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October 3, 2005

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:42 pm
by Rev. Doc
Don't Get Tangled Up

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
Hebrews 12:1

Life is kind of like backpacking in a tunnel. Imagine for a moment that you are backpacking in a tunnel, and the further you go the smaller the tunnel becomes. Eventually items (skis or whatever) will begin to jam against the wall. you would have a decision to make, either stop and don’t go anymore, or take the skis off. In our Christian life sometimes things hold us back from getting closer to God, and they may be good things! We have a choice to make, are we going to stop, or are we going to cast those things off?

Prayer: Ask God to give you the strength to but aside anything that would interfere with your relationship with Him and service to others.

"Friendship with Jesus is costly. Faith alone saves, but saving faith is never alone. It is always accompanied by great sacrifices for Christ's sake."
~Richard Wurmbrand