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Postby Alice » Tue May 01, 2007 11:56 am

I would have liked to see Peter's and Sylar's confrontation. But I guess that would be cheating, since it's some kind of alternate future anyway. The fight looked like it was going to be awesome, though. (I guess they are perfectly evenly matched: any powers Peter hadn't absorbed before, he could absorb from Sylar.)

The writers had just better solve the problems THIS year and come up with new ones for next year. I'm not going to be very happy if they say, "Tune in next year to find out what happens!"

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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue May 01, 2007 2:04 pm

The same can also be said of Sylar siphoning powers he doesn't have from Peter.I think that was what he was trying to do in their battle last week.
Hiro and Ando remain my favorites because they are the most normal people in the entire series.
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Postby Eaglestrike » Tue May 01, 2007 4:22 pm

The rumors I have heard state that Sylar is coming back for season 2. But I really have no idea what's happening with that. The main problem this season is the bomb and stopping that. Honestly they don't have the time in 3 episodes to stop both the bomb and Sylar and wrap up half the stories they have going.

Also I can't wait for next weeks Novel, latest one is taking place a year after the bomb, Peter and Hiro are busting out heroes from a prison.
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Postby Ingemar » Tue May 01, 2007 10:59 pm

I've been saying that all along. But Sylar being in season 2 is a dead end as pretty much all the show will consist of is 1). zOMG it's SYLAR! 2). *brain removal* 3). zOMG SYLAR IS STRONGER!!!
So much for "all new heroes and powers" with that happening.
It's gonna be like the opposite of every episode of A-Team (that is the good guys are horribly mangled and Sylar ends up saying some smart alecky remark a la George Peppard).

It also doesn't help that Adrian Pasdar makes a better Sylar than Zachary Quinto does.

Unless they decide on a surprise like, oh, I don't know--Knights of the Old Republic [spoiler]Where you find out that your character is the Dark Lord of the Sith Empire. (Whether or not you become light or dark sided is all up to you, though). I imagine to get out of the tedium of cerebral theft they could erase Sylar's memory (possible because of the Haitian) and "reprogram" him somehow.[/spoiler]
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed May 02, 2007 11:54 am

So far it looks like whatever they're doing isn't going to work as every time that
Hiro has been to the future it's the same bleak apoclyptic landscape we see.
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Postby Ingemar » Thu May 03, 2007 8:27 pm

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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu May 03, 2007 9:28 pm

Uh....okay. I think you summed it up pretty well, very frightening O_O

Admittedly I found a Sylar/Mohinder video a while back set to Steven Lynch's "If I Were Gay" that was actually pretty funny, but I think I'll refrain from linking due to some questionable insinuations in the lyrics :sweat:

Seriously though, Enrique Iglesias? And Sylar? Firstly, slash fans always tend to jump the gun and start pairing even after the slightest hint of two males standing too close or staring at one another too long. Plus, it SYLAR. Any relationship with that guy is going to be twisted, disturbing and very short lived. Presuming he's even capable of properly connecting with other people without killing 'em. I'm thinking romantic ballads are far from fitting, maybe some NIN is in order? 9_9

I think Heroes needs stop killing all the female characters and balance it out a bit. We're currently sitting with Niki/Jessica and Claire as the only female leads and Claire's too young and/or related to most of the guys for any romantic possiblites. At least if there more ladies the pairings might be a little more normal, albeit still equally annoying.

Perhaps it would also cut back on all the OOC Sylar pairings and seriously disturbing Petrellicest.

Then again, heaven forbid, maybe people could just stop with PAIRINGS ALTOGETHER. Silly shippers. *sighs*
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Postby Alice » Thu May 03, 2007 10:47 pm

Eh, yeah. @_@ I think I'll avoid Heroes fandom... at all costs. Thanks for the warnings. :sweat:

My question: If the next season is just an extension of the first, will we all get fed up and stop watching it, because of lack-of-solving-things-itis, or will we keep watching it anyway, and just complain?

I don't honestly know which I would do. :sweat:
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Postby Ingemar » Thu May 03, 2007 10:50 pm

While on the topic, did anyone else get major gay vibes from Hiro and Ando in the latest episode?

[EDIT]I saw that Stephen Lynch video. Worth several laughs.[/EDIT]
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Postby Alice » Thu May 03, 2007 11:04 pm

Ingemar wrote:While on the topic, did anyone else get major gay vibes from Hiro and Ando in the latest episode?

Eh, nope.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Fri May 04, 2007 8:46 am

Ingemar wrote:While on the topic, did anyone else get major gay vibes from Hiro and Ando in the latest episode?
*cough* Er, maybe. I tend to think they have quite a Frodo and Sam vibe going on, which would be completely misinterpreted even though both of them quite obviously have an interest in the opposite sex (Hiro/Charlie and Ando/Anything Remotely Female) >_>
Alice wrote:My question: If the next season is just an extension of the first, will we all get fed up and stop watching it, because of lack-of-solving-things-itis, or will we keep watching it anyway, and just complain?
I am absolutely sure that the NY Explosion will be resolved, although they might be evil and end on a cliffhanger to be resolved in the first episode of Season 2. I think it'll be fine just as long as it doesn't turn into Lost *shakes fist at the Lost writers*
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri May 04, 2007 2:01 pm

I think we don't have to worry about Hiro being homosexual.He certainly showed he had feelings for the female sex in the story arch with the waitress,and yes he
genuinely loved her is my opinion.
Ironically George Takei who played Hiro's father is Gay,but I think everyone knows that by now so it is really a never you mind.
I agree though that Ando is really Sam to Hiro's Frodo.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat May 05, 2007 11:50 am

Ok that was one screwy version of the future.
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Postby Alice » Sat May 05, 2007 8:06 pm

I find it a little funny if people think "He's sad you're dead" = gay.
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Postby Ingemar » Mon May 07, 2007 10:15 pm

[spoiler]Man, I hated this episode. If some comments from the makers are indicative, they are going to use "five seasons worth of material" to bring the show right back at the point where we were in last week's episode.

The gist of the "main" point here is--

Sylar thinks he's gonna be the bomb; is scared.
He tells Mohinder, then he goes to his mom, the snowglobe fanatic.
Has some very emo moments with mom then shows his special snowglobe powers.
Mom freaks out, tries to stab son but ends up stabbing herself (or Sylar stabs her? It doesn't matter).
Hiro tries to kill him but fails but teleports before Sylar tries to kill him.
Did I mention Mom said "you can even be President?"
Sylar becomes evil again. And re-paints the explosion using Mom's blood.

Lesser plots include--

Mohinder meets Molly Walker (see ep. 2) and heals her with the power of made-for-TV technobable. (Seriously, "nucleotides decomposing?" What, is her DNA turning into orotidine?) Molly has the power to stop Sylar and that is.... the ability to find people. Seriously, after a week of theorizing about her power, that's the best they can do? Some suggestions were that 1). She has power amplification 2). She could purify peoples' souls 3). A sonic power that would work well against Sylar 4). the ability to pee standing up [I'm not making any of those up--again, the power of the Heroes fan community is--]

Everyone is bascially telling Nathan to let the bomb destroy New York (including Mrs. Petrelli and HRG's boss).

Peter annoys Claire with his obsessions about "destiny." And gives Claire a gun in case he becomes way too emo. I'm surprised he isn't dead yet.

Some nonsense with Nessiki and family but it's always the same unbearable crap.

Peter begins to show symptoms of exploditis upon meeting Ted.[/spoiler]

The preview shows:

[spoiler]Peter tells Claire to shoot him.

Sulu trying to cut Hiro's head off.

An evacuation?

Sylar says "Boom."[/spoiler]

Don't forget that the season finale is two hours long.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Tue May 08, 2007 11:06 am

[spoiler]I didn't mind last night's episode, admittedly something did feel a little bit 'off' about it. It probably didn't help that it was following up last week's episode, which was bursting at the scenes with coolness.

Honestly not sure where the heck they are going with Sylar. I actually found myself feeling really bad for Gabe, up until the point where he started painting with his dead mother's blood. That put me back at square one, thinking he was a complete freaky freak. Overall the scenes with Mrs. Gray were painfully awkward and foreboding and yet oddly fascinating. It did seem like an abrupt swing towards 'look! Sylar has a soul!' I just hope the writers don't turn him into BTVS' Spike, sometimes soulless bad guys are just more fun *shrugs*

Candace's illusions were pretty cool, I never realized she could manipulate the environment to that extent. Her threats towards Micah were actually pretty chilling, as a child I was terrified of the dark and monsters, so an evil illusionist would be my worst nightmare.

DL and Nessica, meh, could've been worse. I totally wish they'd shown more of the Ted, Matt and Bennett roadtrip, I imagine it was less than peaceful. Also AHH! YOU FOOLS! Why the heck did Peter go anywhere near Ted? If he had simply left town then at least one of the three possible exploding men could've been safely accounted for. Speaking of which, does Bennet know about the explosion? If so, what was he thinking?

Also freaked me out to see Nathan chatting with Thompson, the alliances in this show are getting complicated methinks. Who isn't working for Linderman?

Molly was cute though, and Mohinder was suprisingly useful and proactive this episode. I love the fact that Molly is the tracking system, just imagine if Sylar been successful in stealing that power, he probably wouldn't have needed the list.

Also, must..not..misconstrue...Sylar calling Mohinder..*shakes fist at Heroes fandom*[/spoiler]
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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue May 08, 2007 11:10 am

I still think Ando and Hiro are the best characters on the show.At least their motives are easy enough to understand.
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Postby rocklobster » Tue May 08, 2007 5:38 pm

[spoiler]I actually predicted that Molly would be someone who could paralyze Sylar. That'd be more useful than simply tracking him[/spoiler]
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Postby Ingemar » Wed May 16, 2007 12:14 am

Summary for "Landslide"

It sucked.

I'm gonna stick around for the finale, but only because I feel obligated to.
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Postby Eaglestrike » Wed May 16, 2007 12:16 am

I don't see how it sucked, but ok.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed May 16, 2007 11:53 am

The latest is that they are going to do a 6 episode special called "Heroes:Origins"
in which they will introduce some new characters and the most popular one(s)
will join the main cast when it returns.
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Postby rocklobster » Wed May 16, 2007 1:58 pm

It's a good thing the Democrats haven't heard about Micah! Hillary Clinton would win for sure if he helped her out!
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Postby Ingemar » Wed May 16, 2007 10:22 pm

Meh, there are enough dead people voting for the Donks that they don't NEED Micah's uber-HAX.

Am I really the only one here that thinks keeping Sylar in season 2 will make the show suck? I'm rather disappointed that the only purpose of "ordinary people with extaordinary abilities" exist is to feed Sylar and empower Peter.
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Postby Eaglestrike » Thu May 17, 2007 10:26 am

I'll only be disappointed if Peter continues to be a big wuss and suck at fighting.
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Postby termyt » Thu May 17, 2007 11:39 am

Ingemar wrote:Meh, there are enough dead people voting for the Donks that they don't NEED Micah's uber-HAX.

Am I really the only one here that thinks keeping Sylar in season 2 will make the show suck? I'm rather disappointed that the only purpose of "ordinary people with extaordinary abilities" exist is to feed Sylar and empower Peter.

I do. I'd like to move onto a story that diesn't center around the continued slaughter of people. If they try to keep that up, they are going to have to start throwing people into the story for no reason other than to feed him. (I know they've done that to a point already, but I rather them not drag that out for the length of the show)
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu May 17, 2007 9:52 pm

I agree, Peter and Sylar have to be depowered, SOON. If anything I have more problems with Peter, at least Sylar has to put some effort into gaining new powers xP

[spoiler]I feel that Dale was the only character/victim that was blatantly and briefly written in for the sake of her powers, er, and maybe Zane. At least Issac, Charlie and Ted participated in a few plotlines and interacted with the primary characters. The other victims were essentially cameos, but kinda neccesary to establish Sylar as a serial killer. I could be forgetting something though..

Speaking of which. TED!! NO!!! I was suprisingly sad to see him go. Not so much with Thompson and D.L., but Linderman felt like a waste of a perfectly sinister character. Against all evidence and reason, I hope he isn't dead.[/spoiler]
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Postby Ingemar » Thu May 17, 2007 10:15 pm

I don't have any problems with de-powering (or even killing!) Peter too, but it seems Milo Ventimiglia is also gonna be on the second season.

[spoiler]D.L. isn't dead (yet), he's shown in some spoiler pics for the last episoded.

Ted's death disappointed me because he supposedly goes nuclear at the slightest sign of panic and pain. I blame this on both bad writing and Sylar's extremely thick plot armor.
But it didn't upset me as much as Linderman's death, which, yes, was a complete waste of a good villain.
(I'm already dreading the idea that when (I would normally say "if") Sylar gets DL's power he will switch his MO into phasing the brain out of the skull.)

And does anyone else think Candice's true form is as a fat black woman?[/spoiler]
Does anyone else find it odd that a show that focuses so much on Darwinian evolution also is obsessed with deterministic fatalism [redundancy alert]?
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu May 17, 2007 10:58 pm

[spoiler]Haha. I would have LOVED to have seen Sylar attempting to cut open an angry flaming exploding man, the evil jerk deserves some radiation burns. Even better, I'm attempting to picture him with singed eyebrows.

Maybe Ted was still stunned from the Magneto-esque crash? Or maybe his powers were still too unpredictable to be there when he needed them? Also, I'm thinking Sylar would still be hacking open heads even with D.L's powers. He totally TK'd Claire's skull open in Five Years Gone despite being able to phase Peter through a solid steel door. Was that a continuity error or hint about Sylar's approach to absorbing powers? Beats me *shrugs*

I was briefly worrying that Candice is infact Simone, but that would be totally out of left field. Candice was oddly tolerable this episode, though she isn't quite to likable yet. There's this funny/disturbing theory circulating in fandom that maybe she isn't even a she, which has some people picturing her as the comicbook guy from The Simpsons O_o[/spoiler]
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Postby Eaglestrike » Fri May 18, 2007 2:26 am

It would be possible for next season to just have a Peter vs Sylar plotline with each of them running around the country after powers (Sylar after powers to defeat Peter, Peter after Sylar even though he doesn't have the battle experience yet to finish him off) and that just be a secondary plotline that shows for a section of each episode or two, with another plotline going with other characters and a new plot and such. It's pretty much impossible to kill Peter now, you would have to actually rip him to pieces (instantly before he regenerated) and separate them so he couldn't come back.

Two things I didn't like about last episode:

1) Ted not fighting back. It was lame, it was stupid, he should've been able to do something, he does have a decent amount of control over his power, they showed him training and learning how to use it.

2) Linderman, I didn't know why he was doing what he did. He had said Micah could be returned to them (and after Micah fixed the election he wasn't really needed for a while). The only reasonable theory about why he did that was because he thought they most certainly would kill him anyway, so his only option was to get them to turn on each other. But I see Linderman as smarter than that. I'd imagine he may have a picture about DL killing him or something and felt he needed to fulfill that destiny, though that'll most likely show up next episode if true. Otherwise he just needed to die because if Peter met him and had the power to heal himself and heal others it would be crazy.
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Postby rocklobster » Fri May 18, 2007 5:41 pm

But I'd rather it be him than Sylar, that's for sure!
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