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final fantasy: crystal chronicles (is it any good?)

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final fantasy: crystal chronicles (is it any good?)

Postby jon_jinn » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:36 pm

yeah. i was looking at an ad for a gamestore and i saw that final fantasy: crystal chronicles was selling new for 10$. i, personally, think that this is a pretty good deal. however, i've never played the game and i haven't heard much about it. all i know is that it's a final fantasy title and that speaks for itself. so i was wondering if anybody who's played the game could give me some advice on whether the game is any good or not. thanks.
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:38 pm

Chrystal chronicles for the gc? Stay away from that one I would say.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:52 pm

The game has you doing the same thing over and over again. It's worth a rent, but nothing more.

Jon Jinn, shouldn't you be playing Grandia II by now?
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Postby jon_jinn » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:21 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:The game has you doing the same thing over and over again. It's worth a rent, but nothing more.

Jon Jinn, shouldn't you be playing Grandia II by now?

heh heh. yeah. i got the game and stuff but my parents don't want me to open it yet...(i dunno why?) they said that i can open it on christmas... :shake:
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby Felix » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:57 pm

I would suggest you put your money toward a better Gamecube RPG like Tales or Baten Kaitos, if you haven't played those yet.
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Postby KBMaster » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:02 pm

Rent it? It's 7 dollars at blockbuster. He can pay three more dollars and own the game permanently. I personally have not finished the game. I would have had I not had better things to play and replay. Your fastest character is very slow and that makes fighting difficult. The game itself is beautiful, but gameplay and story are different. If you have ten bucks to spare, go ahead and get it - you just might like it. :thumb:
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Postby jon_jinn » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:28 pm

well, i guess crystal chronicles isn't all that then. well. that's all i need to know. thanks guys.
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby Myoti » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:48 pm

Crystal Chronicles is most definetly worth a play through. It may not be a "timeless classic" or anything comparitevly, but if anything, the boss battles make it worth it. Most are quite fun, creative, and amazing, especially Golem and Armstrong (the attacking house!).

But most of all, you should play through just to see the end, and...

[SPOILER]...Raem. I don't know about the others that played it, but I'd say it's one of the most specatular final boss battles I've ever seen (and it's pretty darn tough, as well).[/SPOILEr]
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:44 am

From what I hear, it's only really good in multiplayer, which requires multiple GBAs and multiple copies of the game I think (on GBA, I guess) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:30 am

NO NO! Do NOT buy this piece of crap!

Many reasons

1. Repetitive gameplay. Every level you go through dungeons to grab a drop of this special liquid that prevents your clan from dying. Same thing over and over.

2. Single player SUCKS. Every dungeon has some poisonous mist, and you have this moogle traveling with you holding a jar of special liquid that shields you from it within a special circle. Problem is the moogle stops every few minutes to rest. It's really lame.

3. Multiplayer is lame too. In multiplayer, there is no moogle. So a CHARACTER has to carry the jar. Once you engage combat, a character must drop the jar, THEN fight. Then pick it back up. On and when you drop it you can't really go anywhere outside the protective circle.

4. You NEED GBAs and a GBA/Gamecube link to play multiplayer. It's REALLY dumb like that. Just let us the Gamecube controllers!
Felix wrote:I would suggest you put your money toward a better Gamecube RPG like Tales or Baten Kaitos, if you haven't played those yet.

Agreed, get Tales of Symphonia!
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Postby TriezGamer » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:18 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:3. Multiplayer is lame too. In multiplayer, there is no moogle. So a CHARACTER has to carry the jar. Once you engage combat, a character must drop the jar, THEN fight. Then pick it back up. On and when you drop it you can't really go anywhere outside the protective circle.

4. You NEED GBAs and a GBA/Gamecube link to play multiplayer. It's REALLY dumb like that. Just let us the Gamecube controllers!

Those are the two reasons why I hated it right there.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:23 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:NO NO! Do NOT buy this piece of crap!

Many reasons

1. Repetitive gameplay. Every level you go through dungeons to grab a drop of this special liquid that prevents your clan from dying. Same thing over and over.

2. Single player SUCKS. Every dungeon has some poisonous mist, and you have this moogle traveling with you holding a jar of special liquid that shields you from it within a special circle. Problem is the moogle stops every few minutes to rest. It's really lame.

3. Multiplayer is lame too. In multiplayer, there is no moogle. So a CHARACTER has to carry the jar. Once you engage combat, a character must drop the jar, THEN fight. Then pick it back up. On and when you drop it you can't really go anywhere outside the protective circle.

4. You NEED GBAs and a GBA/Gamecube link to play multiplayer. It's REALLY dumb like that. Just let us the Gamecube controllers!

Agreed, get Tales of Symphonia!

Hopefully the Wii sequel will fix all those problems because Square-Enix has such a great reputation for pleasing the fan's needs and in direct sequels, they fix everything.
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Postby Myoti » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:45 pm

1. Repetitive gameplay. Every level you go through dungeons to grab a drop of this special liquid that prevents your clan from dying. Same thing over and over.

Interesting. You said the gameplay was repetitive, yet followed up with nothing really about the gameplay itself (which was actually pretty good).

2. Single player SUCKS. Every dungeon has some poisonous mist, and you have this moogle traveling with you holding a jar of special liquid that shields you from it within a special circle. Problem is the moogle stops every few minutes to rest. It's really lame.

Did you not understand the point of the game? The mist was there for a good reason (a GAMEPLAY-wise reason), and I don't recall the Moogle "stopping every few minutes" (unless you just had one lazy moogle... o_O ). Heck, you can even paint the Moogle to have him help you in battle (which ended up being rather useful during certain parts in the game).

3. Multiplayer is lame too. In multiplayer, there is no moogle. So a CHARACTER has to carry the jar. Once you engage combat, a character must drop the jar, THEN fight. Then pick it back up. On and when you drop it you can't really go anywhere outside the protective circle.

4. You NEED GBAs and a GBA/Gamecube link to play multiplayer. It's REALLY dumb like that. Just let us the Gamecube controllers!

I did not play multiplayer, so I can't really comment on that. All I can really say is that it was an interesting idea, but business/consumer wise, a pretty bad decision.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:46 pm

No. No it is not worth it. It certainly wasn't worth my running out to buy it the day it was released. I was all excited, thinking, "Yes! Finally! A Final Fantasy for Nintendo again!" My dreams were shattered when I put in the game and realized it basically had no plot. It's VERY repetitive and VERY boring. I suppose it works better if you have more people to play it with, but frankly, I don't, so that kind of ruins that for me. XD Anyways, I wouldn't suggest wasting your money on it. Go buy something better. XD
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Postby jon_jinn » Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:35 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Agreed, get Tales of Symphonia!

i already have this game...i sorta stopped playing it...
wow i just realized that i have like a bagillion games i haven't beaten yet. why do i need more games? well. i guess i won't be getting this game. thanks for all the advice...err...i mean warnings.
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:37 pm

Myoti wrote:Interesting. You said the gameplay was repetitive, yet followed up with nothing really about the gameplay itself (which was actually pretty good).

It was repetative because all you did was crawl through dungeons to kill a boss and get some liquid.

Did you not understand the point of the game? The mist was there for a good reason (a GAMEPLAY-wise reason)

Yes. The deadly miamasa needs to be warded away by that special crystal that needs to be re-energized each year.

Pretty lame.
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Postby mastersquirrel » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:14 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:It was repetative because all you did was crawl through dungeons to kill a boss and get some liquid.


Wow... I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but you basically just described many RPGs (besides the getting of the liquid).
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Postby Myoti » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:25 am

Wow... I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but you basically just described many RPGs (besides the getting of the liquid).

Oh, indeed, I noticed that. And the funny thing is, he still said NOTHING about the the actual gameplay itself.

Going from level-to-level is something common in pretty much every game. What matters is how you play within them, which I believe FFCC managed to do quite well.

Also, I believe the problem here is that too many of you were expecting FFCC to be just like the other Final Fantasy's, RPG-wise. It wasn't; it was more of an adventure game, and I was fine with that, because it was still fun.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:23 pm

Ha, Mastersquirrel, you are exactly right.
The dungeon aspect could even be said for Zelda and other Action RPGs as well.

I didn't think CC was that good of a game though mostly because it got old.
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Postby Myoti » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:28 pm

I'll just say this, then drop it out (maybe...):

If you think of it as a Final Fantasy game, yes, you'll probably end up disappointed, as there isn't much in common. However, if you're just looking for something RPG-related on your GC (and you've already finished ToS), this one is still worth a playthrough.

To answer the thread: yes, it's good. Not super-amazing, but still overall pretty good.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:41 pm

mastersquirrel wrote::lol:

Wow... I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but you basically just described many RPGs (besides the getting of the liquid).

Yeah totally. However CC's whole story was to mainly get the liquid to let your tribe live 1 year longer. That's it! It's a horrible, lame, and incredibly stupid plot that does not give the audience/gamer a good opportunity to immerse themselves into the world. Simply because the plot is ridiculous, boring, and lame. Not to mention that character development is practically nonexistent.
Myoti wrote:Oh, indeed, I noticed that. And the funny thing is, he still said NOTHING about the the actual gameplay itself.

You fail to realize that I said "the gameplay is repetitive". 1. Because you go dungeon crawling 100% of the game. 2. These dungeons are the same thing over and over. (Not to mention no plot) I'm not saying the gameplay is BAD, like you are asking me to answer. I am saying it's repetitive because the story is boring. A good story keeps an overall gameplay fresh]Also, I believe the problem here is that too many of you were expecting FFCC to be just like the other Final Fantasy's, RPG-wise.[/QUOTE]
Uhm no. I first heard about FFCC in Nintendo Power magazine. I read the reviews, saw the pictures and said to myself "Ew this doesn't deserve a 'Final Fantasy' in front of the name!" So since then I was skeptical of the game. When I played it at a friends house (with him in multiplayer) I came to the divine realization that I wasted a good hour of my life.

Piece of crap I tell you. It's not worth being called a video-game. Now excuse me while I go play E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial because THAT is even more fun that Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.
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Postby Myoti » Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:21 pm

I am saying it's repetitive because the story is boring. A good story keeps an overall gameplay fresh; it gives you good incentive to continue.

Mario Bros. has no story, yet people will still play it.

Other than that, I give up. I shared what I think of it, you've overexaggerated you own belief on it, and I see no point in continuing to argue about it.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:35 pm

It's more like the concept, Myoti.

I mean, Oblivion is an amazing RPG with next to no story but there are an ENORMOUS amount of sidequests that make the game. The difference is, the sidequests aren't all the same thing.

I agree though, the main reason it's frowned upon is because it has the name "Final Fantasy" in it.

MSP, if you knew you were going to hate it, why did you play it?
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Postby Myoti » Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:04 pm

Ah, true. I can see where you'd be coming from there.

Still, it's not nearly as bad as MSP keeps trying to make it out to be, which is my real problem (which would be why I gave up arguing with him).
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Postby Tommy » Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:12 pm

Well, that's his opinion. I doubt your life is affected if he dislikes it. You like it. That's all that matters.
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Postby jon_jinn » Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:20 pm

wow. i didn't expect this much to go on all while i was at school...i was just trying to get some opinions. anyways. i've made up my mind, so you don't need to really argue over the game that much (even though the argument's basically over).
[SIZE="4"]*FASTING FROM CAA (9/25/08 - ???)*[/SIZE]

"Sometimes we don't present the Gospel well enough for the non-elect to reject it."
- John MacArthur

"In the total expanse of the human life, there is not a single square inch of which Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, 'That is mine'."
- Abraham Kuyper

"God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy."
- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

"The wisdom of God has found a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God all the while upholding the righteousness of God!!"
- John Piper

"Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God!"
-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

"All of Christian life is ceaseless worship of God the Father, through the mediatorship of God the Son, by the indwelling power of God the Spirit, doing what God commands in Scripture, not doing what God forbids in Scripture, in culturally contextualized ways, for the furtherance of the Gospel, when both gathered for adoration, and scattered for action, in joyous response to God's glorious grace."
- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

"I have to tell you first that I am ready to die. I have put my affairs in order. Your supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying, because when you kill me, people all over Romania will read my books and believe on the God that I preach - even more than they do now."
- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

"The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin in it to condemn the whole world."
- John Bunyan

"If the Christian has lost sight of Calvary, that shows that he has lost his way."
- J.I. Packer[/SIZE]
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Postby TriezGamer » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:54 pm

I hate the game, but I still am going to have to stand by Myoti. MSP still has not defended his statement about the gameplay. His other statements imply that the GAME is repetitive, not the gameplay. Gameplay is specifically how the user interacts with the game.

Repetitive gameplay is "all you do is mash the A button, over and over again. Oh, and you occasionally push B to cast a spell, with quite possibly the most retarded spell-system ever concieved." Which, by the way, is why FF:CC is retarded.

Although the spell-combo system could use some polishing up and be re-used in another game to some excellent effect.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:31 pm

TriezGamer wrote:His other statements imply that the GAME is repetitive, not the gameplay. Gameplay is specifically how the user interacts with the game.

I see what you mean. It is apparent that my definition of gameplay was different than yours and myotis. (And I guess mine was incorrect?)

Okay, so I was regarding the game. If you want the actual gameplay mechanisms, I will say they were decent. I thought you meant gameplay as in "one who is progressing/playing through the game".
Myoti wrote:Mario Bros. has no story, yet people will still play it.

Correct, however Mario brothers was here over two decades ago, and set the standard of gaming.

Crystal Chronicles is something that requires a much higher standard, as it was made more recently. Or that's how I see it.

Tom Dincht wrote:MSP, if you knew you were going to hate it, why did you play it?

Myoti wrote:Still, it's not nearly as bad as MSP keeps trying to make it out to be

No it really is as bad as I say it is. Okay not as bad as E.T. or anything. But yeah pretty bad. Definitely one of my least favorite games.
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Postby Myoti » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:05 pm

Correct, however Mario brothers was here over two decades ago, and set the standard of gaming.

Crystal Chronicles is something that requires a much higher standard, as it was made more recently. Or that's how I see it.

In that case: Super Smash Bros. Melee has no story, and it's still a great game. =p

Seriously, though, if you're going to talk about game story, FF:CC does have one. Albeit short and mostly condensed to the end, it's actually pretty good (though I get the feeling from the posts here that most people haven't actually reached the end of the game, so I doubt they'd know what I'm talking about...).
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:06 am

Myoti wrote:In that case: Super Smash Bros. Melee has no story, and it's still a great game. =p

There are different criteria for different genres of game. An RPG not only must have a good story, it DEMANDS one. A fighting game doesn't require one as much.

Seriously, though, if you're going to talk about game story, FF:CC does have one. Albeit short and mostly condensed to the end, it's actually pretty good (though I get the feeling from the posts here that most people haven't actually reached the end of the game, so I doubt they'd know what I'm talking about...).

Nor is there any real incentive too. If the story sucks for the first hour, why continue?
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