Lets Create A Anmie Con Movie

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Lets Create A Anmie Con Movie

Postby ashfire » Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:08 pm

I was thinking what if someone created a movie about someone going to a anime con. Who would star in it and what would the storyline be.
Here's my thought, lets use the stars from Cheaper By The Dozen.
Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt as parents taking their 12 kids to a anime con because a new anime has hit the US which all their kids have gotten into.
Just imagine have to reserve hotel rooms for 12 kids and two parents and then paying to get into the con. Now imagine as two parents trying to keep up with 12 kids.
I would imagine having someone like George Takei and Masi Oka playing the creators of the new anime and having to deal with Mr Martin's character during the con.
What if the 12 kids do a cosplay together based on the anime.
Now I wonder who to added as extra stars to the movie like con staff, dealers maybe include real anmie artist and voice actors as part of the movie. Add to this one or maybe add a different idea and stars for a anime con movie rather a comedy or drama.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:16 pm

You know what? I think it would make a great Napoleon Dynamite-esque indie film. Maybe you could set it up as a 2-movie deal: first is about the protagonists getting to the con, the second is the con itself. If you got some people who knew what they were doing [reasonably], it would rock.

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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:01 pm

Better do a documentary like they did with Trekkies and get someone like Wendee Lee to narrate it.
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Postby ashfire » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:09 pm

Well I think there have been many a docmentary about a anime con but never a comedy or drama or combination of both about one.
There is the manga "Dramacon" which is up to 2 volumes and the third on the way but then you have a scene about boy and girl about to have sexual relations which never gets started because their friends showup before it happens and a attempted rape scene by the boyfriend after he gets drunk.
There have been many a teenage movie I can remember from the 50s to today about teens attending some big going ons with comedy and drama happening. "Where The Boys Are" I can remember about teens or young adults going to Fort Lauderdale for Springbreak.
I know most cons try to be a family type of shows because of the Saturday Morning or afternoon elementary crowd up to the old school anime crowd who remember when anime first came to American TV, but you do have the crowd in between who are the moving force of todays cons.
I was thinking why not a movie where you can get the feel about how a con might be like. Like how long someone might stand inline to get into or get something or where did all the money go to. Wakeup with someones foot in your face while sharing a room. Just think of the possibities.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:41 pm

Though you would have to use actors who were either anime fans or in the anime
buisness to make it work.
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