Best Superman movie?

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Best Superman movie?

Postby rocklobster » Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:13 am

I just watched the original Superman last night! I was never a big fan of the Man Of Steel, but I did like the movies. So which one was the best? Here's my thoughts on them:
  • Superman I: Not a bad way to start.
    Coolest moment: Seeing Superman in the Fortress of Solitude talking with his dad Jor-el's (played by Marlon Brando of Godfather fame) image.
    Lamest moment: Superman reverses Earth's orbit in order to reverse time when he fails to save Lois Lane from an impending car crash. (Oh come on! That defies all laws of physics!)
  • [Superman II: My favorite of the series, next to Superman Returns.
    Coolest moment: Superman loses his powers in order to be among us ordinary guys and have a relationship with Lois Lane.
    Lamest moment: Superman removes Lois Lane's memories of the Fortress of Solitude by kissing her. (Since when could he do that?)
  • Superman III: I sense a shark circling the series.
    Coolest moment: Good Superman vs. Bad Superman
    Lamest moment: How we got Bad Superman--kryptonite made with cigarette tars (yes, I know cigarettes are bad for you, but this is a real stretch)
  • Superman IV: The Quest For Peace: UGH! Message Alert! :mutter:
    Coolest moment: Uh...let me think...Ah, forget it. This one sucked.
    Lamest moment: How about the whole movie?
  • Superman Returns: This rocked! :rock:
    Coolest moment: [Spoiler]Superman has a kid! :o [/spoiler]
    Lamest moment: Someone is still dumb enough to shoot Superman. (How long has Superman been around? You'd think those stupid criminals would've caught on by now. :eh: )
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:25 pm

The original was probably the best.There was plenty of angst in it toward the end when Lois appeared to have died.
Plus they had one of the two actresses who played the original tv Lois from the
'50s series make a cameo in it.
(I forget but I think the '50s Jimmy Olsen also had a cameo)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:20 pm

Oddly enough, I've never found the Superman films particularly engrossing, and hence I've only seen ones I've happened across (I, IV, and Returns). That means I can't properly judge which I think is best.

rocklobster wrote:Superman removes Lois Lane's memories of the Fortress of Solitude by kissing her. (Since when could he do that?)

Most people talk about Superman's main powers being Flying, Invulnerability and Super-strength, but they neglect one major power: Miscellaneous. Generally speaking Superman can pull out weird abilities when they are convenient because he's just so super.

rocklobster wrote:Someone is still dumb enough to shoot Superman. (How long has Superman been around? You'd think those stupid criminals would've caught on by now.

Sorry you feel that way; I thought it was the best special effects usage in the film. Personally, I attributed it to his absence (people tend to disbelieve things that have been gone for very long). At first I thought the guy was going to punch him, which would have been much less intelligent, but I think that what he did actually makes sense. If someone who has invulnerability would have a weak point, the eye is a logical place.
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:52 pm

I've only seen the first 4 (have yet to see Returns), but of those I like the second one best just for the music. John Williams' style pwns. :3
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:54 pm

I've only ever seen Superman Returns, and I've gotta say that the "little" plot twist, was pretty twisted in itself I thought :/ With knowing the bare basics of the plot of Superman it just... didn't fit I thought :/ And just... blah! Not right >_< I just think something's sort of wrong when [spoiler] someone who not only has a kid and doesn't even realize who the real dad is, but still doesn't even know the real identity of that guy is :/ [/spoiler]

I'll stop my mini-rant there... :/ It's just... yeah :/
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:23 pm

Definitely not Superman Returns.

Utter garbage. Horrible movie, and a total waste of my money. I hated it.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:14 pm

When they finally get a non-scrawny Superman and completely reboot the series like Batman Begins with the same writers/directors, THEN we will have the best Superman movie.
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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:35 pm

Azier the Swordsman wrote:When they finally get a non-scrawny Superman and completely reboot the series like Batman Begins with the same writers/directors, THEN we will have the best Superman movie.

SOOOO true.....

batman begins was amazing...

and uh...I guess I vote superman returns... but your coolest moment would have to be my Lamest moment... it felt so WRONG.. ughh'

OVerall I don't really like the series!
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:53 pm

Sadly, to be totally honest, the Matrix sequels were the best Superman movies.

Out of these ones, probably the original. At least Superman wasn't a creepy stalker in the first one. The real hero of the new movie was Cyclops.
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:13 am

Hee hee. No one's voted for the bad ones.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:39 am

rocklobster wrote:Hee hee. No one's voted for the bad ones.

Heh, reminds me how I watched this documentary special on the world of Superman (from comic hit - movies) and how the commentators were saying "people would ask: there's a 4th Superman movie?!" (along with going on with how badly it bombed).
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