Eragon: The Movie

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Postby Tommy » Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:14 pm

So, I saw the movie yesterday. Keep in mind, I loved the book to death so here is what I have to say:

First of all, I am under the persuasion that they put more than 9/10 of their money into Saphira. She looked amazing but everything else looked like it could be filmed better in my back yard.

There was little to no character development unlike the book.

I'm under the persuasion that for every vital plot piece ripped out, a child's life was saved.

There was like a total of six actors (obviously exagerating, but still).

Ayra had normal ears. No points at all.

None of the races besides humans resembled what Poalni described, possible because we all know the Urgals would look so much like Orcs that Peter Jackson would file something.

Galbatorix in the book did not have one line.

ect ect.

Basically this is one of the worst things that could've happened. What could've easily been "The Next LOTR" in the movie world was nothing more than a below average crapfest of a movie.

If I had high expectations for this movie, I probably would've cut my wrists.

Nice job, Hollywood.
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Postby Needle Noggin » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:10 pm

Just to let everyone know, this movie bombs. So does the book. Like seriously. Maybe it would have been better if it was marketed as a comedy.

And for all those who don't believe me about Eragon being a blatant plagarism of Star Wars, here is another example (one that I didn't write, and that is based on the books instead of the movie):

A boy of foggy origins lives with his uncle in a remote place of a vast empire headed by an evil Emperor and his right hand man, who was once prominent in an ancient order of guardians with mystical powers.

Through fate or luck, depending on your point of view, this boy comes into the possession of an object vital to a rebellion against the Empire; this object was inadvertently sent to him by a princess in the rebellion, who had attempted to send said object to an old man who once belonged to the same order of guardians as the Emperor’s right-hand man.

This boy seeks the old man to learn of the ways of this ancient order, but eventually has to return to his uncle’s farm, which, the boy finds, has been destroyed by fire, and his uncle killed. The boy then sets off with the old hermit, who also gives him a sword which belonged to his father. As they travel, they train. The boy meets up with a rogue who is full of surprises, but turns out to be fiercely loyal, for all his proclaimed selfishness. The boy also begins "seeing" a beautiful woman imprisoned and in need of help.

The boy decides that he needs to rescue her, even though he doesn't know her; further, he thinks of her only as beautiful (Luke's first words are, "Who is she? She's beautiful?" Eragon can't stop thinking about her beauty). Long story short, the old hermit dies to protect the boy, the boy and the rogue help the beautiful damsel escape.

They then set off to the rebellion to give important information and return the object which the princess had sent the boy. They were followed by the Empire, and prepare for a giant battle that will either save the rebellion or annihilate them.

The boy proves his worth with heroics during the battle, but his crowning achievement is his destruction of a noun of much power that has the ability to destroy lots of things. The boy is aided in this by one of his friends, who arrives at precisely the right moment.
The boy is lauded a hero.

And here is Eldest:

The boy has a hallucination of a powerful master who can teach him more of the ancient order. The boy travels to the powerful master to learn the ways of the ancient order's mystical power. While there, he grows very powerful. While he is away, the Rebellion regroups in a new area.

Just when the boy is on a roll with his training, and has grown very powerful, he has a vision of his friends in great danger. He decides he must go to help them. His master warns him not to go. The boy promises that he will return. He leaves.

He finds his friends just in time and is able to distract the enemy so that his friends will remain safe. He finds out that his father was the right-hand man of the Emperor--his father was the one who betrayed the ancient order and helped kill them.

The boy is shocked and ultimately defeated, but not killed. He finds out that someone dear to him has been taken by evil people, and promises to find this person.

Also, Paolini's (horrible) writing cannot be attributed to his age, because Eldest is even worst than the first book (or so I've heard).

Check out this site for a more in depth analysis of Eragon's shortcomings.
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Postby yukishiro128 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:35 pm

Yeah, I basically agree with everyone. I read Eragon (and Eldest) and came away from it like..."That was a satisfying read." But then my little brother watched Return of the Jedi and it hit me--they're like mirror images of each other.
I saw the trailor for the movie and was absolutely dying to go see it. I still haven't, but from what you guys have said and what some friends at school have said, I have greatly lowered my expectations.

...Not that they were high, though--they messed up a lot of my favorite books when they turned them into movies (anyone read Tuck Everlasting?)

People (teenagers) who didn't read Eragon: OH MY GOSH THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOME MOVIE EVER!!

People who did read Eragon:.................that can't be right. WHAT A RIP!! :bang:

That about sums it up.

Oh, and I feel kinda bad about flaming Christopher Paolini so badly. At least he has a fairly wide range of vocabulary in his books. awesome high school band ever. Check it out.

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Postby Needle Noggin » Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:47 pm

Vocabulary? Anyone above the 3rd grade can use a thesaurus to appear to have a large vocabulary.
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Postby beau99 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:13 pm

yukishiro128 wrote:
People (teenagers) who didn't read Eragon: OH MY GOSH THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOME MOVIE EVER!!

People who did read Eragon:.................that can't be right. WHAT A RIP!! :bang:

AFter reading the book, the movie still rocks no matter what.

Needle Noggin wrote:Vocabulary? Anyone above the 3rd grade can use a thesaurus to appear to have a large vocabulary.

That's a bit rude.
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Postby Needle Noggin » Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:15 pm

lol wut?
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:33 pm

i personally didnt like it that much. the movie. it went to fast and i hated Eragon in the movie. although, he had the funniest facial expressions ever. XDDDD

the movie just seemed to go SO fast, and i cant help but feel that they skipped like.. half the book. >.>

So, I saw the movie yesterday. Keep in mind, I loved the book to death so here is what I have to say:

First of all, I am under the persuasion that they put more than 9/10 of their money into Saphira. She looked amazing but everything else looked like it could be filmed better in my back yard.

There was little to no character development unlike the book.

I'm under the persuasion that for every vital plot piece ripped out, a child's life was saved.

There was like a total of six actors (obviously exagerating, but still).

Ayra had normal ears. No points at all.

None of the races besides humans resembled what Poalni described, possible because we all know the Urgals would look so much like Orcs that Peter Jackson would file something.

Galbatorix in the book did not have one line.

ect ect.

Basically this is one of the worst things that could've happened. What could've easily been "The Next LOTR" in the movie world was nothing more than a below average crapfest of a movie.

If I had high expectations for this movie, I probably would've cut my wrists.

Nice job, Hollywood.

i agree like no other. XD

although, my friend and i did have loads of fun laughing at it. >.>

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:36 pm

Actually I agree with Needle Noggin.

Who cares if your volcabulary is big if you can't use it properly (case in point: Paolini). I would much prefer him to write in simple language and get it right, as it is it grates far too much.
People say, "Give the kid some slack, he was 19 when he finished it!'
So, yes. The writing mechanics are not good but that can be chalked up to his relative inexperience. The unoriginal plot line, characters, story, world can not be excused.
I'm not exaggerating when I say I could write more original stuff at 12 (most of you wouldn't have that problem either).

Paolini should have worked on the book(s) for a couple more years; refining them, editing out great slabs etc. Then he may have been taken more seriously.
For all the varied fantasy/sci-fi etc he apparently read/reads, he wrote fairly derivative novels.

And he could cut back on the ego. What? It's like the size of Australia now. (lol)
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Postby Nate » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:45 pm

Veritably, Needle Noggin's asseveration that one can feign acumen via utilization of a thesaurus is wholly veracious.

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Postby Needle Noggin » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:46 pm

Thank you Jesus.
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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:49 pm

beau99 wrote:AFter reading the book, the movie still rocks no matter what.

you think the movie was good after reading the book???

the movie was HORRID.. especially when compared to the book.. and thats saying something cuz the book wasnt very good....

bleh I guess I will have to wait till narnia to get a good fantasy movie... *sigh*
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:46 pm

my friend and i kept laughing so hard at Eragon's facial expressions. XDDD

and i loved LOVED the part where he started learning all the elfish words, and he was like, 'WATS A TREE CALLD? WaTS A LEEF CALLLED?1??? WATS A ROK CALED!???1? WHATS THES BRANCH CALLEED???????? ZOMG WHATS A DARGON CALLEDDDD???? WHATS ME CALLDDDDDD?1/111??!!/111/???????? LOLZLZOZLZLZLOZLZL THIZ IZ SO FUNNZZZZZZZZ!!!111ELEVEN

i bet Brom was like 'how about 'what's a punch in the TEETH called??? HMMMM?'

AND i loved the part where saphira lit those marshes on fire when they were fighting the badguys. and then it showed the good guys on a bridge in the middle of the swamp rejoicing, and my friend turns to me and pretends she's one of the guys and says 'OH CRAP the bridge is wood!" XDDD

we laughed so hard.

and i loved how in the movie that guy was just randomly like 'hm.. i think i'm going to follow the next person i see.' and then eragon looks at him and he's all like THEN ITS SETTLED! IMA STALK THIS KID! XDDD

its like... wth? nothing made sense in the movie. its fun to mock though.

oh oh, i was also thinking, you know how eragon goes into the King's lair? how does everyone know who he is? is it cause he's fairly clean, and everyone else is dirty?

he walks in and everyone's like 'hey... wait a minute... you're CLEAN! that must mean... YOUR ERAGON!! ZOMGGGGGGGGGG' :O

bwhehehhee. yes. amused i was.

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Postby beau99 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:44 pm

Vernhal wrote:you think the movie was good after reading the book???

the movie was HORRID.. especially when compared to the book.. and thats saying something cuz the book wasnt very good....

Any movie with a dragon in it is automatically excellent.
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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:42 pm

beau99 wrote:Any movie with a dragon in it is automatically excellent.


I think we will have to agree to disagree on this point!
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Postby Nate » Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:04 pm

beau99 wrote:Any movie with a dragon in it is automatically excellent.

Even Dungeons & Dragons? o.o

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:10 pm

ROFL! CHIIIBIIII!! I am soo outta my chair laughing!! XD XD XD

I think we should be nicer though guys, those of you are being kinda rude about some people's points of view is annoying. If someone wants to like this movie that's great! ^_^

If you guys think this movie is so bad...why do you wanna diss it sooo much? Is it REALLY worth your time.

If you have anythign negative to say about say it intelligently....don't put others down if they like it....geez... It is a wee bit mean.
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Postby beau99 » Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:29 am

kaemmerite wrote:Even Dungeons & Dragons? o.o

I've never seen it, actually.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:34 am

Heh, I didn't notice the SW "rip" until I read about it here... I just knew the story was none too original. *is dense?*

Chibi's post is awesome XD
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Postby Tommy » Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:18 am

So beau99, you're saying if they made a Napoleon Dynamite II and threw in a dragon at the end you would like it?

Needle Noggin, since no one else is saying anything, would you be so kind to stop spamming? Posts like "Thank You Jesus" and "lol". It would honestly make me sleep better if you stopped.

Back on topic, I'm going to disagree with anyone who disliked the book. Honestly, saying it ripped off Star Wars is not getting you anywhere. I have no problem admitting that it was heavily inspired but it by no means ripped off anything.

As for the movie, I just want 100 minutes of my life back.
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Postby yukishiro128 » Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:24 am

Chibi, that's hilarious!! That's what my friend and I do when we see a movie like that.

Y'know I heard somewhere that Mr. Paolini wasn't all that satisfied with the movie, either. awesome high school band ever. Check it out.

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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:27 am

yukishiro128 wrote:Chibi, that's hilarious!! That's what my friend and I do when we see a movie like that.

Y'know I heard somewhere that Mr. Paolini wasn't all that satisfied with the movie, either.

its true... he wasn't! and thats one thing he gets cookies for! YAYZ Paolini can tell what a bad movie is! To bad he cant tell what a bad book is....
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Postby beau99 » Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:49 am

Tom Dincht wrote:So beau99, you're saying if they made a Napoleon Dynamite II and threw in a dragon at the end you would like it?

I was obviously exaggerating.

It's just that I like dragons in movies, especially dragons that look beautiful.

Plus I loved the fighting sequences in the movie.

When I see a movie, I just want to be entertained. Eragon entertained me. That's really all I wanted out of it.
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Postby Reba » Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:17 pm

Alright *(Sigh)* my brother loves the books,I really dont like them,All the effects of the Movie were cool..But LOTR was the best,And truly,I thought it was a copy of HP and LOTR,But hey the movie was "Okay".

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Postby Reba » Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:20 pm

chibiphonebooth wrote:my friend and i kept laughing so hard at Eragon's facial expressions. XDDD

and i loved LOVED the part where he started learning all the elfish words, and he was like, 'WATS A TREE CALLD? WaTS A LEEF CALLLED?1??? WATS A ROK CALED!???1? WHATS THES BRANCH CALLEED???????? ZOMG WHATS A DARGON CALLEDDDD???? WHATS ME CALLDDDDDD?1/111??!!/111/???????? LOLZLZOZLZLZLOZLZL THIZ IZ SO FUNNZZZZZZZZ!!!111ELEVEN

i bet Brom was like 'how about 'what's a punch in the TEETH called??? HMMMM?'

AND i loved the part where saphira lit those marshes on fire when they were fighting the badguys. and then it showed the good guys on a bridge in the middle of the swamp rejoicing, and my friend turns to me and pretends she's one of the guys and says 'OH CRAP the bridge is wood!" XDDD

we laughed so hard.

and i loved how in the movie that guy was just randomly like 'hm.. i think i'm going to follow the next person i see.' and then eragon looks at him and he's all like THEN ITS SETTLED! IMA STALK THIS KID! XDDD

its like... wth? nothing made sense in the movie. its fun to mock though.

oh oh, i was also thinking, you know how eragon goes into the King's lair? how does everyone know who he is? is it cause he's fairly clean, and everyone else is dirty?

he walks in and everyone's like 'hey... wait a minute... you're CLEAN! that must mean... YOUR ERAGON!! ZOMGGGGGGGGGG' :O

bwhehehhee. yes. amused i was.

Chibi that was awsome,I almost fell out of my chair laughing,Its so true!.

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And this I know.
Your breath's like wine,
And just like clouds, my skin crawls.
It's so divine, the sky it glows with fields of light.
Did you know that I love you?
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:40 pm

You've never even read or seen HP Reba...

Tom Dincht wrote:As for the movie, I just want 100 minutes of my life back.

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Postby Tommy » Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:45 pm

beau99 wrote:It's just that I like dragons in movies, especially dragons that look beautiful.

Plus I loved the fighting sequences in the movie.

Oh, Saphira looked amazing. That's the problem, she was the only thing that did look amazing.

The fighting sequences were okay. I pictured them looking better with the exception of the final fight between Eragon and Darza.

[SPOILER] I just wished they went more into Brom teaching Eragon to fight.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:49 pm

chibiphonebooth wrote:my friend and i kept laughing so hard at Eragon's facial expressions. XDDD

and i loved LOVED the part where he started learning all the elfish words, and he was like, 'WATS A TREE CALLD? WaTS A LEEF CALLLED?1??? WATS A ROK CALED!???1? WHATS THES BRANCH CALLEED???????? ZOMG WHATS A DARGON CALLEDDDD???? WHATS ME CALLDDDDDD?1/111??!!/111/???????? LOLZLZOZLZLZLOZLZL THIZ IZ SO FUNNZZZZZZZZ!!!111ELEVEN

i bet Brom was like 'how about 'what's a punch in the TEETH called??? HMMMM?'

AND i loved the part where saphira lit those marshes on fire when they were fighting the badguys. and then it showed the good guys on a bridge in the middle of the swamp rejoicing, and my friend turns to me and pretends she's one of the guys and says 'OH CRAP the bridge is wood!" XDDD

we laughed so hard.

and i loved how in the movie that guy was just randomly like 'hm.. i think i'm going to follow the next person i see.' and then eragon looks at him and he's all like THEN ITS SETTLED! IMA STALK THIS KID! XDDD

its like... wth? nothing made sense in the movie. its fun to mock though.

oh oh, i was also thinking, you know how eragon goes into the King's lair? how does everyone know who he is? is it cause he's fairly clean, and everyone else is dirty?

he walks in and everyone's like 'hey... wait a minute... you're CLEAN! that must mean... YOUR ERAGON!! ZOMGGGGGGGGGG' :O

bwhehehhee. yes. amused i was.

ROFL, Oh my gosh, you so win for that, Savannah. XD Comments like these make me want to see the movie, if only to get a good laugh in. XD I just don't have the 8 bucks to see it now. XD
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:33 am

Savvy you are now gonna be quoted in my siggy congrats!
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:10 am

aahhahahaha. XDDD


oh i forgot one part. i love how eragon is so cocky though the movie. he's all like, 'YEAH, EYE CAN FITE U CUZ I FOT MI CUSIN LOLZ I GOT SKILLZ LMAO!! I FOT MI CUZIN WITH A REEEELLLL SORD!!!!!!111!!113EVLLEVN!!!! EYEM SO GUD. I CAN KILL EVRY1 LOLZORZ CUZ I FOT WITH MI CUZINNNNN!!!111"

and brom is all, "you are an idiot. what in the world did i do that i had to deserve being stuck with this kid? WHY GOD WHY??"

and there is eragon in the corner like

BWEEEHHHHh???? ---> 8B <---- that's his face. XD

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:06 am

I think people are starting to bash the series as a whole unnecesarily without giving the actual book a chance.

While the books were definately inspired to an extent by Star Wars, the books are still nothing actually like Star Wars. I mean, if nobody had ever posted that comparison, I would have never ever caught on. Contrary to apparently popular belief, the book does not read like the Star Wars script with a coat of fantasy paint, and I honestly think after reading the book, quite a few of Needle Noggin's comparisons are very weak at best.

It's a highly entertaining read which has been given a bad name because of a bad movie.
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