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Is a Certain Magical Index a good anime?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:56 am
by Watermaster2
I adore the songs and a lot of people seem to say it's a good anime, but how is it really? Such as the sexual and theological content.

Thanks! :angel:

Re: Is a Certain Magical Index a good anime?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:03 pm
by John_Smith
Be warned, you might not be interested in the series after reading this comment. Personally, I enjoy the series, and its spin-off A Certain Scientific Railgun, quite a bit. However, there is content you should be aware of.

First off, a recurring joke in the series to have the main character (and sometimes others) walk in on women changing. It is nothing beyond blurry doll nudity, but it's still there.

Shirai Kuroko is a homosexual character that appears in both series (minor in Index, major in Railgun). I tolerate her for the simple fact her 'love' will never lead anywhere, and is played for comical purposes only. All of her advances are immediately met with a bump on the head or a static shock.

There is cussing in both series, but the amount depends on the translator. Hulu and Funimation seem to have fairly clean versions.

The basic premise of Index is (once it gets going) Magicians vs. Espers, or Christians vs. Science. Both sides are depicted as having corrupt leadership with good and evil agents.
Catholics get the worst end of the stick, as to date they have not appeared in the anime except as antagonists. The Church of England is mostly good, expect for a few rotten apples. So far the only church to appear in a consistently good light is one that I'm fairly sure doesn't even exist (in real life).

On the science side, we are met with a seemingly endless barrage of amoral scientists who are willing to clone, murder, and experiment on human life for the simple purpose of gaining power.

The reason why I enjoy the series'' is because of the main cast of four characters. Off which, one character who has come from the Christian side, and two from the science side. All three have been taken advantage of by the corruption of either side, and are ultimately, they are strung together by Kamijou Toma, someone who doesn’t care about either side, and is simply motivated by his selfless desire to help people.

Well, assuming I haven't scared you off, I hope you can enjoy it, too.

Re: Is a Certain Magical Index a good anime?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:30 pm
by mechana2015
I didn't think it was a good anime from what I saw. I found it rather bland, generic and disappointing.

Re: Is a Certain Magical Index a good anime?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:49 pm
by skreyola
I quite enjoyed it, but there are some rough bits, and the content mentioned above may be a problem, depending on your sensitivities.