Gamecast - Episode 19 - "No soup for you!"

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Gamecast - Episode 19 - "No soup for you!"

Postby Link Antilles » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:29 pm

In this show, we talk about the latest PS3 news, the guidelines for a FPS, and more!

Click here to grab the show!

Random Question - Part 1:

What RPG class (any game) do you think best represents you? -And why?
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:12 pm

[review of the show pending]

Well, I have searched my mind, heart, and Wikipedia for an answer to the Random Question. I believe that I have found an answer. I think my personality best fits the character class of Truenamer, from Dungeons & Dragons edition 3.5.

" wrote:In 3.5 edition Dungeons & Dragons the Truenamer is a kind of wizard that uses the magic of words.
According to the Tome of Magic they are a class based on the premise of a primordial language that truly describes the universe. The language is close to elvish in structure and vocabulary. The truenamer needs only a knowledge of the language to use the innate magic of the universe. They are not casting a spell so much as they are altering the description of the universe, therefore changing the structure of the universe itself (or perception thereof).

I say this because my first and foremost desire is for truth. I also have five years in competitive speech and debate; currently, I serve as a coach. I am a fan of obscure words that have fallen out of common use in English. Because of that, I think a class whose powers are derived from language and an understanding of the true nature of things suits me.

Wikipedia link for anyone interested: Truenamer (Dungeons & Dragons)

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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:25 pm

Link Antilles wrote:What RPG class (any game) do you think best represents you? -And why?

I'd say a bard. Take a good guess as to why. :lol:
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Postby Fish and Chips » Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:47 pm

NPC. Definitely.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:02 pm

Fish and Chips wrote:NPC. Definitely.

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XD you win

For me... Red Mage... they are an all-around build (Though in the games they suck at everything they do).

I would also say that Dragoons or Ninjas fit. Why? I dunno. XD
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:27 pm

The Show: Ah, I honestly hadn't realized the mentioning of segues was intentional. I thought pointing it out every time was actually intended to be witty instead of self-mockery.

I'm glad my thoughts on the previous show engendered some discussion, at least. Omega Amen, I found your comment about recognizing sins particularly insightful. There is indeed a significant difference between games that contain and critique sin and those that endorse it. That relates in an interesting way to God of War, because the game seems unclear as to whether or not it endorses the Olympian gods. When I began to play I assumed I'd fight them eventually, and then I found the ending to be a rather negative one. I'm pleased to see what has been released about God of War 2. Tangent aside, another thought related to the melee/ranged thing: is it really morally preferable for people to view others as targets with guns instead of being able to brutally kill them at close range?

The Poll: That's interesting; I didn't vote because I'm undecided. On one hand that sounds like a nifty thing to do, but I can't guarantee I'd have anything about which to call. What kind of questions might there be?

The Question: That depends. As far as my role in social interactions, I'd say I'm one of the tanking classes. I have fairly thick skin (high Def), can generally avoid bad situations (high Evade) and even situations or comments that hurt me won't be emotionally crippling (high HP). I'm not sure if there's a parallel for an attacking stat, but there you go.
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Postby Link Antilles » Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:37 pm

Great feedback, guys! There are some things I'd like to reply to now, but I think it's best to save it for the next show. After all, even for the call-in number, there is no rush.

Anyways, I'd like to add a second part to the random question (for those haven't answered the first, we'd like to hear that answer above all):

Random Question - Part 2: What RPG classes do you think match the each of the four hosts of the Gamecast (Nate, Omega, MS, and myself)? -And, as always, why?
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:52 pm

You'd all be bards. Then you could form a barder shop quartet. :grin:
[color=RoyalBlue]@)}~`,~ [/color]Carry this rose in your signature as thanks to Inkhana, for all she has done for us in the past.Even though she is no longer a moderator, she has done an awful lot for us while she was and she deserves thanks. ^_^
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Postby Omega Amen » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:04 pm

I will hold onto most of my replies until the next show. uc pseudonym, I will address your GoW comments in more detail and your question on the next show.

But there are a few I must reply.
Fish and Chips wrote:NPC. Definitely.
So you will not be playable? Fair enough. But non-playable characters still are part of a class. Which is it?

TheMasterpieceMaker wrote:You'd all be bards. Then you could form a barder shop quartet. :grin:
This pic describes my reaction to that statement.

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Postby mastersquirrel » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:11 pm

Me = Ninja; Why? Squirrels are twitchy and have good reflexes
Link = Gunman; Why? Link <3's guns
Omega = Bard; Why? He's got the timing thing down from his fighting games, put notes to it and there ya go
Nate = Ronin; Gotta use that giant sword that's traditional of his RPG heroes. Either that or a Brute, just because. *shrug*
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Postby Fish and Chips » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:33 pm

A friend once described me as the person you think is the villain all along until the 11th hour when they are dispatched/betrayed by the real villain, if that counts.

I'll take Red Mage and it's nifty membership hat, I guess.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:42 pm

I just subscribed to it on itunes... I never used iTunes much before I got my shuffle, but now it's gonna be awesome to have this on the go...

So... I just noticed, the version I'm getting is the "clean" version. So, where's this "explicit" version at? ^_-

I'd probably be a ranger... I'm not sure what "fits" me though... Bard, perhaps?


So, I think it's pretty funny... "Videogames are for Pedos" Wow... I can't believe that...

The kotaku thing, I think Sony had the right to say what Kotaku could and couldn't say when it's a huge announcement like that... Or, rather, if Kotaku is getting free stuff for their mutual agreement, they have the right to take the stuff back if Kotaku breaks the agreement. Of course, if they did that, why is it over positive news rather than all the negative news that Kotaku reports... Honestly, Kotaku hasn't exactly been positive with their reporting on Sony. They often post scare stories on the system and the company, and yet they're getting treated like royalty, but reporting on one of their secrets (the rumor was based on someone watching patents, I think) was likely the last straw.

About Halo 2: Pop-in was the most annoying thing in that game... Well, ok, the flood were the most annoying, but popin was the third most annoying... Small note. Pop-in in environment isn't as bad as pop-in on the characters! Pop-in on the characters themselves is... *sigh* Oh, and they're called Spartan 2.0s... 2.0 because 1.0s were just human beings with hormonal injections and fierce training. 2.0s have cybernetic parts... They're children that have been kidnapped because they are high achievers. They touched on that in the Halo 3 TV spot. Master Chief was one of the two children (John) before he was kidnapped. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:56 am

I can definitely place Link as a Gunner. Omega gives off lots of Monk vibes [martial arts, self-control etc.], but he probably has Calculator as a secondary class [engineering and whatnot; plus, I've heard that he enjoyed playing as that class in FFT IIRC]. MS I'm not entirely certain about, but I'm picturing Nate as an old-school Warrior with red armor ~ and being proud of it. "Don't talk to me about your License Boards! You dang kids! When I was your age, they gave you a sword and said, 'Hey, you're a Warrior now, so go cut things!' And we LIKED it that way!" XD

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:02 am

Nate..... a shirtless barbarian-class?

Oh wait, it's already been done...


And Yes, Link is definitely the Gunner, and Omega could be a Monk... or the Intelligent Sage... Or a Sage-Monk!

And MS can be a Blue Mage! He can summon squirrels! Level 20 Squirrel Mastery!
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Postby kryptech » Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:28 am

I listened to this over two sittings, so I don't remember as much from the first part...

The 10 maxims were quite interesting, including the examples given (both positive and negative). I don't recall which of the maxims prompted the discussion of deep pockets and 20 rockets. I've always thought that lugging around a massive inventory was rather over the top. I like games were you have to choose which weapons to keep. If you want to pickup a shotgun, you might have to part ways with your sniper rifle. I don't know if there are games where different weapons have different weights (a rocket launcher weighs more than a couple 9mm handguns), or if some games force you to choose what ammunition to keep (e.g. if you want that RPG you'll have to drop 20 shotgun shells).

Along similar lines I think it is cool when the starter weapons in a game (e.g. knife or 9mm) don't become completely obsolete 1/3 of the way into the game. It is nice when each weapon has a particular strength that means you'll be wanting to switch around to choose the best weapon for the circumstances.

Oh, and I voted "No." in the poll. I think it is a cool idea but I'm not a huge phone guy and I'm not sure I'd have a lot to say anyway. But if there is sufficient interest, I look forward to hearing the calls. Is this something that might work for CAA Radio too...?

[EDIT]Concerning the random question, I am really not up on classes and too lazy to research, so I'll respectfully decline to comment.[/EDIT]
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