Inuyasha - An Interesting Biblical Comparison

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Inuyasha - An Interesting Biblical Comparison

Postby Alex_Dragon » Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:56 pm

I have noticed and interesting thing in Inuyasha.Now please keep in mind that i am not trying to "Christianize"inuyasha i believe that God used inuyahsa as a comparision to life so that i could overcome temptation in my life.

This contains Spoilers don't read this unless you have been watching the show up until they meet Goeshinkie(sp?)

Now on to the story

I was thinking the other day about on inuyasha how when the tetsuiga was bitten in two and inuyasha changed,it struck me that when his sword was unuseable his personality changed for the worse,And after that if his sword is not in his hands he will change.Now consider this,when we are tempted by satan and our guard is down and we fall into temptation we are in no situation to get up and move on we know we are wrong but continue to do it.Just like when inuyasha changes,if we don't have our swords(bible)ready we will fall in to temptation just like he falls into his demon state.But once we master our sword it will be nearly impossible for us to fall because we know how to guard ourselves.Also like inuyasha and the tetsuiga.
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Postby Ashley » Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:55 pm

Ok, I am not fond of threads like these. They are dangerous and sometimes very misleading, and I take the word of God extremely seriously. So for now, I'll let this thread stay open, but the moment it contains twisted interpretation of scripture to fit this "allegory", I'm shutting it down. The truth is, shows like this and the matrix and trigun were never meant to have Christian themes in them (or, shall I rephrase this, positive Christian allegorical themes in them--meaning they were put there on purpose to spread the truth) so it's very dangerous to start comparing them to Christianity.
The point? This thread is being monitored carefully. Be warned.
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Postby Alex_Dragon » Wed Oct 15, 2003 2:23 am

I'm offended by the implication that i don't take the bible seriously i was just sharing something that i thought was neat, and you are making it out to be something more than it is.
The gate to tommorow is not the light of heaven; but the darkness of the depths of the Earth. -Vincent Valentine -Final Fantasy 7
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Postby Ashley » Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:36 am

That wasn't my intention at all; I'm sorry I offended you. I just wanted to warn all members, not just you, that these kinds of threads are fairly dangerous and need to be treated with caution. I wasn't trying to imply you WOULD do something that horrible, but it was something that as an administrator, I needed to say. Part of being a good leader, I have learned, is being up front and open about things when they arise. So again, I wasn't accusing you of "making it out to be something more than it is" or "not taking the bible seriously"; far from it. It's perfectly ok to draw biblical themes from things (like say, if Character A takes a bullet for Character B), just be careful how far you go. That's all I was trying to say.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Wed Oct 15, 2003 6:49 pm

I agree. I have read reviews on websites before of some of the most occultic entertainment, and the 'Christian' reviewer tries to draw a parallel to Christianity to justify it. "It's all right to view it if you do so for the 'message' and not for the entertainment." That's an oxymoron if you ask me. I am NOT calling Inuyasha occultic, I'm just saying what I've seen other people try to do. You're observation is very interesting though.
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Postby Artimus-sama » Sat Oct 18, 2003 6:25 pm

You know I never thougth of it that way. That is a neat thing to think about. :thumb: :hug:
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Postby Blewin » Sun Oct 19, 2003 4:55 am

one doesn't necessarily have to justify any shows with christianity, and drawing parallels does not necessarily mean that the particular show in discussion is worth watching, for God uses things around us to reveal things to us.

interesting observation Alex (good sharing), that reminds me of the armours of God mentioned in Ephesians. Definitely right.

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Postby Macross » Mon Oct 20, 2003 6:28 am

I agree with Ashley, we´ve got to be careful, but I do understand what Alex_Dragon said... I beleve that God can talk to us in ways we think hard to belive, and it´s difficult for other people to see it, maybe cause that message was for one person only...
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:42 pm

I agree too, I have personally found similarities to christianity in secular games that probably didn't intend for it in the first place.

Such as Final Fantasy 4: Cecil's transformation at Mt. Ordeals stood out to me personally as similar to salvation. Cecil begins as a Dark Knight clothed in Darkness, but it is on Mt. Ordeals that he renounces the darkness and and becomes a Paladin (Holy Knight.) Similarily, when we accept Christ, we renounce the darkness and become Light in the world. (I REALLY wish they hadn't thrown in that New Age 'Mother Earth' junk at the very end of the game. :stressed: )

Kingdom Hearts: The whole game was about Light vs. Darkness, Just like Ansem opened his heart to darkness, and it consumed him, and in the very end, destroyed him, when we open our hearts to the darkness of this world, it consumes us and eventually destroys us.

I'm NOT trying to 'Christianize' or justify these games, but since Alex decided to share what he had observed, I figured I would share some things that have stood out to me in other forms of entertainment personally.
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Postby Blewin » Thu Oct 23, 2003 6:01 am

aren't the things that christianity adhere to a bit of a tradition anyway? it's natural then that you can find them in general press even though the people who write the stuff aren't christians themselves.
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Postby Niyana » Sat Oct 25, 2003 2:50 am

XD I use to think I accidentally would connect things to an undertone of Christianity when there wasnt one intended, but then the more I thought about it, I think I just feel that overall a lot of areas of society are affected by Christian stories/morals/lessons, etc. Not because the writer sets out to make it so, it just happens because the Bible is soooo morally awesome and full of the best wisdom on earth that if you try and come up with some story that has a moral lesson, it ends up following some lesson displayed in the Bible. Not only that, but many people have heard stories throughout time, thinking some childrens writer wrote the story, only to find out in their adult life, much later, that the original actually came from the Bible. ^_^ Just thought I would throw my interpretation out there since this thread caught my eye cause I am watching Inuyasha right now. XD
My ending point:::Although it is cool to find these undertones in movies/animes/stories/etc, just make sure you dont twist Scripture around to try and fit it to the way the writer worked his story. It's like my friend when I would tell her she looked a ton like someone who was younger than her. She would always rebuke it with "no, they look a ton like me, I was here first remember?".
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Oct 25, 2003 3:31 am

hmm... More like matrix (the first one anyhow ignoring reloaded) ALL of serial experiments lain could be interpreted in a christian light, even if that's not what the author intended

[spoiler="Lain Spoiler"]*specially the **Father** if you*ve seen it... Anyone else think that the **father** is the **God that existed all along** meaning that eiri was a false deity and the man acting as Lain*s father was actually God (though eiri took the form of Lain*s father a couple times, but it*s obvious that wasn*t the same person, with the dolls giving that **history lesson** in that one episode...[/spoiler]

I think that one of the many interpretations you can get out of lain, the one that I got, was what I just said in my spoiler tag... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Oct 25, 2003 4:22 am

Bobtheduck wrote:hmm... More like matrix (the first one anyhow ignoring reloaded) ALL of serial experiments lain could be interpreted in a christian light, even if that's not what the author intended

[spoiler="Lain Spoiler"]*specially the **Father** if you*ve seen it... Anyone else think that the **father** is the **God that existed all along** meaning that eiri was a false deity and the man acting as Lain*s father was actually God (though eiri took the form of Lain*s father a couple times, but it*s obvious that wasn*t the same person, with the dolls giving that **history lesson** in that one episode...[/spoiler]

I think that one of the many interpretations you can get out of lain, the one that I got, was what I just said in my spoiler tag...

man, just revisited the TechTV boards... People get psycho when it comes to lain... I mean, even more psycho than the matrix fans... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Superswordgrl » Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:58 am

Wow that makes alot of scence to me
undefinedundefinedundefinedHi I am a huge anime fan i like DBZ, Yu Yu Hokashou, Digimon, Inuyasha, Cardcaptors, .hack//sign, and Rurouni Kenshin.[img]http://[/img] :poke: :poke: :hits_self :dance:
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Postby HondaTooru » Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:48 am

I think its all about perspective. You were watching and then something just struck a chord in you. Now by saying that you found a christian theme or moral in a story, you're not necessarily saying that the story itself represents the christian faith. But as long as you got something good out of it, that's awesome! God speaks to us in strange ways. Perhaps he sometimes speaks to us through media/entertainment. Now, another person watching the same thing may not have the same interpretation.. Unless the creator of Inuyasha specifically clarifies that something is taken from christianity, no interpretation can be proved right or wrong.. It's all relative to the viewer.

Take "Goldilocks and the Three bears." Is the moral of the story
a) Don't walk into strangers' houses
b) Don't use other people's things without permission
c) Don't be a glutton
d) Stay away from bears
e) In the words of Aladdin, "You're only in trouble if you get caught."
f) Something else I didn't think of

Guarantee you that in a poll, the answers would be scattered. But if you heard the story of Goldilocks and it reminded you of a story in the Bible, jolly good for you!
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Postby HondaTooru » Fri Jun 25, 2004 2:00 am

Just a little side not here... I don't really think there's anything wrong with looking for christian themes in everything. Aren't we supposed to try and apply what we learn from the Bible to our everyday lives? Am I right?
[align=center][align=left][color=Plum]Autumn アータム / Aki [/color] (I respond to both.) :angel:[color=MediumTurquoise][size=84]
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Postby TrigunX89 » Sat Jun 26, 2004 1:29 pm

I think that's a good point, Alex. I never thought of that.

Personally, I think it's fine to relate things like that. It was just an observation. As long as we aren't going to think that InuYasha is a Christian anime, and start believing everything we see in it, I wouldn't see a problem in it.

There's a cool article on Trigun and Christianity here. It does contain spoilers, so be warned. I wouldn't call Trigun a Christian anime, but it does have a lot of good messages in it. I'm curious to see how Trigun Maximum will deal with Wolfwood though.
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Postby HondaTooru » Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:34 am

That is a good article! Thanks for sharing!
[align=center][align=left][color=Plum]Autumn アータム / Aki [/color] (I respond to both.) :angel:[color=MediumTurquoise][size=84]
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Re: Inuyasha - An Interesting Biblical Comparison

Postby alby » Sat Dec 10, 2022 8:41 pm

Wow... I know these comments were made long ago, but Alex's post caught my attention. Something came across my mind about the bible too when I saw Inuyasha's brother's sword. Inuyasha's sword is to confront, but his brother is to heal and revive.
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Re: Inuyasha - An Interesting Biblical Comparison

Postby shooraijin » Tue Dec 13, 2022 6:18 pm

Welcome, Alby. Feel free to introduce yourself in Who's Who if you like.
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