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The Big O- It's Threadtime!

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The Big O- It's Threadtime!

Postby R. Zion » Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:54 pm

What can I say, this show is a favorite of mine. I'm not sure if it's just one particular thing about it, but I just enjoy it, especially the first season.

The second season, well, I've only seen it really, one time, and missed a few episodes. I think I liked it better when it was of a show in a post-apoctalyptic city with no memories than a post-apocalyptic city with no memories that turns out to be a....well, watch and see. Plus, in their wonderful wisdom, decided to do the dub with the minor swearing that they did, though if Season One hadn't debuted on Toonami it probably would have been the same way.

Well, enough of my ranting, let this now be discussion central for anything on the anime and the manga for the Big O.
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Postby Shinja » Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:56 pm

i love big o its probably my new fav,
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Postby Kite » Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:58 pm

I watch that show when I can. So it's a matrix type thing eh? Well you just spoiled it for me. :sweat: How are the unedited dvds. Are they bad or anything of just a little cussing and violence?
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Postby R. Zion » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:07 pm

Kite wrote:I watch that show when I can. So it's a matrix type thing eh? Well you just spoiled it for me. :sweat: How are the unedited dvds. Are they bad or anything of just a little cussing and violence?

Edited for the future, sorry about that, Kite. To be honest, though, I'm not quite sure if it is the same as the Matrix. Watching it, you could think it's that, but then it could just then be symbollic, then it might's definately something to wrap your head around.

As for the unedited DVDs, for season one, there is very little blood. The most violent scene involving a death is seeing a couple get shot up with a rapid fire gun from an airship. It's not too overly detailed, though there is some bloodspray. Swearing is not existant in Season One in the dub, though there is what people would call mild swearing in all but one or two of Season Two's episodes. Most violents consistens of Mecha and Orga battles. There is likewise no nudity, though some of Angel's outfits can be high-trimmed and low cut.

Other than that, It's quite a good series, I own all of the first season, but because of the swearing and trying to keep such words out of my own head, I'm not and may never buy Season Two.
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Postby Omega Amen » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:08 pm

R. Dorothy Wayneright is awesome. She is one of my favorite characters in anime.

The Big O is pretty big around here at Georgia Tech, and many other of the adult swim anime. I noticed some people who do not care for anime here actually watch this show and most like it.

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Postby R. Zion » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:12 pm

I'll say this...I like Schwartzwald. I mean, he's a villain, no doubt, driven insane by his search for the truth, but he seems to be an intriguing character. Plus, you don't see too many characters who can stack bandages on their heads that can defy gravity.

If you couldn't tell, though, my favorite character is R. Instro. The only church organist in anime that I can think of. ^_^
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Postby Saint Kevin » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:17 pm

Very cool Omega. Wish I could get a job there, even mailroom; Cartoons are cool. Anyway, on topic, Big O has probably my favorite anime soundtrack. Fortunately (yes fortunately) I had to delete all my Big O mp3's recently as I can no longer pirate with a good conscience. Also, Lia Sargent and David Lucas (voices of R. Dorothy and Roger Smith respectively) are two of my most favorite voice acotrs, so I gotta say I love the show. Maybe I'll post more later, or even do a review if I fill in the eps I missed. All I gotta say though, is this thread is long overdue.

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Postby R. Zion » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:21 pm

I so want to order the soundtracks for this show....if only I had a credit card and Target didn't pay every two weeks.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:46 pm

My only complaint is that the songs are really short. The LONGEST one on it is like barely 3 mins. Many more are like a minute and a half to 2 minutes long. That really bummed me out because some of the orchestral arrangements could have gone at least another 10 minutes a piece. I liked what I heard though, and if I could ever manage to play any of the piano pieces from the show (I'd have to get the sheet music first), then I will let you know. By the way, what's your favorite episode? (other than the one instro stars in, that's pretty much a given)

Mine is Daemonseed (The Heaven's Day aka Christmas one).

Also I never truly got to see the ending because Cartton Network cut out the final scene. I had to hear about it just now while looking for an episode guide (stupid spoilers on websites). I'm not amused Cartoon Network, just for that, I won't be your mail boy anymore. *Storms off pouting*
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Postby R. Zion » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:58 pm

They cut the final scene? If you could, PM me or something...I'd be interested in hearing what I missed.

As for my favorite episode, hmm....let me think about that and I'll get back to ya.
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Postby andyroo » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:08 pm

I like the Big O alot. It's a good series that I never got to see the last episode. I always seem to miss that one episode... haven't really tried to see it lately.

Cartoon Network is actually across the street from the north side of campus. That's right, you can see the Cartoon Network logo on the building. It's right next to the rest of the Turner cable networks headquarters.
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Postby R. Zion » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:25 pm

andyroo wrote:I like the Big O alot. It's a good series that I never got to see the last episode. I always seem to miss that one episode... haven't really tried to see it lately.


Andyroo, by my calculations, they should be playing the final episode again next monday.
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Postby inkhana » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:46 pm

I am the only one in my household that hasn't seen the last ep (at least, of the ones who would watch it)! *sobs* Anyway, Big O is one of my favorites, but I keep missing pieces and being confused about stuff...LOL I end up asking my mom or sister what was happening.

Norman is cool. Actually, I like most of the main characters...they're cool...;)

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Postby Saint Kevin » Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:57 pm

I agree that Norman is a cool character. There's something about a faithful and devoted servant that you can't help but love.

Zion you should look around the internet for an episode guide if you really want to know what happened. I'm not exactly clear on it myself, but I guess the only time CN showed the whole final episode was on the very first run, and they haven't since. Maybe they want to sell more DVD's or something, who knows.
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Postby Negotiatrix » Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:19 pm

I was pretty disappointed in the last couple of eps of season 2. I was really expecting something big. I would have settled for something that made sense! Still, I love the show and watch the reruns anyway. I wish they had done more with Angel and Dastun. It looked like something was going to happen there btwn them. Poor Dan!
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:08 am

Ok, let's see here...My favorite episodes: I'd say I have a couple: Daemonseed, indeed, would be a favorite because "It's the day God's Son was born." and overall it was just a cool episode.

Lost Cat was probably one of the saddest episode, and another favorite. The Ferry's losing their son, TWICE, Dorothy loosing poor Pero and Roy/Pero himself and the pain he had to be going through in all of this. Then you gotta think about all of Eugene's "Creations" in his lab. They were all human at one time and now forced to live out their days in those mutated, deformed shells and confined to test tubes.

Finally, R.D. was just a cool episode. It actually got done to focusing on character development and game us a glimpse into, what we thought, was the actual events of that world's history.

As for Dastun and Angel, that would have been cool to have seen a relationship bloom there, but poor Dastun when eventually he would find out his girlfriend is

[spoiler] Big Venus. [/spoiler]

St. Kevin, I did see the original airing of Episode 26 and the way it ended was:

[spoiler] Angel was watching Roger negotiate with Big Venus as the world was being erased. Then, in the control room, Roger and Dorothy approach Angel from behind and Roger places his hand on her shoulder. Dorothy then says "Roger the Negotiator" and then things return to the beginning of the first episode, only this time we see Angel and Dorothy standing off to the side for a brief second smiling. [/spoiler]

Is that what you heard about or was it even beyond that?
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:47 am

On a seperate, yet related, topic, for a while I've been choosing actors that could fit the roles should Big O ever be made into a live action movie. I have most of the main characters picked, though there are still a few I want to do still:

I have ideas for a five movie series, returning it back to the days of what we thought the universe of Big O might have been back in Season One.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Wed Feb 04, 2004 11:25 am

Yeah, that's the ending I heard about. At least it had more closure than the edited where they cut it come monday and you'll see what I mean. Huge disappointment. I agree that I liked the first season better (then again, I haven't seen all the episodes for the second season so maybe I shouls suspend judgement until then). By the way, that link doesn't get me to your private site...only to a login screen (couldn't figure out you password, dang).

I like the idea of a city without memories, rather than what it started to turn into (don't fully know what because I missed some key eps, but oh well). Also I have some thoughts of an ending that could have been way better (although they're fairly cheesy and predictable, I still think they're better than the ending to the series).

Robin Williams as Instro...don't exactly know why, but he just comes to mind.
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Feb 04, 2004 11:29 am

That link for my Blog has been updated.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Wed Feb 04, 2004 11:42 am

That's a great cast you have assembled. Dead on with Dafoe, Pacino, Abercrombie (did he play Q on the bond films), Boyle, and Carrey. Rachel Leigh looks the part, but I don't really think she could pull it off. Christian Bale is definitely not a Roger Smith in my book, but I can't think of a replacement right now...I'll have to think about that one. As for Dan Dastun, I'd probably say Patrick Stewart is the best actor out there that could also look the part. Also, for R. Dorothy I'd want a bonafide redhead, but I can't think of one right now. For what it's worth...
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:00 pm

Saint Kevin wrote:That's a great cast you have assembled. Dead on with Dafoe, Pacino, Abercrombie (did he play Q on the bond films), Boyle, and Carrey. Rachel Leigh looks the part, but I don't really think she could pull it off. Christian Bale is definitely not a Roger Smith in my book, but I can't think of a replacement right now...I'll have to think about that one. As for Dan Dastun, I'd probably say Patrick Stewart is the best actor out there that could also look the part. Also, for R. Dorothy I'd want a bonafide redhead, but I can't think of one right now. For what it's worth...

Well, this is about the second time I changed Roger. I first had David James Elliott, but then thought he was too old. I've never seen Bale act before, but he was chosen as the next Bruce Wayne, so I thought he might be able to fill the position. There was a young actor for Ep. III named Rohan Nichol that looked the part and even had the eyebrows, but I lost the picture, plus I've never heard of him before.

So I'm always open to new ideas. As for Rachel Leigh, well, I haven't really thought of anyone else that could. Not too many female actresses around that age that play Androids.

Chiklis, whom I've chosen for Dastun, played the Commish on TV some time back and has played a cop for quite some time. Patrick Stewart, well, seems a little thin for me. I had him for Norman, though, for a while, but thought he was too young.

As for Abercrombie, he played Mr. Pitt on Seinfeld and in that picture is portraying Alfred Pennyworth from a Batman spin-off series, Birds of Prey or something like that.
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Postby Omega Amen » Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:47 pm

R. Zion wrote:So I'm always open to new ideas. As for Rachel Leigh, well, I haven't really thought of anyone else that could. Not too many female actresses around that age that play Androids.

Rachel Leigh Cook always seems to me to be sparkly and cheerful. (I don't know why.) Therefore, I have a hard time seeing her play that role.

How about Natalie Portman? I think she can pull off the look and the role quite well. Hey, she can draw on her Star Wars experience for android material... well maybe not. Still, I am serious about Portman being good candidate for the role.

R. Zion wrote:Chiklis, whom I've chosen for Dastun, played the Commish on TV some time back and has played a cop for quite some time. Patrick Stewart, well, seems a little thin for me. I had him for Norman, though, for a while, but thought he was too young.

Dastun has that rough tough look to me, and I think Chiklis is a great candidate for that reason.

R. Zion wrote:As for Abercrombie, he played Mr. Pitt on Seinfeld and in that picture is portraying Alfred Pennyworth from a Batman spin-off series, Birds of Prey or something like that.

I remember seeing Anthony Hopkins play as a butler in "The Remains of the Day." That was best portrayal of a loyal butler I have ever seen in my life. Yeah, I like Anthony Hopkins as an actor.

Finally, I must say your candidate for Alan Gabriel being Jude Law would be perfect.
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Feb 04, 2004 1:31 pm

Hmmm....Natalie Portman....why did I not think of that before! Thanks, Omega!I'll see if I can hunt down a picture and redo the casting for that part.

I'm still taking ideas for Roger Smith if anyone has any input.
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:43 pm

I found the picture of Rohan Nichol, one of my past choices for Roger Smith:
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Postby Omega Amen » Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:51 pm

R. Zion wrote:I'm still taking ideas for Roger Smith if anyone has any input.

You know I just of thought of this. How about George Clooney for Roger Smith? I think he can be sly and suave with the ladies while still have the ruggedness to pilot Big O.
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:38 pm

There are a few older guys that I would use (you'll understand why I say older in a moment), but the strange thing is, according to the official Japanese website, Roger is only 25 years old. So those I'm looking for I'm trying to get to at least look around that age.

I'll also take some more suggestions for Dorothy, and then pick the best of the bunch.

Also, what do y'all think of the guy in the picture a post or two up?
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Postby Omega Amen » Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:44 pm

R. Zion wrote:according to the official Japanese website, Roger is only 25 years old. So those I'm looking for I'm trying to get to at least look around that age.

Really? 25 years old. I am surprised. Well, on the other hand, there does seem to be some competition implied between Dorothy and Angel for Roger's attention. If Roger is much older than Dorothy, that competition would be unconvincing to the viewer.

R. Zion wrote:Also, what do y'all think of the guy in the picture a post or two up?

Well, I am in the same position you are with that guy. He looks the part, but I have no idea who he is or how he acts.

Considering the age limitation, I have only one suggestion left and that is Josh Hartnett for Roger Smith. In my opinion, he is considered good looking and charming, and he has played some "tough guy" roles like a soldier in Black Hawk Down. He might fit in. Other than him, I cannot think of anyone else.

Geez, Roger Smith seems to be a role that is hard to cast. Well, at least for me, maybe somebody else can lend a hand.
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Postby R. Zion » Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:38 am

I think I may have found our new Roger Smith. May I present....James Marsden!


He's starred as Cyclops in the X-Men movies, so he can do action, plus I think he's got the look to fulfill the role.


I'm also try to scare up a new Dorothy, so hopefully the main roles will be filled soon.
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Marsden is a great choice for Roger Smith.

Postby Omega Amen » Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:39 pm

R. Zion wrote:I think I may have found our new Roger Smith. May I present....James Marsden!

He's starred as Cyclops in the X-Men movies, so he can do action, plus I think he's got the look to fulfill the role.


I'm also try to scare up a new Dorothy, so hopefully the main roles will be filled soon.

I really like James Marsden as Roger Smith now that you mention it. Yes, I will go with you on that cast. I can really see that work.

Well, I am finished with my recommendations. Here it is for review.

Roger Smith played by James Marsden.
R. Dorothy Wayneright played by Natalie Portman.

Somebody else should have an opinion on this.
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Postby R. Zion » Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:48 pm

Omega Amen wrote:Somebody else should have an opinion on this.

Should would be the key word, my friend. ^_^
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