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Postby Fish and Chips » Fri May 04, 2007 12:59 am

Check that.

Overslept, so I missed it, though I did get to catch the tail end of 5th Element and bits and pieces of Clue around the place.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Fri May 04, 2007 1:31 am

I have three letters to describe how I felt about Spiderman 3:

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Postby Kkun » Fri May 04, 2007 4:25 am

It was amazing. More later after finals.
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Postby Saj » Fri May 04, 2007 4:33 am

I must say, there a lot of things i did like, and a lot of things i didnt. I need to see it again before i can truly decide.
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Postby jon_jinn » Fri May 04, 2007 3:20 pm

from the reviews and such, this is probably the worse of the three spider-man movies because it tries to do too much in one movie.
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Postby ilikegir33 » Fri May 04, 2007 3:26 pm

Right. However, it rocked! Amazing SFX aside, there is violence that's significantly more intense than the other 2 movies. Yes there's blood and someone dies:

[spoiler="who died in this movie"]Harry Osborn (who in the beginning of the movie gets his head hit as the Goblin 2 and forgets about Spider Man but later teams up with him in an awesome climactic battle, when he dies from Venom killing him)[/spoiler]

Also when Peter is aggressive he kinda looks like Gerard from My Chemical Romance. I know it's kinda random but still :)
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Postby yukishiro128 » Fri May 04, 2007 4:37 pm

This. Movie. Was. AWESOME!!! I sooo want to see it again! Every part of it was played out so well, except for maybe the beginning, and the part where Peter goes a little emo was both weird and cool. Who else just loved his hair like that? XD

Yeah, it's definitely worth seeing. Twice. Or maybe three times. Very awesome movie.

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Postby Tarnish » Fri May 04, 2007 4:47 pm

I might be flamed to a crisp for this, but, uh...

It was okay.

When it wasn't moving too fast, it was moving way too slow. Venom is one of my favorite comic book villians, so it was a bit of a let down to see him in the movie for maybe, I don't know, 15 minutes?

[SPOILER]The "forgiveness" scene at the end with The Sandman felt totally forced. Bleh.[/SPOILER]

MJ didn't get any more likable, 'neither (The theater I was in freaking ROARED with laughter when she got knocked down).

(And since we're on random observations, the scene where Peter's walking down the street really reminded me of The Tick "moustache" episode. Yeah.)

So, it was meh. It was worth watching once, but I don't think I'd want to see it again.
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Postby KBMaster » Fri May 04, 2007 4:47 pm

Aw, I want to see it! I could have gone and seen it today, but I didn't.... My brother went to see it though. Waiting til he gets home to see how he liked it.
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Postby Nate » Fri May 04, 2007 4:56 pm

I liked it, with some reservations. I still think Topher Grace was a poor choice for Venom.
[SPOILER=Harry's butler]If he knew that Norman took his own life, WHY DIDN'T HE TELL HARRY SOONER? That part made no sense.[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER=ending]I'm a bit disappointed that they killed him off. To me, the emotional climax was when Peter forgave Sandman, and then it's like, "Oh hey, this guy died too, or something." It was anti-climactic. The funeral scene didn't add a lot to the ending either.[/SPOILER]
I'm also glad to see that the Spiderman origin was still the same in SPIRIT if not mechanics. What I mean is, yeah, Sandman killed Uncle Ben, but the fact remains if Peter HAD stopped the other guy at the elevator, Uncle Ben WOULD still be alive. So he was still the cause of Ben's death, even if he wasn't the guy who pulled the trigger. That made me feel a bit better.

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Postby USSRGirl » Fri May 04, 2007 5:57 pm

Good graphics. Very funny (love the 'bad Spidey' part :lol: ), decent plot. All I could expect of from the Spidey series. I mean, it's not LOTR, but it's pretty true to comics and definitely entertaining. If you liked the first two, you'd like this one.

Heheheh. Eddie was great. "Actually, I like being evil. I makes me happy." It would've been better to use Venom in the 2nd one, because Doc Ock was too similar to Norman. Oh, and yeah, said 'character' (Temulin is spoiler tag incompetent) that was killed off was reaaaaaaally obvious. I mean I was that one coming like an hour earlier. And did MJ REAAALLY have to go and get herself kidnapped AGAAAIN?
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Postby Jih » Fri May 04, 2007 5:59 pm

Heard it sucked from 5 people at school but I plant on seeing it for myself soon. I still have to wait for the next movie for Carnage to show up though
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Postby Kenshin17 » Fri May 04, 2007 6:55 pm

Saw it. Liked it. But then I am not a comic book junky so to me they are just cool movies.

Its more character driven then the others, if that makes a difference.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri May 04, 2007 8:20 pm

jon_jinn wrote:from the reviews and such, this is probably the worse of the three spider-man movies because it tries to do too much in one movie.

Actually, I thought that part was handled pretty well for having three villains in one movie. While I could certainly tell that it had a different feel than the first two, which both focused on only one villain, I still didn't feel like there was an overload of "too many at once". Plus,

[SPOILER]the scene where Spidey and Harry fought Sandman and Venom was excellent. SO freaking cool. XD I also loved the scene where Harry and Peter first fought. That was such a well-executed fight scene.[/SPOILER]

ilikegir33 wrote:[SPOILER=who died in this movie]
Harry Osborn (who in the beginning of the movie gets his head hit as the Goblin 2 and forgets about Spider Man but later teams up with him in an awesome climactic battle, when he dies from Venom killing him)[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]Harry's death scene (at least, the scene where he was impaled) was so well done, I thought. He died the same way his father did, except this time, he was doing it to save his best friend's life, rather than trying to kill Spiderman. I choked up. XD Several times, actually. I teared up when Peter forgave Marko for killing his uncle, too. I thought that scene was so powerful.[/SPOILER]

yukishiro128 wrote:and the part where Peter goes a little emo was both weird and cool. Who else just loved his hair like that? XD

That cracked me up. I loved the jabs at emo kids in the movie. XD And Peter's dancing scene nearly killed me. XDD Too funny.

Nate wrote:[SPOILER]The funeral scene didn't add a lot to the ending either.[/SPOILER]

I mostly agree with that, but

[SPOILER]I loved the part where Peter talked about having the choice to do right or wrong, and how Harry chose to be his best instead of becoming evil. Granted, that dialogue could have had the same, if not a better effect during Harry's death scene, but oh well. XD[/SPOILER]

Anyways, yeah. I may go see it again this weekend, provided that my schedule permits. XD
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Postby yukishiro128 » Fri May 04, 2007 9:44 pm

USSRGirl wrote: And did MJ REAAALLY have to go and get herself kidnapped AGAAAIN?

I know, you'd think that'd get old. And she's always hanging/falling from great heights, too. Hmm.

And one random thing (I've never used a spoiler tag before, so if you've seen it you can figure out who this person is)--

The person at the play in the balcony at the beginning and who had a mutilated half of his face at the end reminded me of The Phantom of the Opera. XD
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Postby Nate » Fri May 04, 2007 9:48 pm

All I will say is this movie definitely has the record for most maskings/unmaskings in a movie.

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Postby Kkun » Fri May 04, 2007 10:11 pm

I just saw it again for a second time and I think I liked it even more. It could be that I'm sleep deprived, but that's irrelevant.

I think the movie's handling of Gwen Stacy was terrible, though. They reversed everything because Mary Jane Watson is more recognizable and Gwen Stacy is less well-known. However, Gwen Stacy and Uncle Ben's deaths had so much to do with Peter being who he is and why he does what he does. Not having that in there kind of made me sad (but glad, because killing Gwen Stacy would have REALLY been too much).

I still think the movie was amazing, though. I love it. I'll probably see it a couple of more times in the theatre. Also, Bruce Campbell's role was fantastic. I love that man.
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Postby Tommy » Sat May 05, 2007 9:54 am

Moral of the Story: Symbiotes are the reason why children are becoming emo.
Oh...and forgiveness.

It was a solid flick, but more parts than one were cliche and predictable unlike the other two.

A lot of things that happened in the plot were plain cheesey that I'm sure I don't have to mention.

Oh and to respond to Nate:
[spoiler]Wouldn't you rather live thinking someone killed your father as opposed to the fact he committed suicide.
The message when committing suicide is "I'm leaving this world, and I'm leaving you behind."
The butler didn't know just how the fight went either.

He just knew that that Norman's wound was of his own blade.

Now personally, I think that's a poor excuse because as we saw in the 3rd, Spiderman used GG's gadgets against him. [/spoiler]

I don't feel like I have to put this in spoilers, but the way Uncle Ben died was put together well for this film.
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Postby ilikegir33 » Sat May 05, 2007 1:23 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:[SPOILER]the scene where Spidey and Harry fought Sandman and Venom was excellent. SO freaking cool. XD I also loved the scene where Harry and Peter first fought. That was such a well-executed fight scene.[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]Oh yes it was very cool. The fistfight between Harry and Peter was also well done. So much, I even kinda cringed.[/SPOILER]

Radical Dreamer wrote:[SPOILER] Harry's death scene (at least, the scene where he was impaled) was so well done, I thought. He died the same way his father did, except this time, he was doing it to save his best friend's life, rather than trying to kill Spiderman. I choked up. XD Several times, actually. I teared up when Peter forgave Marko for killing his uncle, too. I thought that scene was so powerful.[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]I second that. But it was kinda corny.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Stephen » Sat May 05, 2007 9:25 pm

Ok. Everyones gonna hate me for this.

Spiderman 3 was the worst Spiderman film of the 3. It was an ok film, but comparing it to the first 2...it was garbage. My main reasons are as followed.

#1. Small Venom. I don't care how anyone cuts it, he was far too small. He should have been a good foot taller than Spiderman.

#2. Venoms voice was awful. Topher Graces voice was not scary in any form at all. I fail to understand why Sam chose Topher for this role. It was just...blah.

#3. Venom did not refer to himself as "we" Another strike against there crappy portrayal of Venom.

Aside from a few funny moments, ala the Bruce Campbell scenes...this movie was just not very good.

[SPOILER]I mean, Goblin teaming up with him? Meh. The film felt way too long...and failed to deliver the goods where the last 2 films had. If this is the way the series is going...3 Spidermen films are all we need. [/SPOILER]
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat May 05, 2007 10:23 pm

ShatterheartArk wrote:The film felt way too long...and failed to deliver the goods where the last 2 films had. If this is the way the series is going...3 Spidermen films are all we need.

(Took it out of spoiler tags since I took the first little bit out). Well, I guess you're not too happy with the fact that IGN says that they have THREE MORE and FINAL movies lined up...

Personally, I thought it was better than the first 2. They took out alot of cheese that made the first 2 more of a comedy. Still had it's moments on this on, but not overdone (and yeah, I realize that in the comic book superhero world, cheese is gooood).

Now, he's the stuff I'll pick at (both good at bad):


GOOD thing: The depiction of Venom was pretty awsome. Well, I guess minus the supposed to be taller thing, don't remember the actual size myself. Once again yeah, that didn't feel like a fitting role to play such an eerie villan. Oh, and he didn't have the trademark flailing tongue thing. Either than that, still good.

BAD thing: Oh my goodness! The one part that made me SO mad because it was TOO unrealistic, was when Gwen Stacy was hanging off the building! Took me a minute to realize that the chief of police was her dad and her boyfriend was the one shooting photos of her. I mean! They had a more "that's not good..." attitude rather than "OH NO! MY LOVED ONE MAY DIE!!!" It just didn't seem like they cared at ALL!! That's why I was like "Is that her dad and boyfriend? I think they said they were, but they don't seem too worried..." That part made me TOO mad!!

GOOD thing: The graphics and fight scenes were very nice^^ *clap clap* Me like^^

BAD thing: When Peter went emo and all bad, I wanted to kick him in the face... He made me angry...

GOOD thing: They tied 3 plots together nicely, whereas it seemed VERY rushed in something like X Men 3 with it's

"Oh look Cyclops died! Oh look Rogue's evil now! Oh look! Some new random character can run through walls and help everyone! Oh look! There's a war being made on the cure for mutant genes!" Like sheesh! Slow DOWN please!

Whereas I thought in Spidy 3 the integration was made well^^

BAD thing: The ending... Things didn't quite patch up between Mary Jane and Peter... I mean look, I liked the drama with it and I LIKE having my dramas end on a good note! Not something... a little... uncertain and not so happyish! It's like when I watched The OC and HAD to watch the next ep because of a new conflict came up and I wanted to see it resolved! *sigh* Guess I'll have to wait fore the 4th... [/spoiler]

*Whew* I wrote alot there^^ Well, I JUST heard now that their budget for the movie was 1 billion dollars. I'm not surprised. Think they'll manage to make that much? Spent enough on advertising and everything, and my ghetto theatre was packed (heh and the movie turned off for a few minutes too! Typical at our run-down theatre :/)
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Postby Kkun » Sun May 06, 2007 7:50 am

ShatterheartArk wrote:Ok. Everyones gonna hate me for this.

Spiderman 3 was the worst Spiderman film of the 3. It was an ok film, but comparing it to the first 2...it was garbage. My main reasons are as followed.

#1. Small Venom. I don't care how anyone cuts it, he was far too small. He should have been a good foot taller than Spiderman.

#2. Venoms voice was awful. Topher Graces voice was not scary in any form at all. I fail to understand why Sam chose Topher for this role. It was just...blah.

#3. Venom did not refer to himself as "we" Another strike against there crappy portrayal of Venom.

Aside from a few funny moments, ala the Bruce Campbell scenes...this movie was just not very good.

[SPOILER]I mean, Goblin teaming up with him? Meh. The film felt way too long...and failed to deliver the goods where the last 2 films had. If this is the way the series is going...3 Spidermen films are all we need. [/SPOILER]

I disagree 300%. I thought Topher did great as Venom, especially as simply Eddie Brock. As for the lack of the use of "we," even in the comics, he doesn't always use the "We." I noticed that, too, but I remembered a couple of times where he still says I occasionally. I don't know. All your quibbles are with Venom, brother, and I still thought his portrayal was entertaining.

As for your spoiler...
[spoiler]Spidey and Harry have had to team up before in the comics. That's not anything other than your own expectations. That's not particularly impossible.[/spoiler]

I loved it. I want to see it in IMAX.

My only real complaint with the film, and this is with all three, was their portrayal of Gwen Stacy. She's so instrumental to Peter becoming who he is. I wish they'd done it right and had Pete with Gwen in high school. Also, Elisha Cuthbert should have played Gwen Stacy.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Sun May 06, 2007 8:02 am

i laughed when peter turned Emo. XD

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Postby Nightshade X » Sun May 06, 2007 9:59 am

chibiphonebooth wrote:i laughed when peter turned Emo. XD

I did, too. Especially when...

[spoiler] he was walking down the street, dancing like he was in the 70s.[/spoiler]

Now, as far as Venom goes, I can understand and agree with only one of Ark's criticisms, in that this portayal of Venom was far too small... as in short. Proportionally, the muscle mass was top-notch, but I do agree that he had to be taller. A very minor thing.

However, as far as Venom not referring to himself as "we", I understand it as an effect of Eddie Brock and the Symbiote being bonded for such a short amount of time. I can only assume that, as time goes on, the Symbiote would gain greater control over Brock and "force" him to refer to himself in plural. This, of course, is my rationalization.

Also, I never viewed Venom as being a scary character. Rather, I viewed him as a being of pure malevolence. In this, I felt that Topher did an OK performance as Venom. His voice was fine. It didn't suck, but it wasn't perfect. It was just... OK.

And about Spider-man 3 being the worst? Come on! Spider-man 2 was the worst out of the 3, in my opinion. It was far too long and, in proportion to the length of the movie, Dr. Octopus barely got any screen time. In 3, the movie flowed particularly well with all 3 (well... 2.5) villains in it. The first movie, however, did flow better.

Now, I have 3 major problems with the film. First...

[spoiler]they killed Harry!!! I always have a problem when they kill off a character that showed a high sense of nobility.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]all the crap that Parker did to Mary Jane. I mean, come on... doing the same kiss as Spider-man?! Nobody's that stupid!!! AND!!! I wanted to stab that little bugger in the friggin' eye for what he did in that jazz club!!![/spoiler]

[spoiler]Gwen was a very minor character, at best... and why isn't she dead yet? I know she was supposed to die.[/spoiler]
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Postby Nate » Sun May 06, 2007 11:12 am

Kkun wrote:I thought Topher did great as Venom, especially as simply Eddie Brock.

Topher did a great job as Brock]As for the lack of the use of "we," even in the comics, he doesn't always use the "We." I noticed that, too, but I remembered a couple of times where he still says I occasionally. I don't know.[/QUOTE]
I don't feel like quoting it, but Nightshade X I think is right. The symbiote and Brock had only bonded for a short period of time, and Brock was still the one "in control" at the moment.

Interestingly enough, the reason Venom refers to himself as "we" is because the bond between the symbiote and Brock is weak. On the other hand, Carnage and Cletus are perfectly in sync and so Carnage would say "I am Carnage" because of the bond being so strong.

I still think that Thomas Hayden Church did an absolutely fantastic job as Sandman and am very disappointed that he was underused.

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Postby Tommy » Sun May 06, 2007 4:49 pm

Nate wrote: They should have altered his voice somehow when he had the symbiote on.

They did.
It sounded horrible.

I personally think they should have introduced Brock in the second one.
It would have been cooler if we were more familiar with the film adaption of his character because his change to Venom would have been much better.

All I will say is this movie definitely has the record for most maskings/unmaskings in a movie.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Sun May 06, 2007 8:08 pm

Some people at Comics Alliance wrote a scathing review of the film.


Looks like critically this is going to be the most hated of the series.

I enjoyed it a lot, but I suspect It will end up being the 2nd best of the series for me, after part 2. I thought the character interactions and love triangle stuff was well done and interesting, Peter under the symbiote's influence was really amusing, the special effects were great, Venom looked awesome, and the action sequences were all well choreographed and exciting (although nothing topped the train scene from part 2 for me). However, there were a few elements, some small and nitpicky, other bigger, that lowered my enjoyment of the film. These would include...

[spoiler] 1. Harry's memory loss: Thankfully it didn't mess with things too much, but it still felt way too convenient.

2. How did Harry survive the pumpkin bomb to the face? And further more, why did he just drop off the face of the movie for so long? I think we should have at least heard something about him being in the hospital or whatever.

3. How did Eddie find out MJ was Peter's girl? Did he ask Stacey? Do research? I'd like to know.

4. The Venom/Sandman alliance seemed a little too convenient.

5. Sandman's plot resolution was dissapointing (the ending as a whole wasn't as good as the previous two endings IMO). His change of heart seems a little too quick (5 minutes ago he was pounding spider-man within an inch of his life) and then he just blows away? Did he die? Is he going to put himself in exile? Why didn't he just turn himself in if he was repentant? [/spoiler]
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun May 06, 2007 9:51 pm

Nightshade X wrote:
[spoiler]they killed Harry!!! I always have a problem when they kill off a character that showed a high sense of nobility.[/spoiler]

[spoiler] I was mad at him for a good portion of the movie. With his "Look at me! I'm Spiderman! Everyone loves me! Let's get a kiss for the paper, even though my girlfriend's watching! But she won't care! Cause I'M Spiderman!

Although there were middle schoolers talking through the whole movie, checking cell phones where you could see the lighting and being somewhat of a pain, during the part when Peter hit her, everyone was like "OOOOOOHHH!!" She looked so sad when she looked at him all confused and frustrated and it was saddening... ...yes I do get quite involved in dramas... [/spoiler]
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Postby The Liar XIII » Mon May 07, 2007 10:15 am

People said there was a Secret Villain. I didn't see any Secret Villain..
Who was it?(If there is one)
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon May 07, 2007 10:45 am

Anarchy 13 wrote:People said there was a Secret Villain. I didn't see any Secret Villain..
Who was it?(If there is one)

[SPOILER]If there was one (I doubt it), it would have been Dr. Connors, who becomes The Lizard later on. However, Dr. Connors has been in all of the movies thus far, so I don't see why he would just now gain the title of "secret villain". Where did you hear this, out of curiosity? XD[/SPOILER]
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