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To All Kingdom Hearts 2 Fans...

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To All Kingdom Hearts 2 Fans...

Postby USSRGirl » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:34 am


This is to every moron who told me KH2 was the greatest game ever:


Either that or you were brainwashed by Tetsuya Nomura to drool over every terribly slapped together game that he makes. I have been eagerly anticipating this game for 2 years now since I saw the awesome trailer for it. Sooo... I finally get a PS2 again, and of course the first game I buy is KH2. One and a half stinkin' weeks later, I beat it. Never got game over, never got the highest level of spells (firaga, blizzaga, curaga), barely used healing items. This was on standard mode. :shady:

Not to ruin the plot for anyone still bent on purchasing this wretched game but here are top ten reasons why KH2 ruined my life:

1.) HORRIBLE character development! Roxas' storyline was never really dealt with.

2.) The Organization was rather disorganized. It's unclear why you are trying to prevent them from getting hearts or what it would even do to Kingdom Hearts.

3.) Organization lacked any form of personality. They were terrible as far as secret orders go. All their guys are just drones and fillers.

4.) The majority of the game was filler, forcing the player to go through tediously elaborate levels of reinactments of Disney movies having nothing whatsoever to do with the actual plot.

5.) You can lose worlds. I beat it without getting to play Lion King world because I got locked out randomly.

6.) Why are the heartless randomly back except that Nomura has no shame when it comes to making sequels?

7.) Half the areas were recycled from the last game.

8.) You never see Riku until the very last area, he lost all his personality, and now looks... *tries not to spoil the wonderfully random plot stuff* rather... disturbing. Also, it seems to be no big deal for him to use the powers of darkness anymore.

9.) Compare: Last battle of KH1 - Ansem weilding a huge spear looking like Sephiroth's last form from FF7 and shouting things like "open your heart to the darkness." Last battle of KH2 - Some random guy dressed as either a knight or a tin can sitting on either a throne or a toilet muttering what sounded like "guu guuuuuuuu guuuuuuuuuuuuu!!"

10.) The entire game was a nonstop Ansem cosplay convention! Nomura thinks pulling random crap out of hats makes a complex plot line.

I would add more to my list but I'm late for my therapy session after being traumatically scarred from having to play through four sing-along-songs with the little mermaid. On the plus side - the battles were very nice looking on the cinnematic side even if they were incredibly easy, the gummi ship levels were cool and looked a lot like Star Fox, the plot could've been really good if it was handled better. Still, that did not save the game, nor did it prevent KH1 from being forever tarnished in my eyes. I'm just going to pretend that I never wasted $30 and several hours of my life on this game, and leave it off where the first one ended. Where as KH1 was tearjerking, I was nearly crying at the end of KH2 over how painfully cliche the dialogue was. I have no idea why, oh why this THING got game of the year and so much praise. All I know is Tetsuya Nomura has no shame when it comes to making sequels, and it appears there is a third atroscity on the way judging by the ending of KH2.

Ok... my vengeance is now complete.

Any drooling fanboys/girls try and rise to defend this abomination, and I shall spork your liver out. :eyebrow:
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Postby Dante » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:50 am

I'm going to smash Sora into Vegeta in the RP after falling from the sky... so you can take your vengence out there... and yes, he is... err disposable because we need to have some characters that can die :P.
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:52 am

OOOOH... I would be MORE than happy to mince that little keyblader into nine thousand tiny pieces, Pascal. As I already said in the thread, Sora = target #1 for my unrestrained vengeance!!!!!!! If you thought Axel's kamekazi move was frightening, that's nothing compare to the wrath of TEMULIN!
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Postby Dante » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:35 pm

Umm... this is why I've enacted a new financial policy, I only buy games after they are 1-2 years old, once on this lag, I stay at a constant level behind the times and can purchase games at an extreme fraction of the price (I got KH1 this Christmas for only 10 bucks)... as I have not yet beaten KH1 (and a slew of other games I have from this lag) and because KH2 isn't 1-2 years old yet, I wouldn't really know about KH2... but yes, do vaporize him with Vegeta : MWAH HA HA HA!!! :
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Postby Nate » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:50 pm

Wow. If you don't like the game, fine, don't like it. But don't be a jerk about it.

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:53 pm

I enjoyed the game. It was not perfect, but it was entertaining for what it was, and is still one of my favorites to pull out every now and then. If you don't like it, that's cool. But a lot of people do. And last time I checked, there was nothing wrong with that.
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Postby Dante » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:56 pm

adds a ... :p after Nates comment...
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Postby Nate » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:57 pm

Pascal wrote:adds a ... :p after Nates comment...

No, that post wasn't sarcasm.

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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:06 pm

Wow, seriously.
This is one oft he most pointless threads I have ever seen.

That's great.
You don't like Kh2.
Some of us do.
Do we really need a thread about why you don't like it that is nothing more than a anti-KH rant.

And don't call people who like it morons.
Call them "People with Good Taste."

Not to mention, I don't find your reasoning for not liking it strong in any sense of the word.

Good day.

EDIT: If this whole thread was just an innocent joke, or you were just messing around, there's a Goof Off thread for that.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:09 pm

Nope, she was pretty serious about it, trust me XP
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:11 pm


had enough.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:12 pm

Nate wrote:Wow. If you don't like the game, fine, don't like it. But don't be a jerk about it.

This is the Internet. People can't not like something without ripping those who do. But I might have hoped we who populate CAA would be above that sort of thing.
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Postby Nate » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:16 pm

Well, let's hope this thread can be salvaged to some degree instead of turning into a flame war between the KH fans and the KH haters. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and no one is a moron for thinking it's the greatest game ever, and no one is stupid or illogical for thinking the game totally sucks.

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:17 pm

One would've hoped Christians in general would be above that sort of thing.

The Christlike love and respect for the interests of others flows strongly in this thread. :eyeroll:
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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:25 pm

Shia Kyosuka wrote:....


Was that in reference to the nature of the thread or my post?

no one is stupid or illogical for thinking the game totally sucks.

I don't even think the game was THAT good.
I thought she was being illogical about it, though.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:32 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Was that in reference to the nature of the thread or my post?

Why would it it be directed to you? XD
had enough.
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Postby Tarnish » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:48 pm

Good gravy, just because you don't like a game doesn't mean you have to create a whole new thread just to bash it and all who enjoyed it. We're not morons, we just have different tastes than you.

I enjoyed the game. It's not the best ever, for sure, but it was fun.

I'll ignore your age just long enough to sound more intelligent than I am, but please, for my sanity, grow up.
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Postby Nightshade X » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:59 pm

This thread is foolishness to me. However, I will respond by saying this:

Everyone has something that they prefer over another thing. This is proof of having a brain. However, I have a problem with people who go by this formula: "You like this, but I don't. Therefore, you are inferior to me, because you like something that I think is inferior." It works the other way around too, where people think that, just because they like something, everybody has to or there's something wrong with them.

Frankly, people, that's a load of bilge. People can like whatever they want. It's fools who try to dictate what a person should or should not like just because they like it, too.

Example: I love Final Fantasy VIII. I have people coming at me left and right, screaming their praises of Final Fantasy VII, just because of Cloud or Sephiroth or Vincent or whatever other reasons. I never say that my choices are better, just that I like my choices better. They can't understand that I have a brain in my head that's not connected to the hive and, therefore, they say that my choice in games automatically sucks because I don't hold their choices in such a high regard.

Just like in this instance. You may not like Kingdom Hearts II. That's fine. However, when you insult the people who don't share your views or disappointment, you cross the line and reveal something in your personality that I personally cannot abide... full immaturity.

Now, with that said, I fully agree with Azier and Fish. The people on this forum should be more mature than this. Christians, in general, should be more mature than to resort to things like this... and the longer we act like those without Christ, we put His sacrifice further to shame in our hearts.

Am I wrong? Is my take on this whole thing too serious? Because I can tone it down a little.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:07 pm

Nightshade X wrote:Am I wrong? Is my take on this whole thing too serious? Because I can tone it down a little.

No, it's right on.
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Postby Gypsy » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:20 pm

This thread was off to a bad start the moment it was directed towards the fans of the game instead of the game itself. Fans played it, they didn't design it.

Now, if this thread is going to turn into a "This is why I thought KH2 sucked" thread, that's ok. If it's going to continue as a "'KH2 fans suck!' 'No they don't!'" thread, then that's not ok.

New thread tone begins now ...
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:23 pm

Actually, I think the "This is why I thought KH2 sucked" theme is still a bit sour.

How about more along the lines of: "This is why I personally enjoyed/disliked KH2?"
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Postby Nate » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:34 pm

I'd be happy to expound on what I liked and disliked about KH2.


As always, the graphics and acting were incredible, and the music was mostly passable. I liked the different forms available, and the storyline was interesting enough. Combat, as always, was good, and Donald and Goofy seemed slightly more useful in this installment than in the last one. Also the Gummi Ship sequences were infinitely superior to the ones in the first game, and actually found myself replaying a few of them, as opposed to KH1 where I beat them and never looked twice at them. Reaction commands also added a bit of spice to combat and were useful without being overpowered or too frequent.


Some of the forms had very poor ways of leveling up (Wisdom comes to mind), and the camera still needs a bit of work. The storyline, while good overall, fell apart in Disney worlds, which seemed to be "Go into a world and follow the exact same plot as the movie with no bearing on events outside of the world." More involved plots in the game worlds, which have consequences outside of that world, would be nice. I didn't like Cure taking up all MP, and the MP Charge bar was irritating. There was also practically no depth to any of the worlds, meaning no exploration, just a few small areas chained together. I preferred the larger worlds of KH1 along with the puzzles that each area had, none of which was present in this one. Also, Atlantica was a waste of disk space, and the songs were atrocious (save for "Under the Sea").

Still, the good outweighed the bad for me, and I found it to be an enjoyable game that I'll likely play again in the near future.

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:58 pm

What I disliked:

The Disney worlds do feel more tacked on this time around. But I never felt like I was bored or getting sick of them as the game went on. I wished the worlds would have had more to do with the plot, (except for Tron's world, which I felt was integrated into the main plot nicely) but in light of the game's strong points, they are a minor nitpick to me.

I'm not really sure what Maleficant and Pete were doing in the game, as they seemed to simply cause trouble and deliver nothing essential whatsoever to the story, but I'm not going to list it as a negative just yet and assume Tetsuya is setting them up for a more important role in three. Still, it would have been nicer if they had done more than just cause trouble and be taking up space.

In addition, it seems that the level/character designers are still being lazy with stuff like a realistic amount of NPC's in areas. I mean, in Mulan's world, what was up with their being a grand total of three soldiers in the Chinese military, not counting the Captain, Mulan, Sora, Donald, Goofy, ect.

Again, another nitpick, but something I would like to see them improve upon in the future.

What I liked:

You can tell the designers sincerely wanted to improve things from the first. The game engine feels like a step up from the first and gives the general vibe that Sora has actually as a fighter since the first game. Also, the environments are larger and feel more open. Some of the more negative parts of the first have been improved, including the Gummi Ship minigame, which is now actually fun.

I felt the overall story was well done and it was nice seeing some closure to the characters as the ending of the first was very cliffhangerish. Undoubtedly, the adventures for the characters are far from over, but KH2 managed to tie up most of the loose ends in a satisfying way.

Overall, not perfect, but as far as the game goes, I would personally give it a 9 based on my enjoyment from it.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:13 pm

The gameplay and graphics were most asuredly better than the previous Kingdom Hearts; very enjoyable and pleasant. But I felt the story was very much lacking beyond the "Original" worlds (Twilight Town, Hollow Bastion, and the World That Never Was). You either reacted to Heartless devouring a new world, or tried to meet and greet Organization XIII members, most of whom last just long enough to give you a boss fight or two before vanishing or being killed off without further plot significance. After playing Chain of Memories, I thought the Organization was going to have a more hands-on approach to evil, but they end up back stage for most of the game and remained underdeveloped. A missed opportunity.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:27 pm

Shia Kyosuka wrote:Why would it it be directed to you? XD

My mistake.

I thought I was the person who posted right before you.
Someone posted right after me.

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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:10 pm

WHY are people so stinkin' sensitive on discussion forums? That's the real question. Anyone with self-esteem low enough to take my comments with any degree of seriousness... well all I can do is offer you a napkin to wipe up your tears. And no, being a Christian does not mean I am going to insincere and pretend I love, adore, and respect everyone's opinion. Bringing religion into a video game forum definitely shows where one's head is at. @__@ Oh yeah, I'm really going to now debate what would Jesus do if He played KH2 and disliked it. WOULD He have disliked it? Oh my, oh my... this is goin' right up there with infant baptism, works-based salvation, and scriptural inerrancy for sure!

In any case, I have become slightly reconciled with the game after playing it again. It was not quite so bad as FFX, and I suppose that counts for something. It was simply "OK". Not as good as the first by a long shot. Yes, this post was a huge rant/vent. I cannot understand mindless fan loyalty to video games just because they bear the FF title. Go on any thread be it LOTR, Star Wars, anime, video games, ect. and post critical comments on the subject and you will be instantly eaten alive by rabid fans as though you just insulted their mother. Which in Kadaj's case might have been true but... ack. I've said my piece. Fish n' Chips pretty much summed up my impression of the game too.

If anyone actually wants to better my opinion of the game, please explain to me why Mickey was dressed like a member of the organization. Was he an inside spy or what?

Now without further ado.... *Ansem voice* SUBMIIIIIIIIIIIT!
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Postby Tarnish » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:16 pm

Who here has told you about their undying love for KH? Most have only pointed out your immature way of saying you hated it.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:20 pm

USSRGirl wrote:Bringing religion into a video game forum definitely shows where one's head is at. @__@ Oh yeah, I'm really going to now debate what would Jesus do if He played KH2 and disliked it. WOULD He have disliked it? Oh my, oh my... this is goin' right up there with infant baptism, works-based salvation, and scriptural inerrancy for sure!

I'm not bringing religion into the video game subforum, I'm bringing religion into your behavior on the matter.

And I am also bringing sexy back, but you didn't hear that from me.
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:21 pm

T___T As I have only kindly pointed out your rather immature reactions (generally speaking). Being hurt and offended to the Nth degree is absurd loyalty to a game.
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:24 pm

And what does religion have to do with whether or not a video game was good or bad? O.o Oh my good, golly gosh... sorry if I generally used the term 'moron'. Yeeeeeeesh.... the scary thing is, I comment on a video game, everyone jumps up and screams "bad commie!" Comment on a real issue like abortion, all you get is the sounds of silence. T___T;; Sorry, my salvation is a whooole lot more relevant than whether or not I called someone "cabbage-head" or not.
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