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CAA Radio – Episode Eighteen: “Masterpiece Theaterâ€

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:53 pm
by Link Antilles
Spoiler Alert! In this show, we read some of the fan fiction submitted by the listeners and talk about the summer movie blockbusters. Yep, that’s about it and the show is an hour and a half. No joke.

Question to the Audience:

What older (think anything pre-90s) TV shows, movies, or books, would you like to see a new movie remake of? Feel free to pick a director and the casting.

Edit: Question fixed. Sorry for the confusion.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:34 pm
by mechana2015
Heres the avatar we keep referencing in the show that link loves so much.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:56 pm
by Fish and Chips
Image Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image Image Image

There is no escape.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:34 pm
by Omega Amen
I think the overall theme of this show is quite clear. Fish was humming the Gamecast theme (not the Radio show theme). Link was disturbed by an avatar (shown above) based on video game characters. There was some discussion on the non-effect of GTA4 (a video game) on Iron Man's Box Office performance. There was also discussion on video game movies (Street Fighter, Bioshock). Mech recommends buying video games after August 29th. And discussing Metal Gear....

Crash, the show was about video games. Resisting the Gamecast influence is a losing cause. So instead, I suggest embracing it and manipulating it for your own amusement.

Consider this, you have a foaming-at-the-mouth Metal Gear-crazed fanboy in Link that can easily be distracted by any reference or image that is Metal Gear related. His Metal Gear fever will get worse and worse the closer it gets to the Metal Gear Solid 4 release date of June 12th. I say encourage it even more. Who knows what blunders Link will say when he is in that state? The Snake Kirby avatar is a good start, but bombard him with even more Metal Gear stuff.

As a start, I suggest using this image of Dr. Naomi Hunter, a major female character from MGS4, as your avatar, Crash. And the image looks quite nice.


Take the avatar, Crash. Embrace the dark si―I mean the Gamecast. It is the only way.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:04 pm
by rii namuras
[color="Red"](...This is so sad. Because I can't listen to it right now, unless I want to burst out laughing on the bus to school.)

( ::sigh:: After exams, I guess...)[/color]

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:42 pm
by Tsukuyomi
rii namuras (post: 1228289) wrote:[color="Red"](...This is so sad. Because I can't listen to it right now, unless I want to burst out laughing on the bus to school.)

( ::sigh:: After exams, I guess...)[/color]


I was did crack up.. really bad :P I kinda spammed up the chat with my laughter just now :lol:

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:49 pm
by Doubleshadow
Aw, man. I've been suppressing my laughter so much my soft palate and sinus hurt like I was drinking Pepsi and belched, sending all the fizz straight up my nose.
Bet you wanted to know that. XD
As far as adaptations, I'll have to go with The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins. It's a very important novel in the history of English literature, and I love the characters of Rosanna Spearman and Lucy.
I would love to see the works of Edgar Allen Poe converted to film, most preferably a German Expressionist interpretation, but after I encountered a rumor that a biographical film of Poe was set to be made starring (fellow admirers of Poe, avert your eyes)(no really) Michael Jackson, I don't want to risk what would happen to his iterature in the hands of pop culture.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:41 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Lol, I had Skype open while listening to the Pod Cast. When I heard the skype noise, I rushed over to the windows, but there were no orange windows :P Lol, I was like,"What o.o?" Then,"Oh yeah, it's the Pod Cast." :lol:

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:30 am
by LadyRushia
Hmm. . .remake of an old show or movie. . .
Live action Thundercats? Man, that would be weird, XDDD.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:27 am
by Tsukuyomi
LadyRushia (post: 1228403) wrote:Hmm. . .remake of an old show or movie. . .
Live action Thundercats? Man, that would be weird, XDDD.

"Thunder Cats.. Thunder Cats.. ROAR!!!"

Hmmm, how about.. Card Captor Sakura o.O? Hmmm, I'll be back when I can think of another :P Or, something like that :grin:

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:47 am
by bigsleepj
Ah, this was my first CAA radio as well. Like the GameCast, it was excellent as well. I downloaded it and listened it on the bus to work today this morning on my iPod. The fan-fictions made me laugh out loud, causing quite a few people to stare at me. Still, I enjoyed it. I also quite enjoyed the in-depth movie discussion. :grin:

Question to the Audience:
What older (think anything pre-90s) TV shows, movies, or books, would you like to see remade into a movie? Feel free to pick a director and the casting.

This is a hard question, considering that only good movies (and REALLY bad ones) tend to float to the top of my brain and I have to stir a bit to bring the others up. The thing is, good movies should never be remade, but there are a lot of 'almost good' missed opportunity movies out there that should get a second go. And to be honest I can only think of one thing:

Hook - Steven Spielberg
Some people may disagree with me here, but lets face it; this movie loses its way very early. Hook has the sad distinction of being the first movie I've ever seen that actively disappointed me. And even Spielberg himself admitted he made several wrong artistic choices with this movie and was disappointed with the end product. Several times. But the general idea isn't bad and, to be honest, the first 30 minutes of the movie is actually very good. Its just that when the story gets to Neverland everything goes pear-shaped. Maybe given enough time this movie could be remade. I'm not going to guess any casts and crews.

Wait, something else is coming to me...

The Caine Mutiny
Humphrey Bogart gave one of his best performances in the original 1951 movie based on the novel by Herman Wouk. But as great as that performance is I'm afraid that Hollywood watered down much of the original novel, which had tight character psychology and such. The Caine Mutiny is considered a classic, but it isn't enough of an all-time classic (like Casablanca) to inspire too many cries of anger. In the hands of a good director (like Ridley Scott) and with a great actor like Sean Penn in the role of paranoid Captain Queeg a remake of this movie would be doable.

(off topic from the remakes)
Also, in regards to Street Fighter, there is a little-known Jackie Chan movie (from his old Hong Kong days) called "City Hunter" (inspired by a Japanese manga of the same name). The movie has a very, very bizarre sense of humour and a very, very bizarre sequence which parodies Street Fighter II. It has to be seen to be believed.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:13 pm
by Nate
LadyRushia wrote:Live action Thundercats? Man, that would be weird, XDDD.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 3:31 pm
by uc pseudonym
Listening to the cast during the troll wave, so good times.

Incidentally, when you guys mentioned the question I immediately thought of The Princess Bride. But then the next instant I realized that the film is excellent already and would be little improved by a remake. At the moment nothing is coming to mind, partially because I don't see many old movies.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:24 pm
by LadyRushia
. . .I did say a Thunder Cats movie would be weird, XD.

Hollywood's running out of ideas.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:26 pm
by bigsleepj
LadyRushia (post: 1228650) wrote:Hollywood's running out of ideas.

It never had a lot to begin with.

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:42 am
by GeneD
uc pseudonym (post: 1228591) wrote:Listening to the cast during the troll wave, so good times.
Same here. I was also in the chat and watching TV though, so I'm going to have to give the podcast another listen to actually take anything in.

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:27 am
by mechana2015
Correction: The G button is used twice in the Speed racer original series, in all the seasons, not once as I mentioned in the show.

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:47 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Link Antilles (post: 1228174) wrote:Question to the Audience:
What older (think anything pre-90s) TV shows, movies, or books, would you like to see remade into a movie? Feel free to pick a director and the casting.

The Most Dangerous Game. Into a well-made movie. Directed Abrams or something.

Oh my gosh, yes.

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:07 pm
by Angel37
Omega Amen (post: 1228270) wrote:
I think the overall theme of this show is quite clear. Fish was humming the Gamecast theme (not the Radio show theme). Link was disturbed by an avatar (shown above) based on video game characters. There was some discussion on the non-effect of GTA4 (a video game) on Iron Man's Box Office performance. There was also discussion on video game movies (Street Fighter, Bioshock). Mech recommends buying video games after August 29th. And discussing Metal Gear....

Crash, the show was about video games. Resisting the Gamecast influence is a losing cause. So instead, I suggest embracing it and manipulating it for your own amusement.

Consider this, you have a foaming-at-the-mouth Metal Gear-crazed fanboy in Link that can easily be distracted by any reference or image that is Metal Gear related. His Metal Gear fever will get worse and worse the closer it gets to the Metal Gear Solid 4 release date of June 12th. I say encourage it even more. Who knows what blunders Link will say when he is in that state? The Snake Kirby avatar is a good start, but bombard him with even more Metal Gear stuff.

As a start, I suggest using this image of Dr. Naomi Hunter, a major female character from MGS4, as your avatar, Crash. And the image looks quite nice.


[size=84] Take the avatar, Crash. Embrace the dark si―]

I don't even know what to say....


PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:28 am
by KhakiBlueSocks
Link Antilles (post: 1228174) wrote:
Question to the Audience:

What older (think anything pre-90s) TV shows, movies, or books, would you like to see remade into a movie? Feel free to pick a director and the casting.

Confusion? I has it. Remake a movie into a movie?

Anyway, within the current parameters, I would love to see the original Star Trek Movies (Through Generations) recreated and updated. Not saying there's anything wrong with the model work done, but I can think of a few scenes that would've benefited from CG.

I would also like to see the "Back to the Future" movies recreated and updated for the modern times. Or, even better..."Back to the Future" meets "Speed Racer".

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:13 pm
by bigsleepj
KhakiBlueSocks (post: 1229473) wrote:Anyway, within the current parameters, I would love to see the original Star Trek Movies (Through Generations) recreated and updated. Not saying there's anything wrong with the model work done, but I can think of a few scenes that would've benefited from CG.

You're George Lucas, aren't you?

PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:38 am
by rii namuras
[color="Red"](Great show, I have nothing to add aside from the fact that in lieu of finding the actual Gamecast/Podcast artwork, I set the Snake Kirby image as the album artwork in iTunes.)[/color]

PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:09 pm
by KhakiBlueSocks
bigsleepj (post: 1229490) wrote:You're George Lucas, aren't you?

::bonks J upside the head with Izzy's green socks:: Ah, shaddup...

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:29 pm
by TheMelodyMaker
Omega Amen wrote:Fish was humming the Gamecast theme (not the Radio show theme).

I know it defeats the point of that paragraph in your post, but I just want to point out that both themes share the same tune but in different arrangements. I'd say you're correct in saying that he was humming the Gamecast theme, though, because the Radio show theme doesn't have the "tinkle" during the pause between phrases that the Gamecast theme does. ^_^

Link Antilles wrote:What older (think anything pre-90s) TV shows, movies, or books, would you like to see a new movie remake of? Feel free to pick a director and the casting.

The Terminator as an opera performance. I can just imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger singing "I'll be back" in a falsetto. :lol:

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:57 pm
by Maledicte
My first radio episode as well. Good times.

I'd like to see Legend of Zelda as a movie. Not only did the IGN April Fool's spoof made me like the idea, but I bought my sister the LoZ cartoon series on DVD for nostalgia's sake. I got sick of hearing "Well exCUUUSE ME Princess!" after what the first time.

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:17 pm
by animewarrior
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I was listening to this on my iPod just a few minutes ago when my parents think I'm "sleeping" and it was SOOO hard not to burst out laughing at points.... THE KNIVES!! XDDD

btw as to the question to the audience:
I'd like to see a remake of ...*thinks*... Final Fantasy: Spirits Within ... I kinda HATED that movie because everyone was like "it's AWESOME" and then I sit down and watch it and I thought it was crap. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is labelled a bad movie but I thought that FF: SW was WAAAAYYYYY (as in beyond the universe far away) worse that FFVII: AC.. I love AC. anyways off topic. I think Spirits Within had things going for it but the plot I couldn't like the characters and just....yeah.... REMAKE!!!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:40 am
by KhakiBlueSocks
TheMelodyMaker (post: 1231643) wrote:The Terminator as an opera performance. I can just imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger singing "I'll be back" in a falsetto. :lol:

WIN. Image