHF marathon which I must say is most definitely NOT anime! Did they do another PHF marathon last AF's day or was that all there was?( I can't keep track.)
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Postby Roy Mustang » Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:33 pm

Okay, this is the only schedule that I can put up for now on short time.

The lineup for Toonami this week is,

9:00 Naruto new

9:30 Naruto New

10:00 One Piece New

10:30 Dragon Ball Z

I will have to post a full anime schedule next week.

*puts sign on the door*

Gone out of town for the weekend!

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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:47 pm

And who can froget the time they put whiskers on characters during
Witch Hunter Robin?

I pretty much gave up watching AS during the week once Inuyasha was moved to 1:30 & 2:00 a.m. slot.
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Postby Alexander » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:10 pm

Roy Mustang wrote:Okay, this is the only schedule that I can put up for now on short time.

The lineup for Toonami this week is,

9:00 Naruto new

9:30 Naruto New

10:00 One Piece New

10:30 Dragon Ball Z

I will have to post a full anime schedule next week.

*puts sign on the door*

Gone out of town for the weekend!

[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Red"]Col. Roy Mustang[/color][/font]

Whatever happened to the old Toonami that showed (some) more variety with Anime?

I miss the days when we had Giant Robot Week...
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Postby ADXC » Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:55 am

@ Alexander- Tell me about it. Yeah, I remember when Toonami would fill up their schedule from 7-10pm with a huge variety of shows. Like Yu yu Hakasho, DBGT, Zatch Bell, IGP(SP? I can't seem to remember the initial for Imortal Grand Prix.), Yugioh GX, Bobobo, One Piece, Naruto, Prince of Tennis, Mar, and DBZ. But now the schedule has been watered down, I wouldn't even mind seeing some repeats of the shows they cut off. And I do remember the good old days when Toonami was on every week day starting at either 4 or 5.(They switched the starting time quite a bit.)
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Nov 04, 2007 3:41 pm

Basically the old Toonami time has been filled up with episodes of
Goosebumps.So now all we have is two episodes of Naruto followed by
One Piece and DBZ.
I think they moved Yu-Gi-Oh GX to some time in the afternoon or morning.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:51 am

Blood+ and Trinity Blood are STAYING on the weeknight schedule! ^o^/

So it's now:
12:30: Bleach
1:00: Blood+
1:30: Trinity Blood
2:00: Inuyasha

4:00 Bleach
4:30: Blood+
5:00 Trinity Blood
5:30: Inuyasha

At least, I think that's hwo the later hours go...

Eureka 7 will be starting on December 3 for a run on the weeknights! at 1:30 (Blood+ will stay a little longer after it's run and start at episode one again) :D :D :D :D

CK really likes this schedule! ^o^/
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:59 am

Yes, and I want Zatch Bell back in the worst way. As well as MAR and Prince of Tennis.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:56 pm

And I still wait for G4 to repent and bring back Anime Unleashed but that aint gonna happen until pigs fly as far as I know.
So AS is only going for 1 episode of Inuyasha now?What happened to their fear of Sesshie fangirls?
Good thing I've been slowly collecting all those Inuyasha DVDs.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:20 pm

Even the Sesshy Fangirls would like something other than an hour of inuyasha that they have been playing since like, February.... They have gone through the series another 2.5 times this year... I think the Sesshy Fangirls should be sadated for now.

And I think... they finished Zatch Bell didn't they? I thought there was an airing of the last episode...way back when? but I could be wrong. Aren't they showing that onthe Jetstream?
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:17 pm

ChristianKitsune wrote:And I think... they finished Zatch Bell didn't they? I thought there was an airing of the last episode...way back when? but I could be wrong. Aren't they showing that on the Jetstream?

The last ep that CN air of Zatch Bell was ep 82 on Oct 5th of this year. There is a 150 eps of the seires.

Not sure if they are airing reruns on Jetstream or not.

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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:52 pm

Man, I remember when they had Ruroni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Tenchi Muyo!
Hey, does anybody know if and when they're airing the new dubbed BLEACH episodes?
Cause I remember tuning in and instead of BLEACH (and it's strawberry punk-goodness), it was DeathNote (with it's L-ishness-goodness. Yes. He's that awesome.)

(The main reason I wanna see the next two new BLEACH episodes is that I want to see Rukia being thrown in English!...That's kinda mean, isn't it?)
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:31 pm

I believe that right now Viz is probably dubbing more episodes. They did a similar thing with FMA except they stopped at episode 26.

I really don't think people should be complaining about them stopping at whatever episode they did, nor do I think they should fear a cancellation. Remember they did this several times with Inuyasha.

When AS got the episodes, I imagine that Viz wasn't even done with the first 20 dubbed. Aren't we in the 50s on Adult swim right now? I would say that they just need to dub a lot more episodes. ^_^ don't worry. Deathnote is a good replacement, and I imagine that by the time deathnote is finished, they will have some Bleach Goodness back.
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Postby ADXC » Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:52 pm

Yes, Yugioh GX has now and has been for some time now moved to 11:30 EST on saturday mornings. Yes, Deathnote is a good replacement for Bleach. Although I do miss Bleach so much, DeathNote is certainly interesting. It sorta makes you think.

I do remember when they did that with FMA, I almost went into shock when that happened. Same with Inuyasha. Hey didn't they also stop midseason for Samurai Champloo (because I think they stopped at like episode 12 or 13 when Mugen and Jin read Fuu's diary)?

Do you think its possible that Toonami is holding Zatch Bell off for now until they run low on anime (Doubt it because Naruto and One Piece are really long anime.)?

Also its not anime, but does anyone else here watch Avatar? I don't want to start a war, but Im just curious if anyone else watches it.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:25 pm

Hana Ryuuzaki wrote:Hey, does anybody know if and when they're airing the new dubbed BLEACH episodes?

First, I want to say welcome to the board.

Since this was answer a few pages down and I know that alot of people don't want go from page to page looking for it.

Here is the run down about Bleach.

Bleach will go on hiatus for an undetermined time. The ratings for Bleach have been fine, not great, but Bleach and Blood + have been in the top three a few times as highest rated shows on AS on Sat night.

Since Bleach is a very long series, I would bit that AS bought only 52 eps of Bleach first to see how it would do. I think they will order more eps of Bleach, but it maybe four or six months, before they will show up on AS and add the fact that they may have to wait for the dub work to catch up too.

This is what happen to FMA. Adult Swim could only show up to ep 26 and then they had to wait for FUNI to finish the dubbing for the rest of the eps and FMA was on a four month hiatus.

They are doing to show the rerun eps of Bleach on AS from Mon thru Friday night.

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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:38 am

As far as it goes it looks like for now they're trying to milk Goosebumps for as much as they can on Saturday nights,so I wouldn't hold my breath about any new anime before Naruto airs at 9 for now.
Zatchbell was still in the middle of a storyline when it was pulled,plus
they kept changing the time around,so I doubt it will ever be back on tv.
Seems like Jetstream now is the only place where shows like MAR and
Zatchbell will be avaible outside of DVDs.
I was watching Pokemon yesterday and Misty had the ironic line of:
"Is that all you tv people think of is RATINGS?!"
I think it is inevitable that since Inuaysha has been moved to the Death Zone of late night tv that AS means to cancel it soon.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:17 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:I was watching Pokemon yesterday and Misty had the ironic line of:
"Is that all you tv people think of is RATINGS?!"
I think it is inevitable that since Inuaysha has been moved to the Death Zone of late night tv that AS means to cancel it soon.

Yeah, me and my friend think that InuYasha is moved too late in the line-up. But there is another anime series that I started watching on Jetix, and now it's moved to 4:00 IN THE MORNING!

(BTW, the anime was Shinzo)
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:57 pm

(Shinzo is cute!)

OH I have been seeing a few spots for Digimon Savers (data Squad) does anyone know when they will start to show the episodes? :3
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Postby ADXC » Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:59 pm

Ha, there was a DBZ movie named the Death Zone. (Wow, that was down right pointless for me to say that.) But I mean Inuyasha has been airing for how long? Its only natural that they lessen the time of airing and soon to be droped. But perhaps one day in the future for one airing of all the episodes straight, they may bring it back like the did for Evangelion.(Note: Im not discussing the show, Im just pointing out AS brought it back after so long ago from the year of 1996.)
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Postby Roy Mustang » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:28 pm

animedude90 wrote:But perhaps one day in the future for one airing of all the episodes straight, they may bring it back like the did for Evangelion.(Note: Im not discussing the show, Im just pointing out AS brought it back after so long ago from the year of 1996.)

And that will never happen again as airing Evangelion. It was a big ratings flop for Adult Swim.

And its funny that Adult Swim even wanted to air it in the first place. Adult Swim has said at cons that any anime that was done, before 2000 is too old in their eyes. Yet, they air Astro Boy. I have never understand that or why Adult Swim has said that.

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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:33 am

ChristianKitsune wrote:(Shinzo is cute!)

OH I have been seeing a few spots for Digimon Savers (data Squad) does anyone know when they will start to show the episodes? :3

Umm, Kit-chan? They're already showing the episodes. It's on at 7:30 central time on Monday night.

It shows repeats on Friday.
Is...that what you were looking for?

(I can't remember what episode they're on. The English and Japanese episodes run together in my mind...)
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:29 am

Hana Ryuuzaki wrote:Umm, Kit-chan? They're already showing the episodes. It's on at 7:30 central time on Monday night.

It shows repeats on Friday.
Is...that what you were looking for?

(I can't remember what episode they're on. The English and Japanese episodes run together in my mind...)

welllll this i what I get for like....not watching that channel that often...I just saw that spot like 2 weeks ago and it was liek "On Jetix" but it didn't say when, or what time, so I was like...just promoting it until they released the date! ^^;

It can't be that far into the series...right? RIGHT? *whimpers*
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:29 pm

They used to air Shinzo on Jetix around 10:00 p.m.Binka in the dub for season 2 was played by the same VA who did Beauty in the BoBoBo
dub,except she used a different name.

I suspect that what AS is doing currently has really less to do with ratings and more to do with their current philosophy.
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Postby ADXC » Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:32 pm

And just what is their philosophy, per se? If you don't mind my asking. I have an idea of it, but Im not completely sure.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:07 pm

ChristianKitsune wrote:......O_O
welllll this i what I get for like....not watching that channel that often...I just saw that spot like 2 weeks ago and it was liek "On Jetix" but it didn't say when, or what time, so I was like...just promoting it until they released the date! ^^;

It can't be that far into the series...right? RIGHT? *whimpers*

I think it's at least past episode 7 or 8...? Maybe?
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Postby Roy Mustang » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:44 am

animedude90 wrote:And just what is their philosophy, per se? If you don't mind my asking. I have an idea of it, but Im not completely sure.

Comedy shows are first in line before anime philosophy and you need to air newer anime to make fans happy. Cowboy Bebop and FLCL

Which they have a right to this philosophy, since comedy series on Adult Swim really beats the anime in ratings.

I know people will disagree with my view on their philosophy and yes there is more anime on right now then there has been. You do have to give AS a hand in keep trying in putting more anime on and even showing Astro Boy, I just wish it would work for them.

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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:51 pm

I think Escaflowne would work better on something like Ani-Monday or the old Anime Unleashed.It's not the type of show that really falls into
the AS philosophy of LCD(Least Common Denominator).
I think the only reason why 'comedy' has gotten more important is that
they hired someone from the Sitcom field.
Quite frankly there are a number of good quality anime series out there that will never see the light of day on AS because of the fact that they do not meet the critieria for their current philosophy.
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