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One Piece, Toriko, and Dragonball Crossover

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:08 am
by Mullet Death
So, I've been looking for a place to own/watch this, and I can't find it. Anywhere. Is there no way to *legally* watch this episode now? If not, why? It's Episode 590 of One Piece. That episode is missing on Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu, and it's not even on the official Toei Animation DVD where it should logically be placed: ... Piece+16th

It only contains these episodes:

587話 激突! ローVSスモーカー中将
588話 2年ぶりの再会! ルフィとロー
589話 世界最悪 恐怖の科学者シーザー
591話 チョッパー激怒 M非道なる実験

And blatantly skips 590 like it doesn't exist. Now, I'm hoping that my Japanese and/or Googling skills are just that bad, but it looks like I can't get this episode. Why? The other two crossover episodes can easily be purchased: ... A%E3%82%B3

Being an international fan is frequently frustrating.

Re: One Piece, Toriko, and Dragonball Crossover

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:58 am
by KazeShiki
Most likely a copyright/licensing issue with Dragonball? The other crossovers were just Toriko if I'm understanding correctly (I'm hardly well informed on this matter), so if whoever in charge of Dragonball had a problem with putting it out for sale, it's not obtainable legally. Illegally, on the other hand, becomes very easy.

Re: One Piece, Toriko, and Dragonball Crossover

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:37 am
by Mullet Death
Licensing restrictions make me sad. :(

Re: One Piece, Toriko, and Dragonball Crossover

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:17 pm
by Midori
This is one of those situations in which I would not feel guilty about downloading a fansub. Of course if you still don't want to that's fine. Back when my parents were into anime, it wasn't really possible to get anime legally in the united states, so everyone would watch copied VHS tapes they got at cons and from friends, with subtitles added by fans if they were lucky. It's great that it's so easy to watch anime while supporting the artists these days, but I guess there's still occasionally situations like these.