Ultimate Avengers

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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:38 pm

I managed to catch some of this second film. Many of my general comments regarding the first still apply, actually.

kaemmerite wrote:Also not much was done with the plot point of Thor going against the gods of Asgard. I kept expecting SOMETHING to happen when Thor pretty much told them to shut up after seeing the vision. Maybe that's for the third movie?

Agreed. When it first happened I assumed it was minor, but then they actually show up again only to barely do anything. Though I do hope this will be addressed further in the third film, I felt it was handled poorly in this one.

My favorite thing was probably how the aliens got onto the ship. Intelligent thing to do, yet it wasn't overemphasized. They let the action/tactics speak for themselves, which can often be the strength of American comicdom.
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Postby Nate » Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:38 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:Agreed. When it first happened I assumed it was minor, but then they actually show up again only to barely do anything. Though I do hope this will be addressed further in the third film, I felt it was handled poorly in this one.

I'm hoping maybe Loki will show up and somehow play a role in the next one. It would be interesting.

I'm actually wondering how far they want to go into the Ultimate universe with this, though, as in bringing in other characters. Cartoons like this, for the most part, tend to only focus on the universe immediately surrounding the main characters. Since a lot of the enemies the Ultimate Avengers fight are enemies of other superheros (like Magneto and the Ultimate Six who are mostly Spider-Man villains), I'm wondering if they'll go down that route or continue to focus on the Chitauri.

The Ultimate Avengers have also fought the X-Men a couple of times, but I doubt that'll make the cut for another movie.

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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:13 pm

The only reason to do Superhero vs. Superhero wheter solely or team is to jack up the ratings for the comic books.Superman vs. Spider-Man would be one of the most popular because the two characters are not only iconic but also they are both the flagship characters for their respective companies.
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