question on "Kare first love"

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question on "Kare first love"

Postby bakura_fan » Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:14 pm

Ok, so a friend of mine who knows nothing of anime, manga, or anything japanese (she's in her mid late 30's i think...)went to the senior center and saw this manga sitting there and bought it for me. I've never heard of it and was wondering what it's about. She says it's book two. So, anyone read it?

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Postby SnEptUne » Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:47 pm

bakura_fan wrote:Ok, so a friend of mine who knows nothing of anime, manga, or anything japanese (she's in her mid late 30's i think...)went to the senior center and saw this manga sitting there and bought it for me. I've never heard of it and was wondering what it's about. She says it's book two. So, anyone read it?

It is just typical school romance, about how "four-eyed" Karen met a handsome boy from another school. Karen never wore makeup and wasn't really interested in the boy, but her best friend was interested in him. The boy was interested in Karen however, and so on...

It kind of annoy me when Karen started wearing makeup and contact lens.

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Postby Mave » Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:34 am

I've read this up to Chapter 21. I'm not quite sure why I did. Perhaps I was hoping for the female character to develop some self-confidence sigh...

SnEptUne is pretty much right on and I'll build up on it a little bit more.

Karin is this girl who is the shy and quiet type who doesn't like to stand out, thus her lack of interest in makeup and fashion ("stuff that girls are supposed to like"....ok whatever). This hot and popular yet very nice guy gets interested in her and they eventually get together despite "obstacles", which include mean parents who only cares for Karin's studies and an evil *cough* best friend*cough.* After that, she had to deal with her boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and this strange development where her boyfriend is some heir to some huge company. For the most of the time, Karin frets a lot over what ppl think of her and doesn't seem to be able to deal with tough situations well, apart from cry and be miserable.

I don't mind the predictable storyplot as it's shoujo manga. However, I pretty much lost interest after "I love you, can I sleep with you?" and the fact that Karin has not changed in her insecurity and lack of self confidence after 20+ chapters. Oh yeah, it doesn't help that Karin does not have any good friends except for one girl who has an affair with a married man and gets pregnant.


This is currently No. 1 in Psycho Ann and Mave's list of annoying shoujo manga along with Hot Gimmick, PeachGirl and maybe, Parfait Tic (OK, I still like PT a lot - DaiyaxFuuko shipper!).
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Postby SnEptUne » Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:29 am

Mave wrote:I've read this up to Chapter 21. I'm not quite sure why I did. Perhaps I was hoping for the female character to develop some self-confidence sigh...

I don't mind the predictable storyplot as it's shoujo manga. However, I pretty much lost interest after "I love you, can I sleep with you?" and the fact that Karin has not changed in her insecurity and lack of self confidence after 20+ chapters. Oh yeah, it doesn't help that Karin does not have any good friends except for one girl who has an affair with a married man and gets pregnant.


This is currently No. 1 in Psycho Ann and Mave's list of annoying shoujo manga along with Hot Gimmick, PeachGirl and maybe, Parfait Tic (OK, I still like PT a lot - DaiyaxFuuko shipper!).

I agree completely. Although it isn't unusual for children to lack self-confident due to their parental upbringing, Karin basically have no character development, unlike in Parfait Tic where the protagonist becomes stronger from her fragile relationships.
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