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September 13, 2005

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:19 am
by Rev. Doc
The Human Heart

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"
Jeremiah 17:9

While we may wish to be people of integrity and honesty, human nature has a tendency to step in and cause us to be otherwise in many situations.

One summer the state of Delaware experimented with the honor system for twenty days on the Turnpike. Motorist without exact change at the automatic toll booths were allowed to return envelops and mail the money.

But in twenty days, of more than 26,000 envelops taken only 582 were returned, according to Associated Press. And of those returned, some had stamps and pieces of paper instead of money. The experiment cost the state about $4,000 before it was discontinued. And that didn't include the lost tolls.

It takes a heart changed by God and strength from the Lord to overcome the leanings of the flesh.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you live a life that glorifies Him in all areas.

"If honest of heart and uprightness before God were lacking or if I did not patiently wait on God for instruction, or if I preferred the counsel of my fellow-men to the declarations of the Word of God, I made great mistakes."
~George Muller