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Mexico mission trip-related requests

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Mexico mission trip-related requests

Postby RedMage » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:26 pm

We leave for the mission trip to Mexico I'm going on in two and a half weeks. Our training schedule has been changed around and meetings have been delayed a couple of times, so please pray that we'll all be able to get our acts together before we leave.

Two more specific needs:

1. We need interpreters really badly. Currently my youth pastor is single, solitary, lonely interpreter for 20+ people, only a few of whom speak Spanish and none of whom are fluent enough to interpret. He's asked six other people if they'd be interested in helping, and none of them can do it. If we can't find interpreters on our own, we'll have to ask the organization which coordinates the trip to send some people.

2. There's a guy on the team named Steve who in past stages of his life was involved with some pretty bad stuff, and he's still not free and clear of it in the eyes of the law. There's some question whether he'll be allowed to leave the country. As I understand it, we won't know for sure until the 18th because of stuff happening in court and whatnot. Please pray that things will be worked out so he's able to go on the trip.

Finally, in passing: starting at sundown on the 19th and continuing until our training meeting the following evening, we're going to be doing some prayer and fasting for the blessing of the mission and the team. If anyone wants to participate or just say a few extra prayers for us during that time, it would be appreciated.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:29 am

Praying for the trip... hope it turns out great^^
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Postby Doubleshadow » Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:40 pm

Praying for you.
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Postby Anna Mae » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:12 pm

What type of work will you be doing (in other words, what are the circumstances for which you will need translators)? I would suggest letting the non-fluent Spanish-speakers take a stab at translating anyway; nothing makes one learn a language faster than having to use it in real life.

I hope that things work out for Steve.

I will be praying. Be sure to keep us updated.
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Postby rsnumber2 » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:56 pm

I pray that your requests will be granted.
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Postby RedMage » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:04 pm

RedMage wrote:We leave for the mission trip to Mexico I'm going on in two and a half weeks. Our training schedule has been changed around and meetings have been delayed a couple of times, so please pray that we'll all be able to get our acts together before we leave.

Two more specific needs:

1. We need interpreters really badly. Currently my youth pastor is single, solitary, lonely interpreter for 20+ people, only a few of whom speak Spanish and none of whom are fluent enough to interpret. He's asked six other people if they'd be interested in helping, and none of them can do it. If we can't find interpreters on our own, we'll have to ask the organization which coordinates the trip to send some people.

2. There's a guy on the team named Steve who in past stages of his life was involved with some pretty bad stuff, and he's still not free and clear of it in the eyes of the law. There's some question whether he'll be allowed to leave the country. As I understand it, we won't know for sure until the 18th because of stuff happening in court and whatnot. Please pray that things will be worked out so he's able to go on the trip.

Finally, in passing: starting at sundown on the 19th and continuing until our training meeting the following evening, we're going to be doing some prayer and fasting for the blessing of the mission and the team. If anyone wants to participate or just say a few extra prayers for us during that time, it would be appreciated.


1. We're going with three and a half interpreters - my youth pastor, the roommate of a person who goes to our college Bible study, one "rented" from the organization, and one person who's fluent enough to help.

2. Steve found out yesterday he's going to get to go with us after all!

We broke our day of fasting with a meal at our last training session earlier this evening. We depart Sunday morning.
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Postby angelofdarkness » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:14 pm

i pray it goes well. one of my friend also left on a missiontrip to mexico i was unable to go T_T but anyways il pray that everything goes well ^_^
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Postby Okami » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:16 pm

Wow! Praying that all goes well, mate! :thumb:
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Postby Tsuki » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:42 pm

Praise the Lord!
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