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xenosaga episode 1

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xenosaga episode 1

Postby morose » Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:08 am

what do you think of xenosaga? i think it's the greatest rgp ever, well, the greatest with xenogears
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Postby Michael » Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:44 am

Hmmmm, should Xenosaga be on the 'Do not discuss' list?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:48 am

Why's that, Mike? I Haven't played it, so I don't know.

Actually, I know that Xenosaga is one of the few games to be rated in Japan. The most violent or disturbing games get a 15+ rating in Japan. Forbidden Siren got one, I think the Silent Hill games may have, but I'm not sure. Anyhow, I know for a fact that the American Xenosaga game was edited to cut out some questionable scenes, so it could be brought down to a T rating. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Michael » Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:52 pm

Evangelion and the Xeno series share a lot in common. They both have psuedo-religious plots. (Xenosaga Episode 1 is titled 'Der Wille Zer Macht', that's the name of a book written by Nietchze)

If Eva isn't allowed on here, then the Xeno series shouldn't be either.

<Anyhow, I know for a fact that the American Xenosaga game was edited to cut out some questionable scenes, so it could be brought down to a T rating.>

There is a mind-rape scene that was heavely towned down. Mostly because the girl looks about 12.
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Postby MasterDias » Sat Feb 07, 2004 7:46 pm

It's true that Xenosaga and Evangelion both have religious themes, but the similarities end there. They are extremely different. I don't think anyone here is going to start a multiple-page argument about Xenosaga like people have in the past about Evangelion.
So, stop mentioning Evangelion before the topic gets closed or whatever.

As for the edited scene in question, well, I've seen an original Japanese clip of it and it wasn't really that bad uncut. Slightly disturbing, perhaps, but it was nothing to get upset over. I didn't really care that they had edited it in the English version.

It was a good game. Really deep Sci-Fi story.
My one real gripe about it though was that the battle system got kind've old and boring after you had done it for a while and felt somewhat "unrefined." Hopefully they will make that better in the next episode.
I'd recommend it to serious RPG fans.
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Postby Michael » Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:34 pm

Hmmmm, you beat it right? Remember the scene with KOS-MOS crucified? Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but if we can't discuss NGE we shouldn't be able to discuss X-Saga. Let's not even get into Gears.....

The scene in question was a bit disturbing, but it's virtually the same edited.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Tue Feb 10, 2004 6:38 pm

Are Xenogears and Xenosaga related? I know a Christian review I read about Xenogears said that the ultimate goal was to kill God...which is just wrong on so many counts.
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Postby MasterDias » Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:18 pm

Michael wrote:Hmmmm, you beat it right? Remember the scene with KOS-MOS crucified? Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but if we can't discuss NGE we shouldn't be able to discuss X-Saga. Let's not even get into Gears.....

I vaguely remember the KOS-MOS on a cross thing but it's been a while since I played it. Yeah, I beat it.
The religious content wasn't really offensive. It wasn't anti-Christian in any way that I found unless you disapprove of religious symbolism altogether.
Only a handful of people at CAA have played it or know anything about it anyways.

Are Xenogears and Xenosaga related? I know a Christian review I read about Xenogears said that the ultimate goal was to kill God...which is just wrong on so many counts.

You phrased that strange. I can't tell what the final statement is refering to.
That Christian review you speak of is very wrong and inaccurate. The god that you have to destroy is not the Christian God but a [spoiler]planet-destroying highly advanced superweapon designed by humans from a future Earth[/spoiler]

As for your first question:
It remains to be seen, but probably not. Xenogears is part 5 of a story.
Xenosaga is part 1 of very likely a whole new story with some possible similarities to the old Xenogears story.
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:42 pm

*laughs* I help run a Christian gaming forum, and this subject has come up many times. Yes, Xenosaga and Xenogears are related. And yes, discussing why both are appropriate/inappropriate would end up with a theological debate. I like that rule, and I'm considering making that a rule at G2G because I've seen the division that it causes first hand.
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Postby blue elf » Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:11 pm

Yay chaos!!*fangirl mode off*
I played Xenosaga and I liked it for the most part. I was somewhat disturbed by some of the symbolism, but I still enjoyed the game. I have Xenogears too, but haven't beaten it yet. Personally, I thought Xenosaga was a very enjoyable game overall,(with some of the longest cutscenes in history...not that I think that's a bad thing. ^_^) but I can see where it might cause a debate. Things with any kind of Christian symbolism seem prone to that.
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Postby CDLviking » Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:01 pm

I played and beat Xenosaga. I don't think we can judge the game until we see where they take it in the next few episodes. I really enjoyed the game and plan to get the next one as well.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:22 am

OK. For the record I have played, beat and LOVE this game. The fact that it's a movie (more cut scenes than you can shake a stick at) adds a lot to it, but from the RPG standpoint there is nothing better than being able to pause OR skip a cut scene. That's just cool. As for momo (japanese for peach, thus psyco boy keeps calling her 'ma peche') and the mind rape scene, I don't know what the original scene was, so I can't really elaborate. Perhaps if I can get a copy of the japanese release of this game I can help out more. There is at least one aspect of the game that earns it that teen rating. Unfortuantely, it comes complete with spoilers.

[spoiler="about weapons/armor"]
One of the coolest pieces of armor for the main character is a 'magic' skimpy bikini. It allows for cool level-up acceleration. Unfortunately, it's skimpy.

As for the official CAA word on the game, the physic and/or magic and/or gore ratings aren't really (in my opinion) worse than, say, final fantasy. Since we don't have a true review system in place for games, this it a tough call.

Now we get to the religious symbolism. Eep. For a more mature audience, we can go ahead and over look this. For everyone else, I can't in good concience recommend it.

Official Word:
While I personally enjoyed this game, I can't really recommend it on CAA (to anyone under the age of 16 anyway).

PS: As noted above, please stay away from the NGE comparisons. :)
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Postby CDLviking » Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:05 pm

That spoiler actually applies to most of the characters.

As far as recommending the game goes, it certainly isn't for the impressionable.
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:51 pm

So, what does everybody think of the different character designs and art of Xenosaga: Episode 2?
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Postby Omega Amen » Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:09 pm

MasterDias wrote:So, what does everybody think of the different character designs and art of Xenosaga: Episode 2?
Personally, I am excited. I have just started Episode I, but I can tell the story wants to take a serious tone. Therefore, at least to me, the new art style and design of Episode II seems more appropriate.
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Postby CDLviking » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:21 am

Where can we find the new art? I don't get off the hill much, so I live in a near total videogame vacume.

Also, does anyone know the release date for it?
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Postby Omega Amen » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:43 am

CDLviking wrote:Where can we find the new art? I don't get off the hill much, so I live in a near total videogame vacume.

Also, does anyone know the release date for it?
I usually go to for information on upcoming games. They have plenty of screenshots for "Xenosage Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose." The most noticeable difference is the character design. KOS-MOS also seems to be dressed more modestly.

Here is the link to the screenshots (about a 100 of them) from for your convenience:
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Postby Enthralled » Thu Feb 26, 2004 5:54 pm

Please tell me Mitsuda is once again composing the music for Episode II!!
*holds breath*

As far as the story goes, not concerning the content, but actual quality and depth, I don't think there's anything else that can top the Xeno series. Thats just my opinion.
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Xenosaga might've been good, but...

Postby iamneo19 » Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:08 pm

Xenosaga might've been good, but Xenogears was just plain good. Sure, the graphics weren't the best for a Square game of that time, but the anime cinematic sequences and the combo system was just plain fun to watch. I got tired of watching the ones in Xenosaga, EP I. I thought it was quite blasphemous just for the part with the twelve Zohars named "after" the twelve apostles. It flashed a big warning in my head. The game was just plain freaky in the sense of KOS-MOS goin' nuts and the one General dude turning into this demonic-looking creature. Almost scared me as much as Devil May Cry, which I also regret playing up to the 23rd mission (Boy, was that dumb.)

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Postby Omega Amen » Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:15 pm

Enthralled wrote:Please tell me Mitsuda is once again composing the music for Episode II!!
*holds breath*
Last time I looked, Mitsuda is not going to work on Episode II. Instead, Yuki Kajiura (.hack, Blood: The Last Vampire) will work on the soundtrack. Yes, I agree that Mitsuda should continue on this series. He seems to get the "Space-Time" theme very well. However, I also think Kajiura has the capacity to create a good soundtrack.

Here is the Gamespot link that I looked at, the composer news was announced from the beginning of the project:

On another note, this thread is starting to steer toward talking about the upcoming game Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose. I am not exactly complaning, but this thread is titled in reference to the first episode.... Considering that Xenosaga is planned to be a six episode game, maybe it would be better for the thread title to be renamed something more general like "Xenosaga" or something along that line? It is just a thought.
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Postby kaji » Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:16 am

I have mixed fealing about his game.
I own it, clobbered it, and thinking about clobbering it again tomarrow, but it actualy ranks kind of low on my favorit RPG's. Though I enjoyed may aspects of the game, it was kind of a let down compared to Xenogears.

First off, your gears play a significantly lesser role than in its predisessor. And all you can really do with them is equip weapons and attack. Not to mention those attack animations were kind of lame.

Second, the lack of a variety of weapons for the WHOLE cast was kind of a let down. Pluse some of them (namely Ziggy and KOS-MOS) were reletivly inefficient compared to thier own techs.

Last, but not least, the horriblibly improportional rate you get money, compared to the cost of high-end items (That can only be bought). If you missed catching that hacker, like I did, the first time around, you are out a huge chunk of change. I spent 7 hours fighting in the encephilathon to make the money to buy the AG-05. And that didnt inclued any weapons!7 hours!!!!!!!!!
Doing that kind of drew away from the story for me, in the end I had fought so many "extra" battles to level up and get some money that I had forgoten what I was fighting for.

But you cant deny the game has great graphics and good voice selections and acting for the characters. The music was good, and the story sequences were nicely done.

I just hope Im not alone in this and that they touch on some of these issues in the next installment. I know I will probably buy it when it comes out.
(After the first price drop that is.^^)
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Postby wiggins » Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:33 am

Hmmm....I'm stuck in this game. Can I get some help? Where do you go in the Gnosis ship Cathedral, and how do you extract skills from items?

Also, I see alot of concerns bout the game being impressionable, and concerns abput the game Christianity wise(?). I've just gotten to the Gnosis Cathedral ship and am wandering around in it lost. The only objectional thing I've seen so far is that the red haired kid has "666" on his hand. >.< But other than that, I don't know much. So, could someone maybe PM or tell me here about what's objectional or anti-Christian and how so? Just so I am prepared. I don't mind spoilers.

BTW whose the main character of this game?
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Postby Michael » Sat Mar 06, 2004 9:42 am

<I have mixed fealing about his game.
I own it, clobbered it, and thinking about clobbering it again tomarrow, but it actualy ranks kind of low on my favorit RPG's. Though I enjoyed may aspects of the game, it was kind of a let down compared to Xenogears.

First off, your gears play a significantly lesser role than in its predisessor. And all you can really do with them is equip weapons and attack. Not to mention those attack animations were kind of lame.

Second, the lack of a variety of weapons for the WHOLE cast was kind of a let down. Pluse some of them (namely Ziggy and KOS-MOS) were reletivly inefficient compared to thier own techs.

Last, but not least, the horriblibly improportional rate you get money, compared to the cost of high-end items (That can only be bought). If you missed catching that hacker, like I did, the first time around, you are out a huge chunk of change. I spent 7 hours fighting in the encephilathon to make the money to buy the AG-05. And that didnt inclued any weapons!7 hours!!!!!!!!!
Doing that kind of drew away from the story for me, in the end I had fought so many "extra" battles to level up and get some money that I had forgoten what I was fighting for.

But you cant deny the game has great graphics and good voice selections and acting for the characters. The music was good, and the story sequences were nicely done.

I just hope Im not alone in this and that they touch on some of these issues in the next installment. I know I will probably buy it when it comes out.
(After the first price drop that is.^^)>

Excellent rant my friend. I wouldn't have minded the AWGS, except they're about 3 times as slow as Ziggy. Weapons were definitely dissapointing for Ziggy, KOS's were OK until I got F-SCYTHE, then I got mad. Minus how much attack power?!?!?!
Money's a problem throughout the game.

I did like how instead of relying on levels, you had to lean pretty heavely on Tech Attacks. That wasn't to bad an idea.
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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:00 pm

wiggins wrote:Hmmm....I'm stuck in this game. Can I get some help? Where do you go in the Gnosis ship Cathedral, and how do you extract skills from items?

Head to the center of the ship. Basically, follow the right most wall untill you come to it.

Also, I see alot of concerns bout the game being impressionable, and concerns abput the game Christianity wise(?). So, could someone maybe PM or tell me here about what's objectional or anti-Christian and how so? Just so I am prepared. I don't mind spoilers.

Read the fine print in the previous posts. ]BTW whose the main character of this game?[/QUOTE]

Good question. I believe it to be Shion, but I'm not sure either. ;)
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Postby *Hope* » Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:25 pm

I really like this game but I am so horribly stuck!!! Don't laugh at me now, I'm not very far. When you are on the ship where u meet chaos I forgot to buy repairs for my AGWS and I don't think I can beat the huge machine thingey in part of the AGWS garage without them. I went back to see if the vendor guy was there but he ran away! Ack!! Can anybody help?
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:43 am

Two possibilities exist:
1. Find a recent save and go back. Not always a pleasent prospect, especially when: a) one has put a great deal of time into the game since the last save, or b) one saves over the other saves each time.
2. Anyway, if you can't do one, the other option is level your character up. This isn't always fun, but it helps you learn the game system too. In other words, go back and fight the "random" encounters over and over and over until you are powerfull enough to beat him.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:46 am

kaji wrote:Last, but not least, the horriblibly improportional rate you get money, compared to the cost of high-end items

Um, have you tried the "casino" module that you can get? That's where you can make serious money. Play the poker game (it's easy when you get the hang of it) and ALWAYS go double or nothing on $100 chips. When you get a ton of chips, trade them in for the maximum "pack" of 3 items. Then find a store and sell them all.

Repeat as desired.
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Postby kaji » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:10 am

Wiggins had said: "Hmmm....I'm stuck in this game. Can I get some help? Where do you go in the Gnosis ship Cathedral, and how do you extract skills from items?"

Dont leave that ship with out MOMO's special dress!!!! (Though you may be able to get it in the simulator later on, I never had to try...)
Seeing as she is an observation realian, put her up front and head back twards the begining. There is a sort of dead end, but if MOMO is leading your party (That is the onscreen character) you will see a flashing light. Check the spot and you will get the first of two transformations. Needless to say the next is hidden somewhere else in the game in a simmiler fassion.

In order to extract skills, the Item to extract from cannot be equiped. Im sure you will get it after that adjustment.

As far as helping you out of the Cathedral Ship, where exactly are you? I know there was this dumb part with a bridge that I got stuck at my first time through.
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Postby wiggins » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:16 am

I'm running around at this building up and around the ramp and back to where I started...
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Postby kaji » Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:12 am

It sounds familiar, let me check tonight, and I will get back to you tomarrow.

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