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Postby Straylight » Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:05 am

How about a Christian MMORG?
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Postby madphilb » Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:22 am

I haven't played any MMORPGs, but it is possible. The key there is to get some good writers involved.

Hmmm... A Narnia MMORPG might be interesting... wonder if it could be done (aside from copyright issues).

One of my ideas for a game came from playing FF7. A RPG world that was a bit of a cross between Biblical symbolism, the "real" world, and the "spirital" side of things (think "darkness" books by Peretti). You'd have all sorts of things to work with (the whole "world" of this RPG would have to be fleshed out before starting on it to make sure it stays consistant). BTW - the FF7 influence came from some of the cool battle animations, including the "summon" materia animations. (imagine a spell/blessing/etc of "angelic protection" that would animate a giant angel behind the party, wings folding down and over, forming a shield, and the fading away... all the party members defense would go up at that point... timed or whatever).

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Postby Straylight » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:53 am

When I thought MMORPG I was thinking of an old-skool biblical times Middle Eastern simulation type thing ...

One idea - map out large areas of the Middle East/ Meditteranean and have a situation 10 years after jesus' ascension. It would be an evangelism game where you gotta pool resources over long distances with other players, organise transport, and spread the kingdom!

You could have a "prayer" system, the prayer's effectiveness could be based on how many evangelism points (like xp) you have scored. For example, let's say you were on a little island and you ran out of food, and you prayed, the game would prod a few players on the mainland town near by to come and help you. The more xp you have, the more people that would be "prodded". If they helped, they'd score some more xp.
The prods could also be in the form of an alerts bar down the side of the screen...

You could score xp by
converting people
helping other players

thats one idea anyway.
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Postby nekomi » Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:06 pm

Just a thought on Christian video games... ^_^

A Christian programming friend of mine is currently working on Northwind Saga , an MMORPG. Although there are no direct references to Jesus or the Bible message, the many Christian allusions and analogies that he's planning to present offer a great way to introduce the topic into conversation. The Chapel , an area early in the game, will hopefully be reserved for Bible studies and prayer groups. ^_^

Also, the vast number of people who play online RPG's are usually ripe for the message of Jesus Christ. ^_^ In fact, I have four people on my prayer list right now who I met and witnessed to through playing the test database/chat server. ^_^ God will use whatever is available, and I praise Him that He's allowed the project to blossom so far. ^_^

After all the profanity and adult content seen in most online RPG's, the k-12 policy of NWS is quite refreshing. ^~ Set in a fantasy setting, there are still the elements of magic, good vs. evil, etc., but they are not portrayed with accuracy or with an intent towards the occult.

As for the plans for this ministry here at CAA to release its own Christian anime or manga, I think it's a wonderful and highly realistic goal. ^_^

Through my studies, I have gained considerable knowledge regarding the way animation is produced both traditionally and digitally (I am planning to be an animation major in college). Thanks to my programming friend, I may be able to donate to this ministry a practical, extensive digital animation software program which can mimic most of the techniques used in traditional anime (correct framerate for anime look, pan and zoom, transparency, etc). Because of the ease of working digitally, this would hopefully help to offset both the cost and the time involved. Although the program is thoroughly-equipped for animating, we would still need several other things: namely, Photoshop (or a similar image editor), a scanner, and someone who would be able to draw and ink the original drawings, and someone who would be willing to cel-color the vast number of frames digitally in Photoshop.

As for my own skills, I have past experience with character design (I'm currently working as concept artist on Northwind Saga ), as well as limited knowledge in storyboarding for animation. Depending on the number of characters and the time involved in the project you're planning, I would gladly help with the character designs (since I have NWS and my college portfolio to work on, I'm hesitant to take on more work). ^_^ I also know of a website where you can download blank storyboard sheets if needed.

If I can be of any help, please let me know and I'll see what I can do. ^_^ I think God has blessed the ministry here with incredible potential and a worthy goal. ^__^ Until next time, God Bless ~ ^_^
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Postby Rashiir » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:28 pm

That is can i get that game?
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Postby Master Kenzo » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:32 pm

Ironic liberally...dunno if that's proper grammer...

I was working on an MMORPG just last night! I was going to make it without magic and everything, so stay away from there, but doing it one-man with only a 3D Model Designers, no Idea People (Creative Consultants), no Texture Artists, no Beta Testers, ... it's sorta hard.

I was debating whether to put a Christian message in it, and I was wondering how...currently I'm working on the login box, but since I'm really bad at textures, its hard x_x...

And nekomi is totally right. I used to be involved in an online "community" (Active Worlds, heard of it?), and the people there were definately in need of Christ.

I really dunno whether to continue with this, ask for help, or do it all by myself.

Maybe this message should be moved into a different thread?
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Postby nekomi » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:34 pm

I may not have been too clear on my last post... sorry! ^^ The game is currently in development by our small production team. We currently have a game director/lead programmer, AI programmer, character/item designer, storyline director, and events coordinator, along with a host of game testers and contributors. The staff is currently on a volunteer basis...the game will be released in text format (hopefully) by the end of this year/middle of next, after which the final 3D version will be developed and produced. The text version, although it will be a complete and fully-functional game, is like our "rough draft" for the finished game. It's going to be awhile until it's released, but the Lord has certainly blessed us with the resources and considerable talent needed to pull it off. As soon as we finish work on our website, I'll drop you a line. ^_^
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Postby Master Kenzo » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:35 pm

You guys are pretty lucky, I've just got me a team of one, and no one else I know (too well) can really help me, or is dedicated.

God Bless on your work ^_^
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Postby nekomi » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:37 pm

To Kenzo:

A word of encouragement. ^__^ My friend started the project about ten years ago by himself, and God brought to him everyone he's needed this far to really get the project moving. ^_^ Just pray for guidance, and He'll do the rest.

God is awesome. ^_^ He will use everything you're willing to give to Him, in more amazing ways than we could ever imagine. ^_^ Interestingly, the friend I was talking about was saved through a family who started playing the first version of the game! ^_^ God is good. ^_^
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Postby Master Kenzo » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:40 pm

WoW! Thanks bud...I'll do that. And I'm glad we're not rivals (if this wasn't a Christian forum...what do you think the result would be here?), so, see ya around! And if you ever need help with the 3D, I'm always free...
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Postby nekomi » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:45 pm

That's awesome. ^__^ I'll be praying for your success on this project!! ^__^ And thanks for your offer with the 3D... it won't be for awhile, but I'm not planning on leaving these forums anytime soon. ^_^ God Bless and enjoy a great summer ~ ^_^
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Postby Rashiir » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:25 pm

I would always advise some sort of a Christian doesn't have to be knock you over the head Christian, or even mention Christ/God at all, just maybe a theme that has to do with some aspect of our faith.
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Postby Straylight » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:37 pm

Nekomi, I'd be happy to help you out / join the team -- I'm a music producer, so if you need any decent music drop me a line.

Here's a sample of my work:

If you want to hear some more, I'll upload some onto this server (temporarily) so you can download it. Some of my earlier work was kinda computer-game oriented. :)
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Postby Ashley » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:40 pm

Wow, animation major huh? I just got finished with the animation section of my digital graphics class at school...also considering as a major.
I know for a fact we have several users here with photoshop, many with admirable cel-shading techniques, and pretty much everything you listed on that list of needs. I would be highly interested in seeing what this could lead to...perhaps after we get a little more progress on the Pilgrim's Progress manga we can see about forming some small team to start Christian animations...maybe small, short stories at first, but who knows? Oo, now I'm getting ahead of myself. Gotta stay focused one project at a time...
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Postby Straylight » Wed Jun 04, 2003 3:48 pm

*dances around

Wow, Nekomi's thing could really turn into something big. There's so much talent around here! :dizzy:
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Postby madphilb » Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:32 pm

Just remember, Big Idea started out as two guys in a spare bedroom with a computer and, well, a big idea!

Now they're just plain HUGE, even got people comming over from Disney to work there!

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Postby Ashley » Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:49 pm

Well hey, we're a lots of guys and girls in a lot of bedrooms and we've got lots of ideas!:D
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Postby nekomi » Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:28 pm

We should definitely go somewhere with this. ^__^ The animating program I mentioned earlier should be available to me by the end of the summer. ^_^ I talked to him about it today, and he has no problem with distributing a copy to this ministry for use. If all goes well, the program would support a host of features... he and I talked it over before starting so that we were sure we covered all our bases. The program will be able to work in layers just like real cels, and pan or zoom each layer seperately. Each "cel" consists of a scanned and painted Photoshop image, and it can be adjusted for size, rotation, and transparency. There's a lot more, but I can't remember it off the top of my head. ^_^

I love the idea of short Christian anime featurettes. ^_^ Even just small 30 minute OVA's are within reach... ever heard of Hoshi No Koe (Voices of a Distant Star )? It was a beautiful 20 minute OVA that was thought up, drawn, and animated by one guy on a Mac computer. He submitted it to an indy anime contest in Japan, and now it's one of the biggest hits there right now... in fact, ADV Films will be releasing it on DVD on June 10. This is certainly an example of a determined one-man team; the entire process from conceptualizing to finished product took just seven months! ^^

Also, take the new release Animatrix . Consisting of nine 10-minute episodes by independent animators, these shorts are already gaining worldwide acclaim. Or, one only needs to look to AnimeNation's title Risky Safety or Pioneer's Adventures of Mini-Goddess to see the success anime shorts have been enjoying both here and in Japan. We truly have been blessed with a window of oppurtunity. ^_^

With the Internet gaining rapid popularity as a media channel, it would be easy for us to offer previews online, as well as advertise our new anime. ^_^ I'd be pleased to link to it from my site, which has enjoyed a surprising 2000 hits since its creation last November. ^^

I say, let's go for it. Let's start tossing around ideas. Who says we need to set anything in stone yet? Anyone have an original idea for a short (10 to 30 minute) episode with a Christian theme? Let's just start brainstorming... if someone likes a certain idea and runs with it by doing character sketches or embellishing the idea, just post. Djnoz is absolutely right... God can do this through us. Let's just attack this prayerfully. What a blessing! I just praise God, He is so good to us... who would have thought stumbling across this message board could bring such awesome oppurtunity and blessing? ^__^

And to djnoz, in reply to your music offer: I still have to take a peek at your samples, but I'm interested. ^_^ Of course, I don't head up the project (I'm just the concept artist), but I'll be able to talk to the director about your offer. ^_^ Thanks a lot!!

Anyhow, more responses later... I gotta get to bed. ^~
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Postby Ashley » Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:45 pm

Ooo, I really really wanna help with this project! Actually I had an idea for a short animated music video set to the song "Praises" by the Newsboys. Not sure how well that would go over with copyright laws and all that.
What about something along the lines of "You've Got Mail"...internet friends and a tie into salvation? Dunno, just a thought. I'm sure I'll have more soon.
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Postby Rashiir » Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:52 pm

i just saw this chocolate milk commercial and it gave me this really rad idea for a fight scene: what if some one went into a battle like holding a glass that was full to the brim, fought all crazy while holding it the whole time, like doing flips and crazy stuff and then when it was over he hadn't spilled a drop and he takes a sip? i guess that doesn't exactly describe the fight scene, but it could add a layer of humor/coolness to whatever battle...just a thought.
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Postby nekomi » Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:41 am

Anime music videos... that's an awesome idea! ^_^ Actually, I've had the same thought during church a few times... ^_^ Ever seen Miyazaki's music video, set to On Your Mark ? I bet we could get permission from the copyright holders if we really decided we wanted to go that route. ^_^ And if not, I'm sure we can find a talented musician to help us. I may know of one... but we'd have to get this project underway before I'd really feel right asking her. ^__^ Praise the Lord! ^___^ Until next time, God Bless ~ ^_^
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:42 am

I've actually done one in the past....heh, a 40-50 hour project last summer involving me digitizing part of my Gundam Wing tapes and splicing it for what it's worth, I have experience. However, on this project I was thinking more along the lines of original know, hand drawn and all that....or at least digitally drawn. :P
You know, I think perhaps we should start a that is willing to take on manga, animation, and media projects. For instance, someone just posted on another thread asking for some help with some Christian manga for evangelizing purposes. Perhaps if we had a studio, it could take on such requests. Just a thought.
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Postby nekomi » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:01 pm

We definitely need to go with our own original animation if we're going to do it at all. Ashley, your skills in video editing and timing would definitely come in handy. ^_^ In order to do this, though, we have to have a clear plan in mind. ^_^

Step 1: Conceptualizing. We need to get a solid theme in mind. What kind of message do we want to convey? We should select an appropriate song to use, God-willing, from a member here who would be willing to contribute (we don't really have the funds or the profile to obtain copyrights on major Christian media). This is a call to all you CAA musicians and writers out there! ^_^

Step 2: Character design. Depending on the nature of the video, we're going to need a few good characters in the production. This is often a lengthy process, but we can band together and do it. This is a call to the CAA artists. ^___^

Step 3: Storyboarding. Basically, this is the "rough sketch" of how the animation will run. (Think manga panels with little descriptions of the dialogue and action going on in a particular scene in the production.) I have limited skill in storyboarding and screenplay, but it's all self-taught... and also, I have no examples I can really post just yet. I'm still working on my own first animation project. ^_^

Step 4: Pencil testing. This is extremely time consuming. ^^ Basically, our team of animators scan in the rough sketches to see if they look right when put into motion, one after another, at the proper framerate. The animation program I mentioned is well-suited to pencil testing, and would definitely work for us.

Step 5: Inking and digital coloring. This is also very time consuming. Our animating team, having finished all the rough sketches, tweaks and inks them before scanning them into the computer. At this point, a team of digital cel painters could use Adobe Photoshop (my recommendation) to color each individual cel.

Step 6: Animating. These digital "cels" are then put into motion using the software, and any visual effects are added (zoom, rotate, focus, pan, transparency, image intensity, stenciling, negative color, etc. as dictated by the animation team). This can be done by a single individual, who would also be responsible for timing and snipping the animation to fit the song.

Then... we add the credits, find a way to publish it, and it's done. ^__^ It sounds easy, but it's a very grueling process, which is why we probably need a team working together. Right now, we can get all the way to storyboarding without needing the software. We can also get promotional materials made for the production through places like CafePress and Kinko's... if anyone would like to take posters and pamphlets to cons and anime meets in your areas once the project is underway, that would probably be the best route. 'Course, since we don't have any funds, we're going to need people to be willing to work as volunteers.

And let's not forget the most important job of all... one *everyone* here can participate in... Pray for this ministry! ^___^ I believe God is working. ^__^
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Postby Straylight » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:07 pm

I am going to pray. This is awesome... and has inspired me to practice my music production skills. Let's see how far we can go! With Jesus anything is possible!
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Postby nekomi » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:21 pm

Talking to the programmer right now regarding the animating program... he's excited about this now too. ^__^

He says he can get a basic animation flipper (loads several images and flips them at 24fps, the framerate for anime) ready within a week of working on it. (This guy is a genius. ^__^) Not necessarily a week from now, but a week from when he starts working on it... dunno when that'll be, but we've definitely got some software secured for this ministry. ^___^ Seeing that animation programs are usually around $200 for the most basic, this is one heck of a blessing. Praise the Lord, He is so faithful to His people. ^__^

Anyhow, now to the reason for this post: Nice track, Djnoz. ^__^ The ambience is pretty neat, reminds me of the .hack soundtracks. ^__^ I'd like to hear some more of your music, if you don't mind! ^__^ We're not really looking to get musicians for the game yet, and 'course, it's not my decision anyway. ^__^ But I'm sure we could all use your skills for our music video in the here-and-now. ^____^ Yaaaaaaaay! God is so good! ^______^
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:24 pm

I can volunteer to story board, at least some of the shorter ones (haven't ever tried but I know the concept) and I can probably color (not necesarrily heh that's a big weak point) but I can add shading and things like that. Also have access to Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, ImageReady, and a cable modem so if I have to dl anything else it's nice and quick. Willing, ready, capable and glad to be of service however I can. Soo....who's got an idea we can mull around?
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:38 pm

moved this section of thread to the new forum New Ideas[] you guys can keep talking about media filtration, and the animators can go ahead and talk about their stuff over there. :thumb:
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Postby inkhana » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:44 pm

What can I say? *grin* I'll do what I can! I don't have any skills with music or storyboarding or whatever...but Ashley knows what I am capable of doing. (Sorry...I didn't have any brilliant ideas...) I've got a question, though...just how many of the artists here are capable of drawing 24fps consistently?

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:53 pm

Good question. However, I know of a trick to get around that. You have your artists draw the character(s) in the basic poses they will be in (standing, sitting, etc.), and then you scan/color those. Then, using illustrator (or photoshop could work too) you use a copy-paste-alter slightly and repeate method; you don't have to draw each frame, just the basics. At least, that's how I was taught. Nekomi might be more knowledgable on this subject, but that's what I know how to do.
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Postby nekomi » Thu Jun 05, 2003 1:04 pm

Really, anyone can learn to draw at's checking the pencil tests and making alterations to the speed of the motion that really counts. I don't generally like to use the paste/alter method because when working with detailed drawings, the result is often very primitive... and realistically, not the whole production will run 24 frames each second. In fact, in "real" anime, much of the time is taken up by four or five second pan and zoom shots, with minor dialogue sometimes. If you play some of your favorite anime on mute, you'd be surprised at the amount of stills... we could definitely pull it off. ^_^
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