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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:25 pm

Nate wrote:I don't think so. I'm a bit too young to remember it, but others aren't. Back in the day, there were two warring formats, much like Blu Ray and HD DVD. They were Betamax and VHS. Sony was the supporter of Betamax. Sony also said that adult films would NOT be allowed on Betamax.

What was the result of this? The VHS market exploded in popularity and Sony's Betamax failed miserably.

Actually, this was for a different reason. As I remember it, Sony didn't license the rights to Betamax either as cheaply or as ubiquitously as the VHS rights were licensed. The end result was that a consumer would walk into a Sears and see a dozen varieties of VHS players, and only one or two Beta players. The self-fullfiling mis-interpretation was that the VHS was a lot more popular.

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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:56 am

Evangeline-San wrote:I honestly can't see what the point is to having internet on your game system. Won't you have to have wireless internet to even access it on your ps3 or WII?
I'll stick to a mac. and use my PS2 and N64. XD heh

I know this has been addressed, but here's my take.

The number one reason you would want the Internets on your console? Multiplayer. Look at Xbox Live. This is [and will probably be for the forseeable future] the main use of Web access in consoles. Remember, the Internet is just a bunch of computers linked together.

The second reason is downloadable content. It saves the cost of discs, cases, labels, shelf space, etc. This is theoretically passed on to the consumer. However, because of technological limitations [hard drive space, bandwidth etc.], downloadable content is and will be limited for a while.

As far as accessing websites with a console . . . I think I see your point. However, it would be silly not to offer it if you're already Web-enabled for multiplayer and downloads. Why not? It just takes some more software. Is it gimmicky? Eh, a little, IMO. But it would be nice to get a walkthrough or codes for a game on your console without having to get up and go to the computer, which may be in another room. Now, if you're like me and have a wireless router and a wireless-enabled laptop, well . . . a console browser is rather superfluous. But I can see a use [if a limited one] for others.

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Postby Roy Mustang » Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:11 am

Doe Johnson wrote:From what I understood by reading people's responses on Sony refusing porn, it seems that it isn't actually true. There are already porn titles in blu-ray, just maybe not available in the US right now (they have it in Japan).

I think she means anime stuff and not the other.

Japan and Sony are putting out all kinds of anime out in Blu-ray format in Japan as of late. Some of them are making their way over here.

What Mithrandir said is true. When was little, all I remember seeing were VCR players and not Betamax players.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:10 pm

I remember we used to have a betamax player. We actually used to own one tape though, and that was The Little Mermaid.

Too bad the thing broke on us every time I tried to watch it.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:05 pm

Thing is, VHS only won the home market. Professional market ended up Beta... With Super-VHS and Beta-SC, the pro market was entirely Beta-SC before going digital. Due to the larger size and upcoming 4 layer discs, that may be the case with Blu-ray and HD-DVD, too... Blu-ray will be the favorite of archivists and special interests, while HD-DVD may take the consumer market.

EDIT: Though I say this, I discover so far, Bluray has 54% of the market in the US... The backing of a lot of major movie companies seems to be beating out the porn industry's holdings so far... Considering the larger storage and potentially improved interactivity (via the complete Java support) I think the big studios may see more potential for blu-ray. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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