Strawberry Marshmallow?

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Strawberry Marshmallow?

Postby AsianBlossom » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:58 pm

Hi. Just wondering:

I've heard some people on here talking about this series, saying that it was really cute and such. Could someone tell me a little more about this series? Thanks so much!

(And once my questions are answered, this can just turn into the general thread about this series.)

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Postby Cap'n Nick » Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:44 pm

Like Lucky Star, Strawberry Marshmallow is about a group of not-so-normal normal girls living not-so-normal normal lives. The cast is a little younger and the pace is a little slower, but if you liked the first there's a good chance you'll like the second.

As for objectionable material, I'd have to say yes and no. Romance is practically nonexistent and nudity, language and violence are near nil if any, but the show does have a way of subtly objectifying its protagonists in a way completely inappropriate for their age. But, it's nothing out of the ordinary. If you dropped this series because of that, there's hardly a title you wouldn't have to put back on the shelf.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:50 pm

I remember opening the book once and seeing one of the girls with a cigarette in her mouth I think...and that's what made me put it back on the shelf. But if you say it's like Lucky Star, I may want to give it another chance.

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Postby Alexander » Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:15 pm

I had given the Anime a chance but couldn't get into it very well for one reason or another.

As for the manga, I had given it a glance and thought on and off if I should read it or not. So far my interest in it is low, but I might try it again.
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:11 pm

Yes, the older sister does smoke. She's of legal age, though, and her nicotine addiction is never portrayed positively.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:15 am

Oh, legal age? She's over 20?

I thought she was a little kid...must be the artwork *shrugs*

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Postby SnEptUne » Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:07 am

Cap'n Nick wrote:As for objectionable material, I'd have to say yes and no. Romance is practically nonexistent and nudity, language and violence are near nil if any, but the show does have a way of subtly objectifying its protagonists in a way completely inappropriate for their age. But, it's nothing out of the ordinary. If you dropped this series because of that, there's hardly a title you wouldn't have to put back on the shelf.

In fact, it is this objectification of protagonists that made me quit watching the series. Indeed, it is increasely difficult to find anime that share my moral value, but they exist, such as Emily the New Moon or anime that are based on classical novels.
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Postby termyt » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:53 am

It's a really cute series, true. My brother and I enjoyed it a lot. Just watching the girls go through the series had a lot more positives in it than negatives for me. They we cute and funny and interesting.

The older sister tends to be a little on the yaoi side. That was the only detraction for me.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:38 pm

Yaoi side? Like she's into it, or she might be?

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Postby termyt » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:32 am

She goes a little overboard in her attraction to her sister's cute friends at times. It's just enough to be a little creepy without crossing the line.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:24 am

Oh, I see. Maybe like Kaorin in Azumanga Daioh (doesn't do anything but daydreams and acts flustered)? If I'm totally off, please let me know.

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Postby AsianBlossom » Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:25 pm

Well, I've read the first two books, and here's my verdict:

Cute, but was a little disappointed a couple of times.

Like, the older sister is under legal age, and she smokes and drinks. I know it's not really glamourized, but I was a little disappointed she's throwing her life away like that.

Also, the language. A couple of mild words here and there are okay...I was really suprised by the "s***!" in the first book, but what really disappointed me was the "G**-****" in the second book. They can swear all they want, but cursing God's name is not an option in my book. (I covered up half of the profanity with brush pen and Wite-Out tape, so now it just says "d*** childhood innocence").

Hm...maybe I should review this series. And, I know this is the manga thread, but how was the anime, if anyone watched it? And how does it compare to the manga? (I ask because there are no reviews for this in the reviews sections)

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Postby Alexander » Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:27 pm

AsianBlossom (post: 1191071) wrote:Hm...maybe I should review this series. And, I know this is the manga thread, but how was the anime, if anyone watched it? And how does it compare to the manga? (I ask because there are no reviews for this in the reviews sections)

I've only seen a few episodes of the anime and my opinion of it isn't very good and is more of the same from the manga. There's less swearing, but it's still there in places.

The biggest problem I had with this series is that when a story is going to be a girls slice of life story, the biggest focus is on the characters. And if the characters are hard to like or just offending, then it's really hard to pull me in. Unlike Lucky Star or Yotsuba&! which are light years better in my opinion, they were able to pull me in because I fell in love with the characters and they were overall more appealing.

Strawberry eventually just became uninteresting and I found the characters unlikeable by Episode 3, to which I stopped altogether and never went back.

My $0.02 of the day.
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Postby yukoxholic » Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:04 pm

AsianBlossom (post: 1191071) wrote:Hm...maybe I should review this series. And, I know this is the manga thread, but how was the anime, if anyone watched it? And how does it compare to the manga? (I ask because there are no reviews for this in the reviews sections)

I've seen all 13 episodes and find the anime very simplistic at looking at life and growing up with all those awkward questions we as girls ask ourselves. I would highly recommend this series for girls or for those who like slice-of-life anime. It's cute and very funny at times, pacing is slow through some episodes.

As for offensive material there are a few bath house scenes done tastefully and since it is Japanese cultural for everyone to bath together I didn't find it offensive at all. Nobue does smoke and drink throughout the series. I can only recall one episode when she was drunk other then that she really only smokes. I do remember some bad language(i.e.: d--- and h--- that's it) but the Lord's name was never used in vain. Mui's antics at times can provoke Nobue especially when Ana is introduced in the anime. It's moreso stupid-Japanese-esque in terms of their 'girls in school uniforms' fetish. Nobue likes how American girls look (stereotypical: Blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs, etc) It doesn't really transcend anything further than that. It's moreso an "admiration" than a crushing on the character Ana.

I stress this mostly: All the characters are friends and nothing more unless you the viewer THINK it yourself that way.

It's all mostly slapsick humor and since this is an anime about middle school girls growing up there is some discussion of when they will get breasts (example: Ana is bigger than Mui.) but this is a funny episode. It's not perverted or over the top. It's one of those things girls/women can relate too. I remember being that age and thinking "Everyone else has them but when will I get them!" but I could maybe be the only chick who thought this at that age I highly doubt it but you never know's just one of those girl things. :D

Mui in two episodes does grab at Ana's and Nobue's skirts (she was in her working uniform and it was to emphasize the point that her skirt was waaaay too short, plus there is no 'panty shots' in this anime which is why I think this anime is cleaner than most.)

There is a beach episode. This episode was tastefully done, there is nothing perverse or sexually intimated in this episode at all. Just a bunch of friends and their older sister going to the beach. Mui does however get revenge on Nobue by untying her bikini top again NOTHING is shown and it was due to her saying Ana looked better in her swimsuit than Mui. The Ana and Mui thing is mostly rivalry for Nobue's attention. It's mainly Mui though.

I believe the rating it was given by the publishers is an adequate rating. 13 year old girls and older could definitely watch this. I, myself really enjoyed the series. I thought it was a lot of fun and sometimes outrageously funny. I still to this day rewatch this anime. It has HIGH rewatch value.

Plus, It's definitely not like other animes I'll use for example: The Melancholy Days of Haruhi Suzumiya where panty shots and crude sexual humor abound. After seeing the first episode of that anime I was completely turned off and wondered why people even liked it but too each his/her own! If you're into that kind of anime than Strawberry Marshmallow won't be your thing.

Strawberry Marshmallow in my opinion is very clean compared to other slice of life/girls coming of age anime that is out there.

I really hope this helped you out AsianBlossom!

On a side note: I have read all volumes of the manga. It does have more cursing and more over the top antics. The anime in my opinion is way cleaner than the manga. Though the manga does give more story to all the characters. Espically for the character Nobue. I think for the manga I'd recommend it for ages 16 and up only due to the language and a few instances of Mui just being her naturally curious self.

Post Script: Super sorry if this posted more than once. My browser has been acting up all day! >__<;;
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