Postby Nate » Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:13 am
I liked Wild ARMs 4 well enough, but I had a few problems with it that kept it from topping the first game or Alter Code F.
First, the enemies hit WAY too hard. I didn't think this would be a problem, seeing as how the characters have over 2,000 HP at first level, but seriously, it's ridiculous. I can't keep a good enough stock of Revive Fruits because ONE hit and Yulie goes down. And I wasn't slacking on level building either.
Second was the lack of personal tools. This isn't a huge blow, or something that even irritated me. The Tool system in this game was fine, but I liked the individual tools of the other Wild ARMs games better. Just personal preference.
Third was the overabundance of Duplicators. I never had any problem with them in this game. In the other games, they were coveted and rare, you really had to work hard to get them, and whenever you saw a Duplicator chest or door you went, "Oh man, I can't wait to come back and get that." Here they're practically like any other chest because Duplicators are given out like candy...what's the point?
However, the GOOD things:
I liked how the bosses each had a unique ability that REALLY made you think of how to fight them. A lot of RPG bosses these days seem to be just really strong, not really difficult to fight...just keep up your HP and attack like mad. This game's bosses had abilities that could totally mess you up unless you used your brain to fight them.
I liked the character customization process, where you could learn temporarily new moves and stat boosts by giving up some of your levels, and then permanently learning them when you leveled up.
The voice acting was also good, for the most part. I can think of one or two voices I didn't care for, but the rest were great. I'm thinking that Johnny Young Bosch was Kresnik...sure sounds like him, at least.
Ezekiel 23:20