Eragon: The Movie

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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:56 pm

I was looking through an anti-Eragon site and they had some really valid reasons
why the novels aren't as good as everyone thinks.For example they put up some of the samples of Paolini's writing and it made me cringe just reading what they had down.If it had been written as a Creative Writing Class project it would have gotten no better than a D- and that's being liberally fair.An F is more what the style deserves.
One of the points they made is that he keeps putting Thee,Thy,Thine,Thou and You
in the same sentences.
And please not let's get into the stilted sentence structure of the samples used.
It was enough to blow a gasket.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:00 pm

So I went with my friend tonight to watch it. She's read the book, I haven't, but I warned her that I've heard (I wonder where from?) people didn't like it too much. And, well, we both liked it... *cough*. Although she didn't think it was up to par of the book, of course, and said she'll have to lend me her copy of the book some day. And honestly, I know usually when I watch fantasy movies, I'm always sort of dissapointed when say a character like a dragon hardly gets a big part/flight part in the show :/ I dunno, I'm just visual and like to watch that stuff, and the art that goes along with making the creature^^ No excuse to take away from the plot though, of course.

"Rip offish" or not, and c'mon, we can have rip off debates for years on end. If it's not Eragon and Star Wars/LotR, it's Pokemon and Digimon or something of the like. I actually heard someone say that her friend saw it and that "because of the battle, it was like LotR" :/ Sounds like he doesn't watch too many fantasy shows/games^^

Yeah, some of the parts were sappy, like what goes along with:

chibiphonebooth wrote:
oh i forgot one part. i love how eragon is so cocky though the movie. he's all like, 'YEAH, EYE CAN FITE U CUZ I FOT MI CUSIN LOLZ I GOT SKILLZ LMAO!! I FOT MI CUZIN WITH A REEEELLLL SORD!!!!!!111!!113EVLLEVN!!!! EYEM SO GUD. I CAN KILL EVRY1 LOLZORZ CUZ I FOT WITH MI CUZINNNNN!!!111"

Heh, my friend and I made jokes about it^^ I especially liked the part where Brom was sayign something like "wasn't expecting the dragon rider to be like, 15... 16..." and Eragon was all proud and like "I'M 17!!!" And I was all like "Oooooooo!" outloud with my friend. A whole year off sure shows a manly difference in age there! It was just funny^^
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Postby beau99 » Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:21 am

mitsuki lover wrote:If it had been written as a Creative Writing Class project it would have gotten no better than a D- and that's being liberally fair.An F is more what the style deserves.

The website you looked at is so incorrect it's not funny... especially this part.

I took creative writing, and what I did was worse than Paolini did for Eragon. I got an easy C+ and I didn't even finish the final project.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:39 am

Azier the Swordsman wrote:I mean, if nobody had ever posted that comparison, I would have never ever caught on. Contrary to apparently popular belief, the book does not read like the Star Wars script with a coat of fantasy paint

I think I would have totally caught on. Come on. I'm like a freaken Star Wars Geek here.
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Postby beau99 » Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:09 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I think I would have totally caught on. Come on. I'm like a freaken Star Wars Geek here.

So is my dad, and not even he could find any similarities other than the basic plot, which had been done long before Star Wars.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:22 am

Eragon is rubbish but it would probably get a C+ in Highschool English Class (Year 9 or 10).
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Postby mechana2015 » Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:38 pm

beau99 wrote:The website you looked at is so incorrect it's not funny... especially this part.

I took creative writing, and what I did was worse than Paolini did for Eragon. I got an easy C+ and I didn't even finish the final project.

Just wondering... how do you know that thats not correct? It's quite possible that the person had a leniant, or even incompitant teacher or professor. I've discovered that there are professors that will refuse to fail people in classes, and that there are professors that insist on failing half the class reguardless of ability.

I'm going to leave my current opinion out of this, but... I don't see how that specific statement devalues the arguements on the site.

I was recently talking to a fan of the books recently and she thought the movie destroyed the books.

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:09 pm

That website is very cool. Yes, the authors of it aren't fond of Eragon but they know their writing stuff. One of them is an English teacher and the others major in it.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Jan 14, 2007 6:51 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote: Yes, the authors of it aren't fond of Eragon but they know their writing stuff. One of them is an English teacher and the others major in it.

Looks like if I ever become a writer for actual novels, I'll have to use my plot to make up for my lack in writing talent^^ It can be done...
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:27 am

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Eragon is rubbish but it would probably get a C+ in Highschool English Class (Year 9 or 10).

Wow, a little harsh there?

Eragon was a horrible movie, but an excellent book.
If it would get a C+ then why was it published and on the New York Times best seller list?

Are you gonna say it's because people who buy these books are mindless?

Eragon is an excellent series and the author has a very talented skill at describing objects, creatures, ect. but I can agree that he borrowed some Star Wars elements, but where's the story if you don't borrow things? Stories are usually inspired by other stories, you know.

Honestly, IMO, this thread has become nothing but a useless war explaining why Paolini sucks or why other people like the book.

The thread is about the MOVIE, remember? It's old news that it was a flop that a handful of people liked, so we should just put it to rest.

Maybe it would've done better if it wasn't out the same time as Borat.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:31 am

Are you gonna say it's because people who buy these books are mindless?

Some yes, and some just haven't read any fantasy at all.
No, I'm not being harsh.

Teshi, there's all the time in the world to learn all the writing mechanics and edit, edit, edit (something which Paolini seemed to forget to do).
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Postby Tommy » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:24 am

Give me an example of a paragraph in the book that was poorly written.

Okay, so I'm either mindless or I've never read fantasy.
Well, I've read plenty of fantasy books so I guess I'm mindless now, whatever.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:34 am

Tom Dincht wrote:Eragon is an excellent series and the author has a very talented skill at describing objects, creatures, ect...

Well, that doesn't always constitute a good writer. As far as I'm concerned, being descriptive can make a book completely awful and boring to read. A good writer will find a happy medium between being descriptive and not being overly descriptive (in other words, boring).
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:24 pm

The Inlander,the alternative newspaper for Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho
gave the movie a turkey.
I predict that once The Bridge To Terebithia begins it's run that Eragon will be forgotten.
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Postby Dunedan » Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:19 pm

Eragon was a pretty good book (I kind of thought both it and Eldest were a little predictable though) but oh wow the movie... I ended up laughing through the whole thing. From the astonishingly bad acting to the half-naked-ugly-men "Ãœrgals" the movie was great for entertainment value. But not in the way they intended it. Me and my friend MST3K'd it.
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Postby taboo » Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:11 pm

I thought the movie was pretty lame, and I hadn't even read the book. XD I hated the songs in the credits but I was forced to listen to them everyday because I had to clean theaters. Now one of them's become popular or something, so they still play it at the gym or the cafe..... nooooooo
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