Roy Mustang wrote:Well, I now know why there hasn't been an Adult Swim lineup update.
The 1 am EST: Blood+, 1.5 EST: Trinity Blood and 2 am EST: Inuyasha lineup is for this week only for Halloween.
After this week, starting Monday Nov 5th.
the lineup will be this,
Bleach at 12:30 am, Inuyasha at 1:00 am, Inuyasha at 1:30 am and Voltron at 2:00 am.
[font="Book Antiqua"]Col. Roy Mustang[/font][/color]
Roy Mustang wrote:Okay, this is the only schedule that I can put up for now on short time.
The lineup for Toonami this week is,
9:00 Naruto new
9:30 Naruto New
10:00 One Piece New
10:30 Dragon Ball Z
I will have to post a full anime schedule next week.
*puts sign on the door*
Gone out of town for the weekend!
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Red"]Col. Roy Mustang[/color][/font]
ChristianKitsune wrote:And I think... they finished Zatch Bell didn't they? I thought there was an airing of the last episode...way back when? but I could be wrong. Aren't they showing that on the Jetstream?
Hana Ryuuzaki wrote:Hey, does anybody know if and when they're airing the new dubbed BLEACH episodes?
Bleach will go on hiatus for an undetermined time. The ratings for Bleach have been fine, not great, but Bleach and Blood + have been in the top three a few times as highest rated shows on AS on Sat night.
Since Bleach is a very long series, I would bit that AS bought only 52 eps of Bleach first to see how it would do. I think they will order more eps of Bleach, but it maybe four or six months, before they will show up on AS and add the fact that they may have to wait for the dub work to catch up too.
This is what happen to FMA. Adult Swim could only show up to ep 26 and then they had to wait for FUNI to finish the dubbing for the rest of the eps and FMA was on a four month hiatus.
They are doing to show the rerun eps of Bleach on AS from Mon thru Friday night.
mitsuki lover wrote:I was watching Pokemon yesterday and Misty had the ironic line of:
"Is that all you tv people think of is RATINGS?!"
I think it is inevitable that since Inuaysha has been moved to the Death Zone of late night tv that AS means to cancel it soon.
animedude90 wrote:But perhaps one day in the future for one airing of all the episodes straight, they may bring it back like the did for Evangelion.(Note: Im not discussing the show, Im just pointing out AS brought it back after so long ago from the year of 1996.)
ChristianKitsune wrote:(Shinzo is cute!)
OH I have been seeing a few spots for Digimon Savers (data Squad) does anyone know when they will start to show the episodes? :3
Hana Ryuuzaki wrote:Umm, Kit-chan? They're already showing the episodes. It's on at 7:30 central time on Monday night.
It shows repeats on Friday.
Is...that what you were looking for?
(I can't remember what episode they're on. The English and Japanese episodes run together in my mind...)
ChristianKitsune wrote:......O_O
welllll this i what I get for like....not watching that channel that often...I just saw that spot like 2 weeks ago and it was liek "On Jetix" but it didn't say when, or what time, so I was like...just promoting it until they released the date! ^^;
It can't be that far into the series...right? RIGHT? *whimpers*
animedude90 wrote:And just what is their philosophy, per se? If you don't mind my asking. I have an idea of it, but Im not completely sure.
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