Postby heero yuy 95 » Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:51 pm
K, guys, i have to get off the computer in a little bit, so i'll make it quick. For a while hentai was a part of my past, well, truth be told, for the past few years of my life, it's been an on again off again battle. Like, won't look at it for a couple of months, then look at it some, rinse and repeat. today i was looking at it for like, at least 3 hours. it's so nasty and like, i would like to be free of it, but at the same time, it's like i've almost just accepted it as a fault, which is no good. I've talked with my mom about it, and we both aggreed no computer at night, which helps, but there are still other times when i am alone and with free time, so please pray i'll find something to do or something, thanks alot guys.
'listen to me, Grel, these constant failures have been causing me to lose face, and if you keep it up i shan't spare yours!" -Khyron the Destroyer
"why throw away your life so recklessly!"
"that's a question you should be asking yourself, megatron." -transformers the movie
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