Pirates of the Caribean: At World's End

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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:03 pm

[quote="Radical Dreamer"]Well, it's not that I didn't like the second movie, because I did. There's posts of mine to prove that in the old POTC2 thread. XD I didn't feel like the plot was too complicated or difficult to understand at all (I mean, I am a big LOTR fan]

I have to agree the second movie did not have the same quirky humor as the first one, but that partly because the characters were familiar... Still, there were parts that were funny in a different way. =]

And I share your fears. OHHH do I share your fears. HOWEVER, both Orlando and Keira have shared that they do not want to make any more Pirates films. I say way to go and thank goodness. All good things must come to an end.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:12 pm

Kawaiikneko wrote:And I share your fears. OHHH do I share your fears. HOWEVER, both Orlando and Keira have shared that they do not want to make any more Pirates films. I say way to go and thank goodness. All good things must come to an end.

Well, that's good to know! XD I can understand a trilogy, but when you get to four movies and it's not Star Wars, it begins to get a bit more like Rocky...next thing you know, 20 years later they've made the 8th installment in the POTC series, simply titled "JACK SPARROW". XD
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Postby TallasLint » Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:29 pm

I really loved the first movie and I was very disappointed by the second movie. I think if they do the third movie right, I will be less upset with the second movie, but as is, it is not a movie. It is a connector for the first and third movies, of no intrinsic value. My issue with series of movies, especially trilogies, is that the second movie of a trilogy never has its own plot. It is solely for setting up the third movie.

Disney took the success of the first movie, and the prospects of a third, and used those ideas to create a second movie that was of no value but to introduce Davy Jones, and to show Barbossa's return. They made it movie length by adding a subplots for everything (that Ask a ninja thing was hillarious), and making joke references to the first movie, and a three way sword fight, which, while cool looking, had no point whatsoever.

However, if the third movie is good, I may be able to forgive the pointlessness of the second movie.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun May 20, 2007 7:18 pm


Well now we're down to the week of the premier.. Who's going on Thursday evening? They're having showings at 8 and I was all excited for not having to go to school on 4 hours of sleep the next day... and then my friend forgot to ask off work, so we have to go at 11:30. <.<; Still, midnight shows are a lot of fun.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up too far. I mean, it can't be terrible but I doubt it will measure up to the first -- same problem as the second. My only huge fear is that... well.. I heard it's not very funny and is more dark than the first three. I love the POTC humor... That's what makes the movies great for me. So hopefully enough will still be in there to make me happy. =]
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun May 20, 2007 8:00 pm

I actually came to discover today that my town is actually doing an 8PM show on Thursday (which I did not expect; my town is really small XD); unfortunately, I have a conflict and can't make it. Midnight shows are more fun, though, so I'm excited about that. XD I'll be getting my midnight show ticket sometime tomorrow or the next day, possibly. It's kind of turning into a family event, too, and I may have other friends come along, so I'm excited about it. XD
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Postby Stephen » Mon May 21, 2007 12:33 am

I don't know what I am doing. I've got a friend that can't make the midnight showing...so I might do a midnight with one group of friends...a random one with the other friend...and I promised my father I would take him too. Heh. It better be a good movie if I end up hitting it in theaters 3 times.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon May 21, 2007 12:44 am

I thinks my sis is getting a group of friends to dress up as pirates... me? i wanna go as the monkey..

I hope it's better than the 2nd... I need to watch the second again.. I keep falling a sleep during it... =_=
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 25, 2007 10:14 am

Woo. I loved it. I am sure, as with every movie....someone will hate it, and think it was trash. But I think it was the best of the series.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri May 25, 2007 11:56 am

I don't feel like writing all of this out again, so I'll just copy what I put up on my LJ last night. XD

[SPOILER]Overall...good. I enjoyed it. The last battle on the maelstrom was amaaaazing, and it really showed the best side of everyone (except Will and Elizabeth..."Marry us, Barbossa"? What the heck? XDD). I loved the swashbuckling between Jack and Davey Jones (even though that was like, the only one-on-one swashbuckling scene in the whole movie...I'm a fan of swashbucklers, I wanted more. XD), and I thought Geoffrey Rush was awesome [though I did find him to be less mean, which takes the piratey charm out of his character a little XD], as per usual. Jack was completely incredible in the last battle, and I loved his line, "Allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket." I SO want to use that someday. Seriously.

But even though that last battle rocked incredibly hard, I can only give the rest of the movie a 3/5. Why? It took WAY too long to build up. XD I dunno, I think the character development in this particular film could have been better. Not regarding any of the original characters, really; mostly regarding the East India Trading Company guys, not to mention Chow Yun-Fat's character (he sure didn't get as much screen time as I thought he would) and Tia Dalma/Calypso. And where did the "Calypso" thing even come from? XD I dunno, that part seemed totally random to me. Maybe it's just that, until this point in the films, they've never mentioned anything about her. Not until they were making that bargain on the ship did we even hear the name "Calypso"; perhaps it would have gone over better if they had referenced her in the previous movies, I dunno. I mean, it makes sense that that's why she brought back Barbossa, not to mention helping the others save Jack, but still.

Also, was anyone else noticing a distinct lack of fight scenes? The only two that I clearly recall here at 4:18 AM are the scene at the beginning in Singapore and the final battle. Or maybe it's just because those are the only two that stuck out to me, I dunno. Either way, I felt like the middle portions really dragged. And Norrington...what the heck? XD I thought we were done with that little corner of the love triangle. But I guess we really are, now, at any rate. XD

Also, I did not expect Will to become the next captain of the Flying Dutchman. And once he did, I didn't expect him to still be with Elizabeth and all of that. XD I will say, though, that the scene where his ship and Jack's took out the East India Trading Company's ship with cannons on both sides was awesome.

As for whether or not there'll be a fourth...I have yet to decide. XD The scene after the credits offered enough closure (thank goodness it wasn't another anti-climatic one, like the dog with the keys XD), and even though I can see a definite story forming around the "Fountain of Youth" adventure...Well, Jack's never going to stop being a pirate and exploring, and the movie just wouldn't end well if he wasn't demanding for anyone to"bring him that horizon", but the movies have to stop at some point. XD Whether that will be with this one or a fourth, I don't know. I just hope Disney doesn't start cutting corners to get the films out faster and forget that it's quality that makes all movies good, not how much money the movie is predicted to make.[/SPOILER]

So yes. Overall, a pretty good movie--not without flaws, but I liked it, and I'd probably see it again. I will say, though, that after about 30 minutes of the first movie (which remains my favorite of the three), I was thinking, "I want to own this movie when it's released." I wasn't thinking that here. XD
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Postby Tarnish » Fri May 25, 2007 1:27 pm

Saw it last night, er...this morning, on a 4' by 2' screen in a room filled with loud, obnoxious kids (It gave me a chance to use "Don't any of you people notice the giant movie going on?!"). But it was still good. Very good. A heckuva lot more fun than Spider Man 3, in my opinion.

Though at times it did seem as if the people working on the film just said, "Hey! Wouldn't it be cool if [SPOILER]We added a random goddess to the story/Threw in Jack's dad/Had lots of crabs/etc.?"

And The "King of the Pirates" thing...I couldn't help but think of One Piece every time they said it. Drove me insane. XD[/SPOILER]

I heard the story was incredibly hard to understand...but it seemed pretty straightforward to me. Well executed, though. The characters were as good as ever. The CG seemed to improve since the last movie...though I could just be imagining that.
So I enjoyed it. It ended(...) the series nicely.
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Postby ilikegir33 » Fri May 25, 2007 2:54 pm

It was really good, but too many things to think about. Also a few parts dragged on. But the pirate action in the last hour totally made up for that. By the way, you have to have a prior knowledge of the first two films in order to see At World's End.
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Postby Debitt » Fri May 25, 2007 2:58 pm

I hate to be the voice of cynicism, but I feel like I'm going to treat this one like the Matrix: only the first movie exists.

The fight scenes and special effects were beautiful, and I was really enjoying Barbossa's character throughout the movie, but it felt like they put in way too many "Hey guys! Let's just throw THIS in!" plot points. I didn't have much trouble understanding the plot, but having so many elements that came into play in the LAST movie I felt made each of them end up far too underdeveloped.

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Postby lordoftempest » Fri May 25, 2007 4:29 pm

Kokoro Daisuke wrote:I hate to be the voice of cynicism, but I feel like I'm going to treat this one like the Matrix: only the first movie exists.

The fight scenes and special effects were beautiful, and I was really enjoying Barbossa's character throughout the movie, but it felt like they put in way too many "Hey guys! Let's just throw THIS in!" plot points. I didn't have much trouble understanding the plot, but having so many elements that came into play in the LAST movie I felt made each of them end up far too underdeveloped.

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Postby Nightshade X » Fri May 25, 2007 5:13 pm

Kokoro Daisuke wrote:I hate to be the voice of cynicism, but I feel like I'm going to treat this one like the Matrix: only the first movie exists.

I'm all for that standpoint. To be honest, I felt that the movie was just too long for what it was. Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie. Fully enjoyable in every way. However, unless you were a huge fan of pirates (which I am certainly not, I assure you), you probably couldn't enjoy the film to the fullest. Of course, one could say the same thing about any movie involving knights, in which case, I'd be totally biased. However, in this instance, I have to admit that I had much more fun with Spiderman 3 than Pirates 3... although, by the end of Spidey 3, I wanted to rip out Peter Parker's heart and serve it to him raw with a parsley garnish.

To give examples, I thought that the whole thing with Jack's experience in Davy Jones' Locker, while entertaining, was completely unnecessary and, ultimately, a waste of time. Plus, there was the little annoying fact that the characters I liked the most ended up dying. However, I did enjoy...

[spoiler]Admiral Norrington's character. Even though he knew that he could never have the one he loved the most, his sacrifice was most inspiring and mirrored a lot of things in my heart. He was, by far, my favorite character in the movie... even though he died, just like all of the characters I actually liked most.[/spoiler]

I do have one question, though... I mean, maybe I missed something in Pirates 2, but somebody, for the love of film, please tell me...

[spoiler]how the boink did the Kraken die?![/spoiler]

Bluntly stating the point, it was a good movie, but they didn't really deliver where it counted in my mind. To add insult to injury, once certain plot points were revealed, it was easy to predict the end of the movie and, subsequently, the clip after the credits (this not only applies to the main plot of the movie, but to the sub-plots as well). Sorry to all those pirate fans out there, but I can only give this one a 2.5 out of 5.
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Postby crossalchemist » Fri May 25, 2007 5:47 pm

[spoiler]how the boink did the Kraken die?![/spoiler]
[spoiler]Bad-British-Man had Davey Jones order the Kraken (how? I have no idea) to run itself a ground. This is a perfect example of how the movie showed the effects of things that the script only insinuated had happened or were going to happen and was what made it very confusing.[/spoiler]

Kokoro Daisuke wrote:I hate to be the voice of cynicism, but I feel like I'm going to treat this one like the Matrix: only the first movie exists.

The fight scenes and special effects were beautiful, and I was really enjoying Barbossa's character throughout the movie, but it felt like they put in way too many "Hey guys! Let's just throw THIS in!" plot points. I didn't have much trouble understanding the plot, but having so many elements that came into play in the LAST movie I felt made each of them end up far too underdeveloped.

What bothers me about the movie is that there are A LOT of amazing scenes, lines, and Barbossa and the midget MADE the movie, but when they are all put together in this movie it doesn't make sense, is disjointed, and non-continuous. The script repeatly ignors or contradicts it's own mythology and it is near impossible to tell who is betraying who (which, EVERYONE is betraying somebody). Also, was it just me or did the movie have really poor editing at a few points? Like what it would be if a ten year old did the editing? Maybe it was just my theater.

I'm gonna do the same thing as Kokoro and consider the first movie to be the only movie in the series, especially because I really liked the first one and if you watch the next two, they render all events in the first one pointless. I am one of those people who refuses to watch the last two Matrix movies because the first one was good and I know that the next two will only ruin the first one.

I'm disappointed in the new Pirates movie (can you tell?;)) and I'm mad about what they did with Fat's character.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Fri May 25, 2007 8:15 pm

I loved it...though it wasn't as good as the first. Queue the spoiler box:

[spoiler] Alright I really loved a lot of this movie so I'll start with the parts I didn't like.

- SO many ideas and not enough fleshed out. I didn't have a problem following the many plot trails (I've never been confused by the series and don't understand how people become confused) but there were so many points where I was like... Why didn't they flesh that out more? That was interesting! Oh well <.<;;
- Intelligent animals... I can stand it to a certain point. In the first movie they were fine; the parrot and the monkey acted like trained, semi-intelligent animals. In this movie they were talking intelligently (parrot), were wearing clothes (monkey), and were participating the in fighting. To me, this makes a movie seem childish and immature.
- Multiple Jacks - HILARIOUS in Davy Jones locker, and then got a little weird. Still, they were necessary to see into Jack's mind and I don't see how else they could have done it artistically. Just one of those personal "eehhhshrug" moments.
- The Marriage. Cheeseyyyyy but good I guess.
- Giant Calypso seemed like a weird way to do that. At least put some swirly dramatic wind in there. Just standing there looked awkward. Liked the crabs though.
-Will Turner. Through the whole movie I hated him (which is a shame b/c I had started to like him in the 2nd movie). I couldn't relate to him, I couldn't like him... and then they expect me to feel attached to him when he gets stabbed at the end? I was all for Jack taking the position.

Okay now the good!

-Johnny Depp freaking knocked it out of the park. Omigosh. His acting was so good - all the nuances and small reactions. I love it. And his face when Will got stabbed - even though I didn't like Will - was so good it made me feel sorry for Will. I loved how they explored his character more and his conflict. On the topic of actors doing great, Geoffrey Rush and Bill Nighly also stole the show.
- Witty dialogue. Not as good as the first movie but enough to make me laugh.
-The WHOLE Davy Jones locker scene had me cracking up. Jack with himself.. thinking he was hallucinating... just I loved it.'
- Calypso. I know they didn't introduce the idea of her in the first two movies, but who cares? It was such a good legend to incorporate into the series and I loved it. I love Tia Dolma/Calypso's actress. And I loved the fleshed out romance between Calypso and Davy Jones. Wish there had been some closure though.
- Elizabeth... she was a good and a bad. The whole "FEMININE EMPOWERMENT!!" thing is overplayed in movies, and to a certain point PotC is no exception... but for the most part I think they balanced her out very well and I liked her as a character.
- Keith Richards... need I say more? Again, wish his character was more fleshed out, but still so cool. ^w^

Man, I know there's more I loved.. me and my friends spent two periods talking about the movie. Oh well, if I remember more I'll post later.[/spoiler]

I'm iffy on a 4th movie. Orlando and Keira have both declined doing another movie but Johnny would do one... I dunno.. I think it's on the verge of jumping the shark and I would hate to see such great movies turned into a money-making, spit-out-a-movie-a-year Disney deal... On the other hand I love Jack Sparrow.

If they make another movie I would see it. I would be highly skeptical and probably wouldn't like it, but I would see it.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri May 25, 2007 8:47 pm

Oh..my gosh...as much as I didn't like the 2nd one.. I LOVED this one! I went to see it, just to get closure on the whole thing..I mean I didn't think the last one was HORRIBLE just..really eh...

This one though, it rocked. I laughed I cried... I CRIED! The entire movie left me wondering!!!

And the scene AFTER the credits...aahhh *foamatthemouth* I want moooore..

Spoiler discussions:

[spoiler] The end really had me...it really made it better than a lot of other movies. Simply because it's really interesting and I am STILL thinking about it one hour after it ends!

I think it would really stink to not see your husband for 10 years, and to only see him for ONE day! ugh...and that poor daughter of theirs! She won't get to see her daddy!! D:

what I would like to see...is the daughter go on some adventures... I think THAT would be cool. Maybe 10 years later from the 10 years later...and she meets up with an Older Captain Jack...and they set on a quest to find her daddy.... because Elizabeth is dying. It just sounds cool to me.. XD [/spoiler]

I loved the monkey!! Aahhh..he was so cute!
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Fri May 25, 2007 9:51 pm

[spoiler]Wasn't "she" a son?[/spoiler] O_o; Was I completely off base when I was watching the last scene? It's entirely likely... it was like 2:30 in the morning.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri May 25, 2007 9:57 pm

[quote="Kawaiikneko"][spoiler]Wasn't "she" a son?[/spoiler] O_o]

[SPOILER]Yeah, it was definitely a son. XDD I was wondering about that, too. He had long hair, but he was totally a son.[/SPOILER]
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri May 25, 2007 10:21 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:[SPOILER]Yeah, it was definitely a son. XDD I was wondering about that, too. He had long hair, but he was totally a son.[/SPOILER]

[spoiler] wasn't the kid wearing a dress? IT WAS A GIRL!
OKAY I was wrong it's his son..sheesh, IT LOOKED LIKE A GIRL [/spoiler]
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Postby Stephen » Sat May 26, 2007 12:51 am

[SPOILER]Orlando Blooms son, and you expect manly? Bah. I still say it is Jacks kid. Jackabeth fans unite![/SPOILER]
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat May 26, 2007 1:10 am

Spoiler I found something that the writers decided to leave out. If they had left it in there would be no confusions:

[spoiler] Apparently the legend of the Flying Dutchmen/Davey Jones says that if the lover stays faithful for ten years then the one who is bound to the flying dutchman can return to land....I guess they left a scene where Calypso and Davey Jones discuss this out.. O_o [/spoiler]
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat May 26, 2007 1:25 am

ChristianKitsune wrote:Spoiler I found something that the writers decided to leave out. If they had left it in there would be no confusions:

[spoiler] Apparently the legend of the Flying Dutchmen/Davey Jones says that if the lover stays faithful for ten years then the one who is bound to the flying dutchman can return to land....I guess they left a scene where Calypso and Davey Jones discuss this out.. O_o [/spoiler]

[SPOILER]Wow. It would have made a little more sense if they had left it in. XD Then again, who knows where they would have fit that scene in...XD[/SPOILER]
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Postby mechana2015 » Sat May 26, 2007 1:55 am

Radical Dreamer wrote:[SPOILER]Wow. It would have made a little more sense if they had left it in. XD Then again, who knows where they would have fit that scene in...XD[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]I really wish they had... would have made the ending a little less... "well that sucks seeing her once every 10 years". [/SPOILER]

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Postby Debitt » Sat May 26, 2007 1:57 am

Random historical interjection: I got dragged out of the theater before I saw the scene after the credits, so I don't know if this is entirely germane, but
[spoiler]Regarding Elizabeth and Will's son, if it looked like he was in a 'dress', it's probably because during the time period, younger boys actually wore what looked like a dress until they were "breeched", or put into pants, somewhere between the ages of 9-13.[/spoiler]

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Postby crossalchemist » Sat May 26, 2007 3:17 pm


[spoiler] The kid that plays their son at the end of the credits is the same kid that played the boy that got hung at the very beginning. Actor is a boy, character is a boy.

Also, is it just me or did that whole opening thing make no sense? Not only did they not reveal the significance of the song (despite it being referenced several times), but I was laughing out loud in the theater when that guy was reading off those 'indefinately revocked' rights. Colonies under British rule didn't have those rights anyway! Especially things like jury of one's peers, habeus corpus, etc. It was silly and stupid. (I also don't know if the majority of the intended audience for Pirates would know what habeus corpus means!)

(Note: On paper colonies did have those rights, but they were never used with success. That's the problem with monarchy. Trial by jury of one's peers was one of the reasons for the war for independence.)[/spoiler]
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat May 26, 2007 4:47 pm

crossalchemist wrote:Proof:

[spoiler] The kid that plays their son at the end of the credits is the same kid that played the boy that got hung at the very beginning. Actor is a boy, character is a boy.

Also, is it just me or did that whole opening thing make no sense? Not only did they not reveal the significance of the song (despite it being referenced several times), but I was laughing out loud in the theater when that guy was reading off those 'indefinately revocked' rights. Colonies under British rule didn't have those rights anyway! Especially things like jury of one's peers, habeus corpus, etc. It was silly and stupid. (I also don't know if the majority of the intended audience for Pirates would know what habeus corpus means!)

(Note: On paper colonies did have those rights, but they were never used with success. That's the problem with monarchy. Trial by jury of one's peers was one of the reasons for the war for independence.)[/spoiler]

[spoiler] I THOUGHT SO! And I have to admit that i really didn't understand that part either. It made me sad though!! D: I mean...just because they had something to do with pirates?? :/ Did the kid have one of the pieces of 8? [/spoiler]
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sat May 26, 2007 7:39 pm

Yeah for that whole beginning scene I was like... okay it looks nice and the words sound nice but they wouldn't have those rights anyways. I was wondering if anyone else caught that.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat May 26, 2007 8:23 pm

I just got back from seeing it. I thought it was way better than the second movie, but still left a few things to be desired.

I will say this though: in all the 2 hours and 45 minutes, not once was it ever boring.
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Postby Tommy » Sat May 26, 2007 8:39 pm

I heard it was terrible from people who love the first two.

I still plan on seeing it.
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