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Fma(may contain spoilers)

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Fma(may contain spoilers)

Postby Eastkun » Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:37 pm

EDIT: He isn't kidding about spoilers. This is about episode 46.

[spoiler]This used to be my favorite show until episode 46 when Izumi said that Before Christ comes from an old religion that doesn't exist anymore. This kind of offended me. I don't really like the show that much anymore.[/spoiler]
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:49 pm

.... oookkkaaayyy and your point is?

another thing to note, just because one character has like atheist views and such, doesnt mean you should hate on the whole show

I mean in this world you got atheist saying like "OOOHHHH Jesus sucks" and "Jesus isn't God" and "Christianity is so fake" and stuff.... theres worse stuff in this world

id like it if you looked beyond what a simple person says... but if you dont wish that that is up to you

but seriously, there wasn't really much of a point of this thread
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Postby Eastkun » Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:18 am

Okay. Sorry, I changed my mind. You were right. Thanks.
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Postby agasfas » Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:24 am

another thing to note, just because one character has like atheist views and such, doesnt mean you should hate on the whole show

Actually, I know many members who stated they refuse to watch a anime because it had sorcery or mention of premarital sex. I'm sure there's a show that you will not watch based on the fact it has something you don't like. So isn't your point kind of contradictory in itself?

Anyways, I'm only trying to be difficult :P I must be pretty dang bored...

I guess my main point is everyone has something in particular they find distasteful which keeps them from wanting to watch a certain things.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:43 am

Moved to the anime board. Come on folks, we have different boards for a reason...
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:46 am

Although a number of animes I watch do have objectionable content (Monster is one that comes to mind, there is some amounts of nudity in it) It still doesn't keep me away from it... Monster is in fact my #1 favorite series, with its amazing plot and the indepthness of the characters...

theres a difference between "some objectional content" and "a LOT of objectional content"

izumi-sensei doesnt go around every episode saying "Christians are dumb yadda yadda"

plus i don't find anime characters saying they don't like religion much of a problem... i mean they're fictional... and it doesn't really affect me

other stuff... can be more affecting i think

ok i can't explain it well, and i think im confusing myself... i need to go to bed lol

edit: ok I think I SERIOUSLY do NOT know what I am saying... my argument is feeble and it sux cause i need sleep... and i don't understand my own argument

ill get back to ya later, i dont feel like thinking
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:48 pm

The fact of what you are getting at, MSP is that things like that are everywhere right?

I have a really good friend who is an athiest...but I don't hate her because of is awkward yes...but with a little prayer things are working out...

There is going to be stuff like this everywhere, Athiests are on the news, but do you stop watching news because of a few opinions? NO. News is sorta important..

If it bothers you, then don't watch that episode...^_^; izzat hard?

I have yet to see this episode...but I LOVE this series, and I don't think I will let such a tiny phrase get in the way,

you are talking about B.C right? Lemme ask you something...Is it really that important? I mean yah, It is cool to have a time line named after Christ...but I don't think it is a BIG deal...

bah... it is just a cartoon...and it isn't like it is anything explicit...
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Postby Heart of Sword » Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:32 am

With me, that kind of thing isn't important UNLESS it plays a big part in the storyline. If it's just something that's said that's kind of tongue-in-cheek, it usually won't cause me to stop watching the whole show. FMA...I don't know why people get so offended by it. I saw the first few episodes and thought it was actually pretty good, especially how they said that making chimera was "stepping on God's toes." I don't watch it but I don't really have a problem with it either.
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We will we will rock you
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:08 pm

Please do watch the spoilers in this thread. People who may have watched all of Fullmetal Alchemist featured on Adult Swim, hence thinking they are safe, would be surprised. I have added spoiler brackets to the first post.

On the subject of this thread, I can't comment about the context. Personally, objectionable content only turns me away from a series when I feel the series has nothing besides that objectionable content.
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