Gamecast - Episode 29 - "This is Madness!"

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Gamecast - Episode 29 - "This is Madness!"

Postby Link Antilles » Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:15 pm

In show, we talk about all the crazy stuff going on before the Holiday season. -Epic counter-sues? All Id games for $70? GTA IV delayed? 4 Player Co-op in Halo 3? Starcraft II gets even cooler? Racism in Resident Evil? Games are Art?

Madness? NO. This. Is. GAMECAST!!*

Click here to grab the show!

*I'm really sorry about the overdone 300 pun, but I've got nothing this week. >.>[/SIZE]
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:39 pm

Link Antilles wrote:[SIZE="-2"]
*I'm really sorry about the overdone 300 pun, but I've got nothing this week. >.>[/SIZE]

Earthbound and water. You'll find plenty of both down there.
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Postby Link Antilles » Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:48 pm

*echoes heard from the bottom of the well*
Wait, you said plenty of *just* Earthbound and water? No SNES console? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

*angrily looks at an Earthbound cartridge for a minute, takes a bite out of it, and downs it with water*

You know, these SNES cartridges ain’t half bad! It’s like plastic space ice cream with an alkaline zing at the end.

*sits and waits for the National Guard*
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:54 pm

Fish and Chips wrote:Earthbound and water. You'll find plenty of both down there.

If you go to, you shall meet people that live off only that.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:39 pm

The Resident Evil 4 issue was a news item already known to me, but it was interesting to hear your thoughts. After listening I find myself curious to know what the bloggers who started this would say in response to your comments (and the hundreds of other reasoned responses I would hope exist on other podcasts and gaming websites).

Listening to Omega Amen being forced to summarize my massive response, I have to wonder if you guys wouldn't be better off only mentioning parts of comments that are notable. If people really want to read what I have to say, they probably will in the thread. It isn't as if you guys need to fill time, either. Of course, if you disagree you can just read this verbatim to spite me.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:20 am

"from birth of a nation to black hawk down"


It's funny... I've seen black hawk down (based on a true story) and I never even heard of it being supposedly "racist" until the comparisons were drawn to Resident Evil 5... Well, I never pinned it as racist, and... Why is it racist because it takes place in a location that is almost entirely black? It's a freaking true story.

As for RE5, I feel much the same way... I think it's absurd to accuse BHD of being racist, I think it's absurd to accuse RE5 of being racist...

Now, I'm wondering if this woman is new to the internet... She makes this an "us vs them" mentality. She's a black woman being attacked by these non-black gamers (which I think I disagree with, as there were, my guess, a proportional number of black gamers in the group which invaded her blog) If she stopped and thought about the way the internet worked, she can't expect to attack anything and not get invaded to heck. She's just plain ignorant if she expects otherwise. To take that invasion as proof of her crusade against RE5 or against gamers is what shows her to be just as prejudiced as the people who complained about her, with the exception of the fact she presents more eloquence in the way she demonstrates her prejudice, giving her the air of respectability, particularly among those not a part of this same world, black or white.

Speaking of the ethnographics, I have an issue with "gamers are predominantly young white males." To be perfectly honest, while gamers are "predominantly young" meaning in the 16-25 year old range (hardly the "children and young adults", I don't think they're disproportionally white. While money may affect system and game purchases, and minorities tend toward poorer communities, even in the poor communities, where there are TVs, there tend to be game systems. The only real reason there are more whites playing games is because there are more whites PERIOD...

Three comments, the sound on that clip was really low, a lot lower than the dialogue, the fade ins and fade outs were too gradual, and there was a lot of time between the gamecast and the clip...

That persuasive games site is pretty interesting.

For my own personal selfish reasons, I kind of hope epic wins, but for the reason of fairness, I don't know who's really at fault in this lawsuit thing, so I know I shouldn't be wishing for...

(listening to gamecast)

"With the pink water hanging from... *silence*"

Yeah, don't know what happened there... It just cut out on my while I was listening... Is that a problem with everyone? I thought it may have been my shuffle, but I rewound it and it did it at the same spot, and it's still out... Hmm... Crazy...

Anyhow... The gamecast just ended and it went to the CAA cast, so... I guess that was the end... Why must you leave us hanging, NATE??? Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:03 pm

Concerning the Resident Evil 5 controversy, I question where was the outcry against Resident Evil 4 for the slaughter of Spanish villagers? Or even the predominantly Caucasian zombie population of the previous three Resident Evil games. I understand that racism, especially pointed towards Blacks, is a delicate subject, particularly in the United States, and one we prefer to avoid; the number of modern day films featuring a white protagonist vs. a black antagonist you could probably count on your fingers, if then. But at the same time it almost feels like a double standard. If instead of the white bread American Chris Redfield, we had a Black operative investigating a zombie outbreak in, say, Britain, or even back in America where the first games are based, would we receive this same media coverage? A hypothetical question. Bigotry isn't a trait exclusive to the White, nor have Blacks been the only to suffer under Racism, although they are, perhaps, the most pronounced example.

Honestly, this whole issue might have been resolved peacefully if the critics had just done their homework, and the gamers in question weren't such a foul-mouthed bunch.

EDIT: If this is confusing, I'm willing to clarify. Re-reading my own response, some of what I'm trying to say could be written off as disrespectful, or making light of a grave situation, of which my intention is neither.

EDIT: The Colbert clip was rather hard to hear. My volume was topped off, and I couldn't make out one word.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:58 am

For the record, I had the same sound problems as the previous two posts have mentioned. At max the Colbert clip was barely audible.
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