Okay, first, a warning. I'm not really all that into anime. This is about as close to Japanese culture that I get:
Click me! I'm colored text! Whee!
. . . . in case you don't know, those are puzzle books. (And, no I can't read Japanese; most of the puzzles are of the Sudoku variety, where Japanese literacy is completely unnecessary.)
So, yeah. I'm not into anime, and I'm on an anime forum. That pretty much makes me a heathen. Nonetheless, I have decided to give this forum a try for the following reasons:
- I own three volumes of Yotsuba&!, so I'm not a total heathen
- I need more Christian influence in my life (especially after some harsh experiences on Homestar Runner Wiki Forum), and a Christian anime forum seems like the place for it (or at least a place for it
- A few of my friends are already on here, including fellow ex-HRWF member Alec *high fives Alec*
- Having seen the Goof Off section, it appears that you guys appear to know how to have a ludicrous time!
So, welcome me to your forum now. Or else I won't feel welcomed here, and I'll leave, and my only source of Christian influence will be Furrs Fur Christ, which is apparently a fate worse death (or at least a fate worse than having Christian influence from both CAA and FFC). XP