I have a friend who lost a family member not very long ago, and I would be greatful if anyone could pray for them... it means a lot. Thank you.
I also have a request for prayer, for myself, and I have been debating posting it here for the last half hour... I mean, I am fairly new here and no one really knows me, I know that shouldn't matter, but I just like to present myself as much stronger spiritually since I rededicated my life to Christ... and when I put all my problems out in the open for everyone to see, I feel like it makes me look weak, and thus no one would ever come to me when they are in need of talking or something, and I love helping others, though I don't like saying it that way, because it sounds like I am saying I am better than others, and I don't feel that way, I just don't like to complain or whine about my problems, at least not anymore, but that is pride coming in... I just think that all I see all over the internet and elsewhere anymore is people who are depressed or emo or whatever the word is for it, and I get to feeling like people just don't want to be happy and never try to even put a little trust in God to bring them out of their suffering... He is the only one who understands our pain... but then I remember I was the same way when I was into deep depression, panic attacks, ER visits and countless doctors tests... being put on so many drugs that didn't help me... but God saved me from all that and I became better through prayer and trust in Him.
I see now that those who speak in such ways are in that deep, dark hole of hopelessness like I was... they may not feel the exact same way as I did, it could be worse or totally different, maybe not as bad... it could be any of those, we never know the pain of another person, we can just relate a little to the situation. I'm at the point now in my life, where I feel stuck, like a robot doing the same things each day... and I am back to the hopelessness feeling... not deep depression, but emotionally drained if that makes sense... once I got better those few years back, I got myself a job and started making changes in my life. I never imagined myself getting anywhere in life, because I have social anxiety... I get all freaked out talking to new people in person or being in a large group and around crowds. I now have two job and a third I do on the side for a little extra, but with all this I lost that thinking time, you know, I am a person who never had brothers or sisters, and I never had kids around where I lived to talk to, not until I got into my teens did I have friends move in close to me here... and I was home schooled, so I had like, no social interaction with anyone other than family... so what did I do? I spent countless hours on the computer... forums, chats, emails, blogs... etc etc... learning words like "lol" and "emo", instead of getting myself ready for my future, though we never think about that when we are young.
I think that really messed me up in life, spending so much time online back then... it wasn't the single thing that caused my problems, but it contributed to it. I have always been extremely shy, so that was one thing, the internet made me feel like I could have tons of friends and be cared about, and people needed me. That is pretty selfish, but that is how I felt.
So in short, with me having the jobs I do now, my social skills improved some, but not the greatest... the good part was it helped me enough to be able to take responsibility and pay my own way for things when I hit 18 years old... before I couldn't even go to the gas station without a credit card, because I was afraid to go in to the cashier and pay, because... well, I guess I was afraid they would bite me or something, I dunno, I fear being judged I guess, and if I would get my words twisted... or maybe I would forget what pump I parked at and look stupid having to go back out to see the number... you name it, I thought it. I've had a difficult time adjusting to doing things on my own and making important choices the last few years, but I know it isn't suppose to be easy... the thing is, now I have reached a standstill... I am stuck with not know what it is I am suppose to do, and I am trying to see if it is because I haven't been trusting God the best I can, or what it is... I have been taking the "if you try too hard, you won't see it" approach lately(before I was worried so much about what it is I am to be doing, I went into panic and wasn't listening to Him), just listening and keeping my eyes opened for the next door, that will lead to what I am meant to do.
I pretty much just work, pay bills and start again... the good thing is less time to worry about things that I shouldn't be worried about, but it feels like I am stuck doing the same things and not making progress. I want to go to college to move on to something better later, but I have bills and everything now, so it isn't so easy, so I have debated doing online college, so I can work that in between with my work hours... problem is I don't have the money yet, so it will take some time, as there is no way I am taking out yet another loan right now, until I pay some others off... there would be no way I could handle all that yet... and thing is, I want to make sure I know what it is that I want to study... I still dunno what to do. I have been thinking about doing Photography... it is something I do on the side now, and if I took it up, I could get better and seek out a good job as a Photographer, the problem is, I don't think the income is any better than what I am making now, so it is kind of pointless to take it up as my primary job, just keep it as a hobby and a side job. I don't think I am good enough anyway, the website all my work is displayed on has produced no results... could be lack of traffic, because I don't like to advertise my site anywhere, but still, my work just doesn't seem to match other Photographers I have seen.
I have this passion of wanting to help people, but I haven't known how to go about it... I mean, helping those who are going through depression and teens and young adults at struggle with all that awful crap out there these days... I feel I have experienced lots of what this dark world has in it, and I could use that to help others... I have tried making websites, forums, clubs... etc, you know, a place for others to come for support and to known they are cared for, and that they don't need to give in to temptations to be accepted or "normal". I have spent countless dollars on .coms and hosting, and all of it failed, because I wasn't capable of making the sites attractive enough to draw any attention, and I hated having to advertise my own site. I don't like to toot my own horn like that.... though there are ways to spread the word without being that way, I never found out how, and thus I ended up closing down all the sites... thinking I failed and wasn't capable of making a difference... that is a big mistake to have a mindset like that, but I get discouraged pretty quickly when it comes to my own stuff not having any effect on others in a positive way. I have even debated if I do it to help people, or if I just want attention, because I would be a webmaster and have a site that helps people... it's sad, but I have feared maybe that is it... I dunno, I get God's will confused with my own selfish thoughts sometimes, and it ends up a disaster.
I just want to be able to move on with my life, get a clear point of view as to what I want to work towards, and be able to help others out along the way. I want to do what God wants, not what I want. I don't want to be blind like when I was depressed and away from God. I was such as slave to my emotions back then, I don't want it to happen again.
I also wish I could find the right Church for me... I thought I had found one, but the preaching went from being Bible based, to all over the place. I'm looked down on at another one, because I refuse to be a member right now, and because I don't belong to a denomination... another thing I refuse to ever do. That creates division, and it is very clear in what God said about division amongst His followers... I'm a Christian, I don't need any of those other words... Baptist, Methodist... etc... but I do need fellowship with Christian friends, and that is one reason I joined this forum... without that fellowship, we are more open to attacks on our Faith... our mind becomes polluted with worldly things slowly, and we adjust ourselves to think it's all okay.
I'm also having trouble keeping my mind off of losing a relationship with someone very special to me... I won't type lots about this, because I would rather not, but basically we had become very close, to the point I thought she was "the one" and we understood each other so much it was amazing.... but they broke the news that they no longer felt the same way after they had been off to college for a while, and were not sure if they ever did feel the same way, so they wanted me to know that before it went on any longer. I'm greatful that they told me sooner rather then sometime down the road, but it really crushed me, and I nearly went back into my depression, but God again lifted me out of my emotional mess and got me back on track with my life. I spent lots of late nights just driving... I lost lots of sleep, but those nights I spent driving I was able to come to peace with what had happened, and God reminded me that it wasn't time for something like this to happen in my life yet, that I just need to trust Him.